module React module Component module API def dom_node `ReactDOM.findDOMNode(#{self}.native)` # react >= v0.15.0 end def mounted? `(#{self}.is_mounted === undefined) ? false : #{self}.is_mounted` end def force_update! `#{self}.native.forceUpdate()` end def set_props(prop, &block) raise "set_props: setProps() is no longer supported by react" end alias :set_props! :set_props def set_state(state, &block) set_or_replace_state_or_prop(state, 'setState', &block) end def set_state!(state, &block) set_or_replace_state_or_prop(state, 'setState', &block) `#{self}.native.forceUpdate()` end private def set_or_replace_state_or_prop(state_or_prop, method, &block) raise "No native ReactComponent associated" unless @native `var state_prop_n = #{state_or_prop.shallow_to_n}` # the state object is initalized when the ruby component is instanciated # this is detected by self.native.__opalInstanceInitializedState # which is set in the netive component constructor in react/api.rb # the setState update callback is not called when initalizing initial state if block %x{ if (#{@native}.__opalInstanceInitializedState === true) { #{@native}[method](state_prop_n, function(){ #{} }); } else { for (var sp in state_prop_n) { if (state_prop_n.hasOwnProperty(sp)) { #{@native}.state[sp] = state_prop_n[sp]; } } } } else %x{ if (#{@native}.__opalInstanceInitializedState === true) { #{@native}[method](state_prop_n); } else { for (var sp in state_prop_n) { if (state_prop_n.hasOwnProperty(sp)) { #{@native}.state[sp] = state_prop_n[sp]; } } } } end end end end end