describe HybridPlatformsConductor::ActionsExecutor do context 'when checking actions handling' do # Instantiate a test platform, with the test action registered in Actions Executor. # # Parameters:: # * *block* (Proc): Code called with the environment ready # * Parameters:: # * *repository* (String): Path to the repository def with_test_platform_for_actions(&block) with_test_platform_for_executor(nodes: { 'node1' => {}, 'node2' => {}, 'node3' => {} }, &block) end it 'executes a simple action on 1 node' do with_test_platform_for_actions do test_actions_executor.execute_actions('node1' => { test_action: 'Action executed' }) expect(action_executions).to eq [{ node: 'node1', message: 'Action executed' }] end end it 'fails to execute an unknown action' do with_test_platform_for_actions do expect { test_actions_executor.execute_actions('node1' => { unknown_action: 'Action executed' }) }.to raise_error(/Unknown action type unknown_action/) end end it 'executes a simple action on several nodes' do with_test_platform_for_actions do test_actions_executor.execute_actions(%w[node1 node2 node3] => { test_action: 'Action executed' }) expect(action_executions).to eq [ { node: 'node1', message: 'Action executed' }, { node: 'node2', message: 'Action executed' }, { node: 'node3', message: 'Action executed' } ] end end it 'executes several actions on 1 node' do with_test_platform_for_actions do test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => [ { test_action: 'Action 1 executed' }, { test_action: 'Action 2 executed' }, { test_action: 'Action 3 executed' } ] ) expect(action_executions).to eq [ { node: 'node1', message: 'Action 1 executed' }, { node: 'node1', message: 'Action 2 executed' }, { node: 'node1', message: 'Action 3 executed' } ] end end it 'executes different actions on several nodes' do with_test_platform_for_actions do test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => { test_action: 'Action 1 executed' }, 'node2' => { test_action: 'Action 2 executed' }, 'node3' => { test_action: 'Action 3 executed' } ) expect(action_executions).to eq [ { node: 'node1', message: 'Action 1 executed' }, { node: 'node2', message: 'Action 2 executed' }, { node: 'node3', message: 'Action 3 executed' } ] end end it 'executes several actions of different types' do with_test_platform_for_actions do actions_executed = [] expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => [ { ruby: proc do |stdout, stderr| stdout << 'action1_stdout ' stderr << 'action1_stderr ' actions_executed << 'action1' end }, { bash: 'echo action2_stdout' }, { ruby: proc do |stdout, stderr| stdout << 'action3_stdout' stderr << 'action3_stderr' actions_executed << 'action3' end } ] ) ).to eq('node1' => [0, "action1_stdout action2_stdout\naction3_stdout", 'action1_stderr action3_stderr']) expect(actions_executed).to eq %w[action1 action3] end end it 'executes several actions on 1 node specified using different selectors' do with_test_platform_for_actions do test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => { test_action: 'Action 1 executed' }, '/node1/' => { test_action: 'Action 2 executed' } ) expect(action_executions).to eq [ { node: 'node1', message: 'Action 1 executed' }, { node: 'node1', message: 'Action 2 executed' } ] end end it 'fails to execute an action on an unknown node' do with_test_platform_for_actions do expect { test_actions_executor.execute_actions('unknown_node' => { test_action: 'Action executed' }) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Unknown nodes: unknown_node') expect(action_executions).to eq [] end end it 'fails to execute actions being interactive in parallel' do with_test_platform_for_actions do expect do test_actions_executor.execute_actions( { 'node1' => { test_action: 'Action executed' }, 'node2' => { interactive: true } }, concurrent: true ) raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Cannot have concurrent executions for interactive sessions') end end it 'returns errors without failing for actions having command issues' do with_test_platform_for_actions do expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 1' } } }, 'node2' => { test_action: { code: proc { raise HybridPlatformsConductor::CmdRunner::UnexpectedExitCodeError, 'Command returned 1' } } }, 'node3' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 3' } } } ) ).to eq( 'node1' => [0, 'Action 1', ''], 'node2' => [:failed_command, '', "Command returned 1\n"], 'node3' => [0, 'Action 3', ''] ) end end it 'returns errors without failing for actions having timeout issues' do with_test_platform_for_actions do expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 1' } } }, 'node2' => { test_action: { code: proc { raise HybridPlatformsConductor::CmdRunner::TimeoutError } } }, 'node3' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 3' } } } ) ).to eq( 'node1' => [0, 'Action 1', ''], 'node2' => [:timeout, '', ''], 'node3' => [0, 'Action 3', ''] ) end end it 'returns errors without failing for actions having connection issues' do with_test_platform_for_actions do expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 1' } } }, 'node2' => { test_action: { code: proc { raise HybridPlatformsConductor::ActionsExecutor::ConnectionError, 'Can\'t connect' } } }, 'node3' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 3' } } } ) ).to eq( 'node1' => [0, 'Action 1', ''], 'node2' => [:connection_error, '', "Can't connect\n"], 'node3' => [0, 'Action 3', ''] ) end end it 'returns errors without failing for actions having unhandled exceptions' do with_test_platform_for_actions do expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 1' } } }, 'node2' => { test_action: { code: proc { raise 'Strange error' } } }, 'node3' => { test_action: { code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 3' } } } ) ).to eq( 'node1' => [0, 'Action 1', ''], 'node2' => [:failed_action, '', "Strange error\n"], 'node3' => [0, 'Action 3', ''] ) end end it 'returns errors without failing for actions on nodes having no connectors' do with_test_platform_for_actions do test_actions_executor.connector(:test_connector).accept_nodes = %w[node1 node3] expect( test_actions_executor.execute_actions( 'node1' => { test_action: { need_connector: true, code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 1' } } }, 'node2' => { test_action: { need_connector: true, code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 2' } } }, 'node3' => { test_action: { need_connector: true, code: proc { |stdout| stdout << 'Action 3' } } } ) ).to eq( 'node1' => [0, 'Action 1', ''], 'node2' => [:no_connector, '', 'Unable to get a connector to node2'], 'node3' => [0, 'Action 3', ''] ) end end end end