# encoding: utf-8 require_relative 'spec_helper' require 'yaml' require 'awesome_print' require 'libis/tools/config_file' require 'libis/services/rosetta/producer_handler' describe 'Rosetta Producer Service' do let(:credentials) {Libis::Tools::ConfigFile.new File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'credentials-test.yml')} # noinspection RubyResolve let(:admin) {credentials.admin} # noinspection RubyResolve let(:admin_usr) {admin.user} # noinspection RubyResolve let(:admin_uid) {admin.user_id} # noinspection RubyResolve let(:admin_pwd) {admin.password} # noinspection RubyResolve let(:admin_ins) {admin.institute} let(:contact_info) {{user_id: credentials.contact.user_id, name: 'Test User'}} # noinspection RubyResolve subject(:producer_handler) do handler = Libis::Services::Rosetta::ProducerHandler.new credentials.rosetta_url, log: credentials.debug, log_level: credentials.debug_level handler end before :each do # noinspection RubyResolve producer_handler.authenticate(credentials.admin.user, credentials.admin.password, credentials.admin.institute) end context 'user info' do # noinspection RubyBlockToMethodReference let(:user_id) {admin_uid} # noinspection RubyBlockToMethodReference let(:user_name) {admin_usr} it 'gets user id' do result = producer_handler.user_id(user_name) expect(result).to eq user_id end it 'checks user id' do result = producer_handler.is_user?(user_name) expect(result).to be_truthy result = producer_handler.is_user?(user_id) expect(result).to be_falsey result = producer_handler.is_user?('user_that_does_not_exist') expect(result).to be_falsey end end context 'producer' do let(:producer_id) {credentials.producer.id} let(:producer_data) {credentials.producer.data.to_hash} # noinspection RubyArgCount let(:producer_info) {::Libis::Services::Rosetta::Producer.new(producer_data).to_hash} let(:updated_info) {{email: 'nomail@mail.com', telephone_2: '0032 16 32 22 22'}} let(:new_producer_info) { producer_data.merge( authoritative_name: 'new test producer', email: 'nomail@mail.com', telephone_2: '0032 16 32 22 22', ) } def new_producer_id(id = nil) $new_producer_id = id if id "#{$new_producer_id}" end it 'get producer' do result = producer_handler.producer(producer_id) # ap result expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result.to_hash).to match producer_data expect(producer_data).to match result.to_hash end it 'create producer' do result = producer_handler.new_producer(new_producer_info) expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result).to match(/^\d+$/) new_producer_id(result) end it 'update producer' do result = producer_handler.producer(new_producer_id, updated_info) expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result).to eq new_producer_id result = producer_handler.producer(new_producer_id) expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result.to_hash).to match new_producer_info.merge(updated_info) end it 'delete producer' do result = producer_handler.delete_producer new_producer_id expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result).to eq new_producer_id end # noinspection RubyResolve it 'get material flows of producer' do result = producer_handler.material_flows credentials.producer.id expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result).to include credentials.material_flow.automated.to_h # Disabled: Rosetta bug ? # expect(result).to include credentials.material_flow.manual.to_h end end # Disabled section. Rosett bugs and insuficient documentation cause these tests to fail. context 'producer agent' do let(:new_agent_data) { { user_name: 'testagent2', first_name: 'Test', last_name: 'Agent', email_address: 'test@mail.com', street: 'Willem de Croylaan 54', city: 'Heverlee', zip: '3001', country: 'Belgium', telephone_1: '0032 16 32 22 66', user_group: 'producer_agents' }} let(:new_agent) { data = new_agent_data.dup # data[:password] = data[:password_verify] = 'abc123ABC' # noinspection RubyArgCount Libis::Services::Rosetta::ProducerAgent.new(data).to_hash } # noinspection RubyResolve let(:agent_data) {credentials.producer_agent.data.to_hash} # noinspection RubyArgCount let(:agent) {::Libis::Services::Rosetta::User.new(agent_data)} # noinspection RubyResolve let(:agent_id) {credentials.producer_agent.user_id} # noinspection RubyResolve let(:agent_ins) {credentials.producer_agent.institute} def new_agent_id(val = nil) $new_agent_id = val.to_i if val $new_agent_id end it 'get info' do result = producer_handler.agent(agent_id) expect(result).not_to be_nil # ap result.to_hash # ap agent_data expect(result.to_hash).to match agent_data end # DISABLED: Rosetta API does noet work anymore as expected # it 'create' do # result = producer_handler.new_agent new_agent # expect(result).not_to be_nil # expect(result).to match(/^\d+$/) # new_agent_id result # end # it 'get info' do # result = producer_handler.agent(new_agent_id) # expect(result).not_to be_nil # expect(result.to_hash).to match new_agent_data # end # it 'update info' do # # update data # updated_agent = new_agent_data.dup # updated_agent[:email_address] = 'other@mail.com' # result = producer_handler.agent(new_agent_id, updated_agent) # expect(result).not_to be_nil # expect(result).to eq new_agent_id # # retrieve updated data # result = producer_handler.agent(new_agent_id) # expect(result).not_to be_nil # expect(result.to_hash).to match updated_agent # end # it 'delete' do # result = producer_handler.delete_agent new_agent_id # expect(result).not_to be_nil # expect(result).to eq new_agent_id # result = producer_handler.agent(new_agent_id) # expect(result).to be_nil # end it 'get producers' do result = producer_handler.agent_producers agent_id, agent_ins expect(result).not_to be_nil # noinspection RubyResolve expect(result).to eq [{id: credentials.producer.id, description: credentials.producer.data.authoritative_name}] end end context 'contact' do let(:contact_id) {credentials.contact.user_id} let(:contact_info) {credentials.contact.data.to_hash} let(:new_contact) { # noinspection RubyArgCount ::Libis::Services::Rosetta::User.new( first_name: 'New', last_name: 'Contact', language: 'English', status: 'ACTIVE', telephone_1: '0032 16 32 00 00', email_address: 'nomail@mail.com', street: 'Oude Markt 1', city: 'Leuven', country: 'Belgium', zip: '3000', ) } let(:updated_info) {{email_address: 'new_contact@mail.com', telephone_2: '0032 16 32 22 22'}} let(:updated_contact) {new_contact.to_hash.dup.merge(updated_info)} def new_contact_id(val = nil) $new_contact_id = val.to_i if val "#{$new_contact_id}" end it 'get info' do result = producer_handler.contact(contact_id) expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result.to_hash).to match contact_info end it 'create' do result = producer_handler.new_contact new_contact expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result).to match(/^\d+$/) new_contact_id result end it 'update info' do # update data result = producer_handler.contact(new_contact_id, updated_info) expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result).to eq new_contact_id # retrieve updated data result = producer_handler.contact(new_contact_id) expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result.to_hash).to match updated_contact end it 'delete' do result = producer_handler.delete_contact new_contact_id expect(result).not_to be_nil expect(result).to eq new_contact_id end end end