require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' require 'tinder' class TestCampfire < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_exists God::Contacts::Campfire end # should notify def test_campfire_delivery_method_for_notify assert_nothing_raised do room = mock() room.expects(:speak).returns(nil) g = God::Contacts::Campfire.format.expects(:call).with(:a,:e) g.expects(:room).returns(room) g.notify(:a, :b, :c, :d, :e) assert_equal "notified campfire: ", end end # should not establish a new connection because the older is alive def test_campfire_room_method assert_nothing_raised do room = mock() g = g.instance_variable_set(:@room,room) assert_equal g.send(:room), room end end # should raise because the connections parameters have not been set def test_campfire_delivery_method_for_notify_without_campfire_params LOG.expects(:log).times(3) # 3 calls: 2 debug (credentials, backtrace) + 1 info (failed message) g = g.notify(:a, :b, :c, :d, :e) end end