//= require comfy/vendor/moxie.min //= require comfy/vendor/plupload.dev (() => { const DROP_TARGET_ACTIVE_CLASS = 'cms-uploader-drag-drop-target-active'; class FileUpload { constructor(container, settings) { if (!container.id) container.id = plupload.guid(); settings = Object.assign(FileUpload.defaultUploaderSettings(container.id), settings); this.ui = { container, list: container.querySelector('.cms-uploader-filelist'), dropElement: container.querySelector(`#${settings.drop_element}`), }; this.cleanupFns = []; this.uploader = new plupload.Uploader(settings); this.uploader.bind('PostInit', () => this.onUploaderPostInit()); this.uploader.bind('Error', (_uploader, error) => this.onUploaderError(error)); this.uploader.bind('FilesAdded', (_uploader, files) => this.onUploaderFilesAdded(files)); this.uploader.bind('UploadProgress', (_uploader, file) => this.onUploaderUploadProgress(file)); this.uploader.bind('FileUploaded', (_uploader, file, info) => this.onUploaderFileUploaded(file, info)); this.uploader.bind('FilesRemoved', (_uploader, files) => this.onUploaderFilesRemoved(files)); this.uploader.init(); if (settings.setup) { settings.setup(this.uploader); } } destroy() { this.uploader.destroy(); for (const cleanupFn of this.cleanupFns) { cleanupFn(); } } addCleanup(cleanupFn) { this.cleanupFns.push(cleanupFn); } onUploaderPostInit() { // Show drag and drop info and attach events only if drag and drop is enabled and supported. if (!this.uploader.settings.dragdrop || !this.uploader.features.dragdrop) { this.ui.container.querySelector('.cms-uploader-drag-drop-info').style.display = 'none'; return; } // When dragging over the document add a class to the drop target that puts it on top of every element and remove // that class when dropping or leaving the drop target. Otherwise the dragleave event would fire whenever we drag // over a child element inside the drop target such as text nodes. const onDragEnter = (e) => { // Only react to drag'n'drops that contain a file. See: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DataTransfer/types if (e.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files')) { this.ui.dropElement.classList.add(DROP_TARGET_ACTIVE_CLASS); } }; document.addEventListener('dragenter', onDragEnter); this.addCleanup(() => { document.removeEventListener('dragenter', onDragEnter); }); for (const eventName of ['drop', 'dragleave']) { this.ui.dropElement.addEventListener(eventName, () => { this.ui.dropElement.classList.remove(DROP_TARGET_ACTIVE_CLASS); }); } } onUploaderError(error) { if (error.code === plupload.INIT_ERROR) { window.alert('Error: Initialisation error. Reload to try again.'); return; } const file = error.file; if (!file) return; // Get error message from the server response. Not all runtimes support this. let message = error.response; // If no error message is in the server response get standard plupload error messages. // This will have descriptive error message for something like file size or file format errors but for // server errors it will only display a general error message. if (!message) { message = error.message; if (error.details) message += ` (${error.details})`; } file.status = plupload.FAILED; file.error_message = message; this.updateFileStatus(file); } onUploaderFilesAdded(files) { for (const file of files) { this.addFile(file); } // Auto start upload when files are added. this.uploader.start(); } onUploaderUploadProgress(file) { this.updateFileStatus(file); } onUploaderFileUploaded(file, info) { // Replace the dummy file entry in the file list with the the entry from the server response. const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = info.response; const newListItem = template.content.firstElementChild; this.ui.list.replaceChild(newListItem, this.fileListItem(file)); window.CMS.fileLinks(newListItem); } onUploaderFilesRemoved(files) { for (const file of files) { this.removeFile(file); } } addFile(file) { this.ui.list.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', FileUpload.buildListItemHTML(file)); this.fileListItem(file).querySelector('.cms-uploader-file-delete').addEventListener('click', (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); this.uploader.removeFile(file); }); this.updateFileStatus(file); } removeFile(file) { this.fileListItem(file).remove(); } updateFileStatus(file) { const progressBar = this.fileListItem(file).querySelector('.progress-bar'); switch (file.status) { case plupload.UPLOADING: progressBar.style.width = `${file.percent}%`; break; case plupload.FAILED: progressBar.style.width = '100%'; progressBar.classList.add('progress-bar-danger'); progressBar.querySelector('span').innerHTML = file.error_message; break; } } fileListItem({id}) { return this.ui.container.querySelector(`#${id}`); } static buildListItemHTML({id, name}) { return `