### Auto-generated by create_rc
### Edit this file to suit your needs and then copy it somewhere.
### Then use xmltv2html.rb --config-file=FILE
### Note that this file is actually Ruby code.
# Will output info to STDERR
@verbose = true
# Number of channels to repeat times horizontally; 0 to disable
@times_interval = 4
# Number of hours to repeat channels vertically; 0 to disable
@channels_interval = 4
# true = 12 hour format; false = 24 hour format
@time_format_12 = true
# Use channel favorites?
@use_favorites = true
# List favorite channels below (seperate by a ',')
# The titles must be exact, not regular expressions.
@favorite_list = [
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation",
"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit", "Angel", "Law & Order",
"The Shield", "Law & Order: Criminal Intent",
"Charmed", "The West Wing"
# Print out list of favorites beneath the listings?
@output_favorites = false
# Name of CSS file
@css_filename = 'xmltv2html.css'
# Categories - use specified CSS class for given category.
# You must give the exact category for this to match. Look
# at the xml data file for a list of categories.
# Put the corresponding CSS class in your .css file
# .sports-event
# {
# color: red;
# background-color: white;
# }
@categories = {
"Sports event" => "sports-event",
"News" => "news"
# If true, will display date on the hour cell
# (helpful for multiple days).
# Color, etc in CSS file
@output_date_in_time = true
# The format to display the date
# %m = month (01..12); %d = day (01..31); %b = Abbr month (Jan)
# %a = Abbr weekday (Sun)
# @date_format = '%m-%d'
# @date_format = '%b %m-%d'
@date_format = '%a %d'
# Should the programme's description 'popup' on mouseover?
# This will enlarge the output by the size of all the programme's
# descriptions.
@use_programme_popup = true
# What method to use for popup? DHTML or STATUSBAR
# Some browsers disable pages from changing the statusbar.
@programme_popup_method = "DHTML" # "STATUSBAR"
# Title is the top line of popup; body is the below part.
# Define the popup: %T = title, %S = sub-title
# %D = description, %R = rating
# %P = previously-shown; will display (R)
# Example: @popup_title_format = "%T"
# Example: @popup_body_format = "%D
# DHTML: You can put *some* CSS/HTML stuff here as well...
@popup_title_format = "%T"
@popup_body_format = "%S %P
Rating: %R"
# Attributes for the DHTML popup
@popup_title_color = "#FFFFFF"
@popup_title_font = "" # "Utopia"
@popup_title_font_size = "2" # FONT SIZE=
@popup_title_background_color = "#000099"
@popup_body_color = "#000000"
@popup_body_font = "" # "Utopia"
@popup_body_font_size = "1" # FONT SIZE=
@popup_body_background_color = "#E8E8FF"
@popup_body_width = "200" # pixels
# xmltv and xmltv2html home page links
@output_links = true
@start_time = ""
@stop_time = ""