opal_filter "StringScanner" do fails "StringScanner#<< concatenates the given argument to self and returns self" fails "StringScanner#<< raises a TypeError if the given argument can't be converted to a String" fails "StringScanner#<< when passed a Fixnum doesn't call to_int on the argument" fails "StringScanner#<< when passed a Fixnum raises a TypeError" fails "StringScanner#[] calls to_int on the given index" fails "StringScanner#[] raises a IndexError when there's no named capture" fails "StringScanner#[] raises a TypeError if the given index is nil" fails "StringScanner#[] raises a TypeError when a Range is as argument" fails "StringScanner#[] returns named capture" fails "StringScanner#check_until returns the same value of scan_until, but don't advances the scan pointer" fails "StringScanner#clear set the scan pointer to the end of the string and clear matching data." fails "StringScanner#clear warns in verbose mode that the method is obsolete" fails "StringScanner#concat concatenates the given argument to self and returns self" fails "StringScanner#concat raises a TypeError if the given argument can't be converted to a String" fails "StringScanner#concat when passed a Fixnum doesn't call to_int on the argument" fails "StringScanner#concat when passed a Fixnum raises a TypeError" fails "StringScanner#dup copies previous match state" fails "StringScanner#empty? Returns false if the scan pointer is not at the end of the string" fails "StringScanner#empty? Returns true if the scan pointer is at the end of the string" fails "StringScanner#empty? warns in verbose mode that the method is obsolete" fails "StringScanner#exist? returns 0 if the pattern is empty" fails "StringScanner#exist? returns nil if the pattern isn't found in the string" fails "StringScanner#exist? returns the index of the first occurrence of the given pattern" fails "StringScanner#getbyte is not multi-byte character sensitive" fails "StringScanner#getbyte returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#getbyte returns nil at the end of the string" fails "StringScanner#getbyte scans one byte and returns it" fails "StringScanner#getbyte taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#getbyte warns in verbose mode that the method is obsolete" fails "StringScanner#getch is multi-byte character sensitive" fails "StringScanner#getch returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#getch taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#initialize converts the argument into a string using #to_str" fails "StringScanner#initialize is a private method" fails "StringScanner#inspect returns a string that represents the StringScanner object" fails "StringScanner#match? effects pre_match" fails "StringScanner#match? returns nil if there's no match" fails "StringScanner#match? returns the length of the match and the scan pointer is not advanced" fails "StringScanner#matched returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#matched returns nil if there's no match" fails "StringScanner#matched returns the last matched string" fails "StringScanner#matched taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#matched? returns false if there's no match" fails "StringScanner#matched? returns true if the last match was successful" fails "StringScanner#matched_size returns nil if there was no recent match" fails "StringScanner#matched_size returns the size of the most recent match" fails "StringScanner#peek raises a ArgumentError when the passed argument is negative" fails "StringScanner#peek raises a RangeError when the passed argument is a Bignum" fails "StringScanner#peek returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#peek taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#peep raises a ArgumentError when the passed argument is negative" fails "StringScanner#peep raises a RangeError when the passed argument is a Bignum" fails "StringScanner#peep returns an empty string when the passed argument is zero" fails "StringScanner#peep returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#peep returns at most the specified number of characters from the current position" fails "StringScanner#peep taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#peep warns in verbose mode that the method is obsolete" fails "StringScanner#pointer returns 0 in the reset position" fails "StringScanner#pointer returns the length of the string in the terminate position" fails "StringScanner#pointer returns the position of the scan pointer" fails "StringScanner#pointer= modify the scan pointer" fails "StringScanner#pointer= positions from the end if the argument is negative" fails "StringScanner#pointer= raises a RangeError if position too far backward" fails "StringScanner#pointer= raises a RangeError when the passed argument is out of range" fails "StringScanner#pos returns the position of the scan pointer" fails "StringScanner#pos= raises a RangeError if position too far backward" fails "StringScanner#pos= raises a RangeError when the passed argument is out of range" fails "StringScanner#post_match returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#post_match returns nil if there's no match" fails "StringScanner#post_match returns the post-match (in the regular expression sense) of the last scan" fails "StringScanner#post_match taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#pre_match is more than just the data from the last match" fails "StringScanner#pre_match is not changed when the scanner's position changes" fails "StringScanner#pre_match returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#pre_match returns nil if there's no match" fails "StringScanner#pre_match returns the pre-match (in the regular expression sense) of the last scan" fails "StringScanner#pre_match taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#rest returns an instance of String when passed a String subclass" fails "StringScanner#rest taints the returned String if the input was tainted" fails "StringScanner#rest_size Returns the length of the rest of the string" fails "StringScanner#rest_size is equivalent to rest.size" fails "StringScanner#restsize Returns the length of the rest of the string" fails "StringScanner#restsize is equivalent to rest.size" fails "StringScanner#restsize warns in verbose mode that the method is obsolete" fails "StringScanner#scan raises a TypeError if pattern isn't a Regexp" fails "StringScanner#scan_full returns the matched string if the third argument is true and advances the scan pointer if the second argument is true" fails "StringScanner#scan_full returns the matched string if the third argument is true" fails "StringScanner#scan_full returns the number of bytes advanced and advances the scan pointer if the second argument is true" fails "StringScanner#scan_full returns the number of bytes advanced" fails "StringScanner#scan_until can match anchors properly" fails "StringScanner#scan_until returns nil if there's no match" fails "StringScanner#scan_until returns the substring up to and including the end of the match" fails "StringScanner#search_full returns the matched string if the third argument is true and advances the scan pointer if the second argument is true" fails "StringScanner#search_full returns the matched string if the third argument is true" fails "StringScanner#search_full returns the number of bytes advanced and advances the scan pointer if the second argument is true" fails "StringScanner#search_full returns the number of bytes advanced" fails "StringScanner#skip_until returns nil if no match was found" fails "StringScanner#skip_until returns the number of bytes advanced and advances the scan pointer until pattern is matched and consumed" fails "StringScanner#string returns the string being scanned" fails "StringScanner#string= changes the string being scanned to the argument and resets the scanner" fails "StringScanner#string= converts the argument into a string using #to_str" fails "StringScanner#unscan raises a ScanError when the previous match had failed" fails "StringScanner#unscan set the scan pointer to the previous position" fails "StringScanner.must_C_version returns self" end