# # = bio/db/aaindex.rb - AAindex database class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001 # KAWASHIMA Shuichi # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006 # Mitsuteru C. Nakao # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: aaindex.rb,v 1.20 2007/04/05 23:35:40 trevor Exp $ # # == Description # # Classes for Amino Acid Index Database (AAindex and AAindex2). # * AAindex Manual: http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/show_man?aaindex # # == Examples # # aax1 = Bio::AAindex.auto("PRAM900102.aaindex1") # aax2 = Bio::AAindex.auto("DAYM780301.aaindex2") # # aax1 = Bio::AAindex1.new("PRAM900102.aaindex1") # aax1.entry_id # aax1.index # # aax2 = Bio::AAindex2.new("DAYM780301.aaindex2") # aax2.entry_id # aax2.matrix # aax2.matrix[2,2] # aax2.matrix('R', 'A') # aax2['R', 'A'] # # == References # # * http://www.genome.jp/aaindex/ # require "bio/db" require "matrix" module Bio # Super class for AAindex1 and AAindex2 class AAindex < KEGGDB # Delimiter DELIMITER ="\n//\n" # Delimiter RS = DELIMITER # Bio::DB API TAGSIZE = 2 # Auto detecter for two AAindex formats. # returns a Bio::AAindex1 object or a Bio::AAindex2 object. def self.auto(str) case str when /^I /m Bio::AAindex1.new(str) when /^M /m Bio::AAindex2.new(str) else raise end end # def initialize(entry) super(entry, TAGSIZE) end # Returns entry_id in the H line. def entry_id if @data['entry_id'] @data['entry_id'] else @data['entry_id'] = field_fetch('H') end end # Returns definition in the D line. def definition if @data['definition'] @data['definition'] else @data['definition'] = field_fetch('D') end end # Returns database links in the R line. # cf.) ['LIT:123456', 'PMID:12345678'] def dblinks if @data['ref'] @data['ref'] else @data['ref'] = field_fetch('R').split(' ') end end # Returns authors in the A line. def author if @data['author'] @data['author'] else @data['author'] = field_fetch('A') end end # Returns title in the T line. def title if @data['title'] @data['title'] else @data['title'] = field_fetch('T') end end # Returns journal name in the J line. def journal if @data['journal'] @data['journal'] else @data['journal'] = field_fetch('J') end end # Returns comment (if any). def comment if @data['comment'] @data['comment'] else @data['comment'] = field_fetch('*') end end end # Class for AAindex1 format. class AAindex1 < AAindex def initialize(entry) super(entry) end # Returns correlation_coefficient (Hash) in the C line. # # cf.) {'ABCD12010203' => 0.999, 'CDEF123456' => 0.543, ...} def correlation_coefficient if @data['correlation_coefficient'] @data['correlation_coefficient'] else hash = {} ary = field_fetch('C').split(' ') ary.each do |x| next unless x =~ /^[A-Z]/ hash[x] = ary[ary.index(x) + 1].to_f end @data['correlation_coefficient'] = hash end end # Returns the index (Array) in the I line. # # an argument: :string, :float, :zscore or :integer def index(type = :float) aa = %w( A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V ) values = field_fetch('I', 1).split(' ') if values.size != 20 raise "Invalid format in #{entry_id} : #{values.inspect}" end if type == :zscore and values.size > 0 sum = 0.0 values.each do |a| sum += a.to_f end mean = sum / values.size # / 20 var = 0.0 values.each do |a| var += (a.to_f - mean) ** 2 end sd = Math.sqrt(var) end if type == :integer figure = 0 values.each do |a| figure = [ figure, a[/\..*/].length - 1 ].max end end hash = {} aa.each_with_index do |a, i| case type when :string hash[a] = values[i] when :float hash[a] = values[i].to_f when :zscore hash[a] = (values[i].to_f - mean) / sd when :integer hash[a] = (values[i].to_f * 10 ** figure).to_i end end return hash end end # Class for AAindex2 format. class AAindex2 < AAindex def initialize(entry) super(entry) end # Returns row labels. def rows if @data['rows'] @data['rows'] else label_data @rows end end # Returns col labels. def cols if @data['cols'] @data['cols'] else label_data @cols end end # Returns the value of amino acids substitution (aa1 -> aa2). def [](aa1 = nil, aa2 = nil) matrix[cols.index(aa1), rows.index(aa2)] end # Returns amino acids matrix in Matrix. def matrix(aa1 = nil, aa2 = nil) return self[aa1, aa2] if aa1 and aa2 if @data['matrix'] @data['matrix'] else ma = [] label_data.each_line do |line| ma << line.strip.split(/\s+/).map {|x| x.to_f } end @data['matrix'] = Matrix[*ma] end end # Returns amino acids matrix in Matrix for the old format (<= ver 5.0). def old_matrix # for AAindex <= ver 5.0 return @data['matrix'] if @data['matrix'] @aa = {} # used to determine row/column of the aa attr_reader :aa alias_method :aa, :rows alias_method :aa, :cols field = field_fetch('I') case field when / (ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV)\s+(.*)/ # 20x19/2 matrix aalist = $1 values = $2.split(/\s+/) 0.upto(aalist.length - 1) do |i| @aa[aalist[i].chr] = i end ma = Array.new 20.times do ma.push(Array.new(20)) # 2D array of 20x(20) end for i in 0 .. 19 do for j in i .. 19 do ma[i][j] = values[i + j*(j+1)/2].to_f ma[j][i] = ma[i][j] end end @data['matrix'] = Matrix[*ma] when / -ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV / # 21x20/2 matrix (with gap) raise NotImplementedError when / ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYJ- / # 21x21 matrix (with gap) raise NotImplementedError end end private def label_data if @data['data'] @data['data'] else label, data = get('M').split("\n", 2) if /M rows = (\S+), cols = (\S+)/.match(label) rows, cols = $1, $2 @rows = rows.split('') @cols = cols.split('') end @data['data'] = data end end end # class AAindex2 end # module Bio if __FILE__ == $0 require 'bio/io/fetch' puts "### AAindex1 (PRAM900102)" aax1 = Bio::AAindex1.new(Bio::Fetch.query('aaindex', 'PRAM900102', 'raw')) p aax1.entry_id p aax1.definition p aax1.dblinks p aax1.author p aax1.title p aax1.journal p aax1.comment p aax1.correlation_coefficient p aax1.index p aax1 puts "### AAindex2 (DAYM780301)" aax2 = Bio::AAindex2.new(Bio::Fetch.query('aaindex', 'DAYM780301', 'raw')) p aax2.entry_id p aax2.definition p aax2.dblinks p aax2.author p aax2.title p aax2.journal p aax1.comment p aax2.rows p aax2.cols p aax2.matrix p aax2.matrix[2,2] p aax2.matrix[2,3] p aax2.matrix[4,3] p aax2.matrix.determinant p aax2.matrix.rank p aax2.matrix.transpose p aax2 end