module SifttterRedux # ====================================================== # DBU Module # # Wrapper module for the Dropbox Uploader project # ====================================================== module DBU CONFIG_FILEPATH = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.dropbox_uploader') DEFAULT_MESSAGE = 'RUNNING DROPBOX UPLOADER' # ---------------------------------------------------- # download method # # Downloads the files at the remote Dropbox filepath # to a filepath on the local filesystem. # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def if !@local_path.nil? && !@remote_path.nil? CLIMessage::info_block(@message ||= DEFAULT_MESSAGE, 'Done.', SifttterRedux.verbose) do if SifttterRedux.verbose system "#{ @dbu } download #{ @remote_path } #{ @local_path }" else exec = `#{ @dbu } download #{ @remote_path } #{ @local_path }` end end else error = 'Local and remote DBU targets cannot be nil' Methadone::CLILogging.error(error) fail ArgumentError, error end end # ---------------------------------------------------- # install_wizard method # # Runs a wizard that installs Dropbox Uploader on the # local filesystem. # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.install_wizard(already_initialized = false) CLIMessage::section_block('CONFIGURING DROPBOX UPLOADER...') do # Prompt the user for a location to save Dropbox Uploader. ' path = CLIMessage::prompt('Location for Dropbox-Uploader', already_initialized ? Configuration['db_uploader']['base_filepath'] : DBU_LOCAL_FILEPATH) path.chop! if path.end_with?('/') # If the entered directory exists, clone the repository. if dbu_path = File.join(path, 'Dropbox-Uploader') executable_path = File.join(dbu_path, '') if CLIMessage::warning("Using pre-existing Dropbox Uploader at #{ dbu_path }...") else CLIMessage::info_block("Downloading Dropbox Uploader to #{ dbu_path }...", 'Done.', true) do system "git clone #{ dbu_path }" end end # If the user has never configured Dropbox Uploader, have them do it here. CLIMessage::info_block('Initializing Dropbox Uploader...') { system "#{ executable_path }" } unless File.exists?(CONFIG_FILEPATH) Configuration::add_section('db_uploader') unless Configuration::section_exists?('db_uploader') Configuration['db_uploader'].merge!('base_filepath' => path, 'dbu_filepath' => dbu_path, 'exe_filepath' => executable_path) else CLIMessage::error("Sorry, but #{ path } isn't a valid directory.") end end end # ---------------------------------------------------- # load method # # Loads the location of # @param dbu_path The local filepath to the script # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.load(dbu_path) @dbu = dbu_path end # ---------------------------------------------------- # set_local_target method # # Sets the local filesystem path to which files will # be downloaded. # @param path A local filepath # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.local_target=(path) @local_path = path end # ---------------------------------------------------- # set_message method # # Sets the message to be displayed just before # downloading commences. # @param message The string to display # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.message=(message) @message = message end # ---------------------------------------------------- # set_remote_target method # # Sets the remote Dropbox path from which files will # be downloaded. # @param path A remote Dropbox filepath # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.remote_target=(path) @remote_path = path end # ---------------------------------------------------- # upload method # # Uploads the files from the local filesystem path to # the remote Dropbox path. # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.upload if !@local_path.nil? && !@remote_path.nil? CLIMessage::info_block(@message ||= DEFAULT_MESSAGE, 'Done.', SifttterRedux.verbose) do if SifttterRedux.verbose system "#{ @dbu } upload #{ @local_path } #{ @remote_path }" else exec = `#{ @dbu } upload #{ @local_path } #{ @remote_path }` end end else error = 'Local and remote DBU targets cannot be nil' Methadone::CLILogging.error(error) fail ArgumentError, error end end end end