.alert.alert-info | Wagon is our tool to create, modify and deploy locomotive sites. See our documentation site for more information. h3 Install Wagon .alert.alert-warning | You need to have Ruby installed. For more explanation, check out our documentation. pre code.bash | gem install locomotivecms_wagon --pre h3 Get the source code of your site locally pre code.bash = developer_documentation_wagon_clone_string p | If you already have a Wagon site, just add the following code inside your config/deploy.yml file. pre code.yaml | production:
| host: #{request.scheme}://#{request.host_with_port}
| handle: #{current_site.handle}
| email: #{current_locomotive_account.email}
| api_key: #{current_locomotive_account.api_key} h3 Run your site locally pre code.bash | cd #{current_site_name_with_underscores}
wagon serve p Now, update any files of your site and see the results locally. h3 Deploy your modifications pre code.bash | wagon push production