require 'rubygems' require 'trollop' require 'terminal-table/import' require 'zencoder' require 'zencoder/cli/helpers' require 'zencoder/cli/auth' require 'zencoder/cli/plugin' require 'zencoder/cli/command' require 'zencoder/cli/response' ZencoderCLI::Plugin.load! global_options = Trollop::options do version "Zencoder #{Zencoder::GEM_VERSION}" banner <<-EOS #{"-" * (14 + Zencoder::GEM_VERSION.length)} Zencoder CLI v#{Zencoder::GEM_VERSION} #{"-" * (14 + Zencoder::GEM_VERSION.length)} == Usage zencoder [global-options] command [command-options] == Available Commands #{{|group, commands|{|command, description| command.ljust(22)+" # "+(description.is_a?(String) ? description : description[:description]) }.join("\n") }.join("\n\n") } == Global Options EOS opt :environment, "Sets the environment to use (optional: defaults to production)", :type => String stop_on{|k, v| v.keys }.flatten end if ARGV.empty? puts "You must specify a command. Use --help for more information." exit(1) end command = ARGV.shift.strip args = ARGV flat_commands = ZencoderCLI::Command.commands.values.inject({}){|memo,group| memo.merge!(group) } command_options = Trollop::options do banner <<-EOS == Usage zencoder [global-options] #{command} [options] == Command Options EOS if flat_commands[command] && flat_commands[command][:options] flat_commands[command][:options].call(self) end end, args, global_options, command_options)