= New Features * A csv_serializer plugin has been added, for serializing model objects and datasets to CSV, or parsing CSV into a model object or array of model objects. Behavior and API is similar to the existing xml_serializer and json_serializer plugins. * Sequel::MassAssignmentRestriction is now raised for mass assignment errors in strict mode (the default). Previously the generic Sequel::Error was used. = Other Improvements * On Ruby 1.9+, Sequel now uses condition variables instead of busy waiting for connections in the threaded conection pools. This can significantly decrease overhead when waiting for connections, which can improve performance on machines that are compute bottlenecked. This also makes the connection pool checkouts more fair, reducing the chance that a request for a connection will fail with a PoolTimeout when under heavy resource contention. * Sequel now attempts to avoid hash allocations and rehashing in performance sensitive code. This can speed up Dataset#clone, Model#clone, and #Model#dup by about 60%, and speed up method chains such as: ds.select(:a).where(:a=>1).order(1) by almost 20%. * Symbol#to_proc is used instead of explicit blocks across the the library, which should improve performance slightly on Ruby 1.9+. * When Model#cancel_action is used in association before hooks, Sequel will now return false if raise_on_save_failure = false, instead of raising an exception. This mirrors the behavior when Model#cancel_action is used inside model save hooks when raise_on_save_failure = false. * Dataset#to_hash and #to_hash_groups now work correctly on model datasets when given a single array argument. * The auto_validations plugin now works correctly on columns that have a default value, but where the default value is not parseable into a ruby object by the adapter. * The tree plugin now correctly sets the reciprocal association in the children association it creates. * In the pg_array extension, if the :default value when creating a column is set to a ruby array, Sequel will now convert it to a PostgreSQL array. * Sequel no longer adds a :max_length entry to the schema for varchar(max) columns on Microsoft SQL Server. * Adapters now are specified to set the :default schema entry for columns to nil if the adapter can determine the :default is nil. Adapters that ship with Sequel already did this, but previously it was unspecified behavior. * Sequel no longer silently ignores the :jdbc_properties Database option in the jdbc adapter. Previously, it only used the :jdbc_properties option if it was not able to connect without it. * Bit types are now converted to boolean values in the ODBC adapter. = Backwards Compatibility * The db2, dbi, fdbsql, firebird, jdbc/fdbsql, informix, and openbase adapters are now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Sequel.