


snapshot ============ [![Twitter: @KauseFx](]( [![License](]( [![Gem](]( ###### Automate taking localized screenshots of your iOS app on every device You have an iPhone app. You support 20 languages. You updated the design. You want to release the update to the App Store. What's missing? **New Screenshots** You want them to look **perfect** and **gorgeous**. They should show the same screens on all devices in all languages. You have to manually create 20 (languages) x 4 (devices) x 5 (screenshots) = **400 screenshots**. It's hard to get everything right! - New screenshots with every (design) update - No loading indicators - Same content / screens - [Clean Status Bar](#use-a-clean-status-bar) - Uploading screenshots ([```deliver```]( is your friend) This gem solves all those problems. It will run completely in the background - you can do something else, while your computer takes the screenshots for you. Get in contact with the developer on Twitter: [@KrauseFx]( -------

FeaturesInstallationUI AutomationQuick StartUsageTipsNeed help?

snapshot is part of fastlane: connect all deployment tools into one streamlined workflow.
# Features - Create hundreds of screenshots in multiple languages on all simulators - Configure it once, store the configuration in git - Do something else, while the computer takes the screenshots for you - Integrated with [`fastlane`]( and [`deliver`]( - Generates a beautiful web page, which shows all screenshots on all devices. This is perfect to send to Q&A or the marketing team - ```snapshot``` automatically waits for network requests to be finished before taking a screenshot (we don't want loading images in the App Store screenshots) After ```snapshot``` successfully created new screenshots, it will generate a beautiful html file to get a quick overview of all screens: ![assets/htmlPagePreviewFade.jpg](assets/htmlPagePreviewFade.jpg) ## Why? This gem automatically switches the language and device type and runs the automation script to take all screenshots. ### Why should I automate this process? - It takes **hours** to take screenshots - It is an integration test: You can test for UI elements and other things inside your scripts - Be so nice, and provide new screenshots with every App Store update. Your customers deserve it - You realise, there is a spelling mistake in one of the screens? Well, just correct it and re-run the script. - You get a great overview of all your screens, running on all available simulators without the need to manually start it hundreds of times ###Why use ```snapshot``` instead of.... I've been using many other solutions out there. Unfortunately none of them were perfect. The biggest issue was random timeouts of ```Instruments``` when starting the script. This problem is solved with ```snapshot``` - **UI Automation in Instruments**: Instruments can only run your app on one device in one language. You have to manually switch it. - **[ui-screen-shooter](**: This is the best alternative out there right now. It's based on AppleScript, you can not update it properly and there are quite some hacks in there. ```snapshot``` uses a very similar technique - just in a clean and maintainable Ruby gem. - **[Subliminal](**: A good approach to write the interaction code in Objective C. Unfortunately it has a lot of open issues with the latest release of Xcode. Also, it requires modifications of your Xcode project and schemes, which might break some other things. # Installation Install the gem sudo gem install snapshot Make sure, you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed: xcode-select --install # UI Automation ## Getting started This project uses Apple's ```UI Automation``` under the hood. I will not go into detail on how to write scripts. Here a few links to get started: - [Apple's official documentation]( - [UI Automation: An Introduction (]( - [Functional Testing UI Automation (]( # Quick Start - Run ```snapshot init``` in your project folder - Profile your app (CMD + I), choose ```Automation``` and click the Record button on the bottom of the window. - This will get you started. Copy the generated code into ```./snapshot.js```. Make sure, you leave the import statement on the top. - To take a screenshot, use ```captureLocalizedScreenshot('0-name')``` Here is a nice gif, that shows ```snapshot``` in action: ![assets/snapshot.gif](assets/snapshot.gif) You can take a look at the example project to play around with it. ## Start ```snapshot``` - ```cd [your_project_folder]``` - ```snapshot``` Your screenshots will be stored in ```./screenshots/``` by default. From now on, you can run ```snapshot``` to create new screenshots of your app. # Usage ``` snapshot ``` To skip cleaning the project: ``` snapshot --noclean ``` By default, `snapshot`, will re-install the app, to make sure it's in a clean state. In case you don't want this run ``` SNAPSHOT_SKIP_UNINSTALL=1 snapshot ``` ## Snapfile #### Why should you have to remember complicated commands and parameters? Store your configuration in a text file to easily take screenshots from any computer. Create a file called ```Snapfile``` in your project directory. Once you