// .theme-custom // Use of the revealjs_theme attribute to load a different revealjs theme // :include: //link[@rel="stylesheet"] | //body/script | //div[@class="slides"] // :header_footer: = OWASP Theme :customcss: theme-custom.css // reveal.js config :backend: revealjs // To use the custom theme, you'll have to add my owasp scss file to a local reveal.js copy then build // custom theme from: https://github.com/GoSecure/reveal.js/tree/theme-owasp // follow build instructions here: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/blob/master/css/theme/README.md :revealjs_theme: owasp :revealjs_controls: false :revealjs_center: false // achieving 16:9 :revealjs_width: 1280 :revealjs_height: 720 // shorthands :topic: .topic,background-color="#da291c" :key: .topic,background-color="black" [{topic}] == A CTF, WTF is that? [{key}] == CTF => Capture The Flags == Actually, they are... * hacking games * hacking puzzles * computer science puzzle * nerd puzzles