created your configuration, just run ```snapshot```. The ```Snapfile``` may contain the following information (all are optional): ### Simulator Types ```ruby devices([ "iPhone 6", "iPhone 6 Plus", "iPhone 5", "iPhone 4s", "iPad Air" ]) ``` ### Languages ```ruby languages([ "en-US", "de-DE", "es-ES" ]) ``` ### JavaScript file Usually ```snapshot``` automatically finds your JavaScript file. If that's not the case, you can pass the path to your test file. ```ruby js_file './path/file.js' ``` ### Scheme To not be asked which scheme to use, just set it like this: ```ruby scheme "Name" ``` You can also use the environment variable ```SNAPSHOT_SCHEME```. ### Screenshots output path All generated screenshots will be stored in the given path. ```ruby screenshots_path './screenshots' ``` You can also use the environment variable ```SNAPSHOT_SCREENSHOTS_PATH```. ### Project Path By default, ```snapshot``` will look for your project in the current directory. If it is located somewhere else, pass your custom path: ```ruby project_path "./my_project/Project.xcworkspace" ``` ### iOS Version I'll try to keep the script up to date. If you need to change the iOS version, you can do it like this: ```ruby ios_version "9.0" ``` ### Custom Build Command If for some reason, the default build command does not work for your project, you can pass your own build script. The script will be executed **once** before the tests are being run. **Make sure** you are setting the output path to ```/tmp/snapshot```. ```ruby build_command "xcodebuild DSTROOT='/tmp/snapshot' OBJROOT='/tmp/snapshot' SYMROOT='/tmp/snapshot' ... " ``` ### Custom callbacks to prepare your app Run your own script when ```snapshot``` switches the simulator type or the language. This can be used to - Logout the user - Reset all user defaults - Pre-fill the database To run a shell script, just use ```system('./')```. ```ruby setup_for_device_change do |device| puts "Preparing device: #{device}" end setup_for_language_change do |lang, device| puts "Running #{lang} on #{device}" system("./") end teardown_language do |lang, device| puts "Finished with #{lang} on #{device}" end teardown_device do |device| puts "Cleaning device #{device}" system("./") end ``` ### Skip alpha removal from screenshots In case you want to skip this process, just add ```skip_alpha_removal``` to your ```Snapfile```. ### Pass Bundle Identifier This is only required in case there is a problem automatically detecting it. ``` SNAPSHOT_APP_IDENTIFIER="" snapshot ``` # Tips ## [`fastlane`]( Toolchain - [`fastlane`]( Connect all deployment tools into one streamlined workflow - [`deliver`]( Upload screenshots, metadata and your app to the App Store using a single command - [`frameit`]( Quickly put your screenshots into the right device frames - [`PEM`]( Automatically generate and renew your push notification profiles - [`sigh`]( Because you would rather spend your time building stuff than fighting provisioning - [`produce`]( Create new iOS apps on iTunes Connect and Dev Portal using the command line ## Run in Continuous Integration If you want to run `snapshot` on your `Jenkins` machine (or any other CI-system), you might run into an `authorization` popup coming up. You can disable this dialog, running the following command: ``` security authorizationdb read system.privilege.taskport > /tmp/system.privilege.taskport.plist /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :allow-root true" /tmp/system.privilege.taskport.plist sudo security authorizationdb write system.privilege.taskport < /tmp/system.privilege.taskport.plist ``` I found this solution in the [`Subliminal` wiki]( ## Specify a custom ```Snapfile``` snapshot --snapfile ./SpecialSnapfile Be aware: The file will be executed from the current directory, not the location of the ```Snapfile```. That means: ```./screenshots``` will export the screenshots to the current directory of your terminal session. ## Available language codes ```ruby ["da-DK", "de-DE", "el-GR", "en-AU", "en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US", "es-ES", "es-MX", "fi-FI", "fr-CA", "fr-FR", "id-ID", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "ms-MY", "nl-NL", "no-NO", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "ru-RU", "sv-SE", "th-TH", "tr-TR", "vi-VI", "cmn-Hans", "zh_CN", "cmn-Hant"] ``` ## Use a clean status bar You can use [SimulatorStatusMagic]( to clean up the status bar. ## Editing the ```Snapfile``` Change syntax highlighting to *Ruby*. ## Instruments is not responding Unfortunately ```Instruments``` sometimes decides, to not respond to anything. Which means, neither the ```Instruments``` application, nor the ```instruments``` command line work. Killing the process doesn't help. The only way to fix this, is a restart of the Mac. # Need help? - If there is a technical problem with ```snapshot```, submit an issue. - I'm available for contract work - drop me an email: # License This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file. # Contributing 1. Create an issue to discuss about your idea 2. Fork it ( 3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create a new Pull Request