module = angular.module('maestrano.dashboard.dashboard-menu',['maestrano.assets']) #============================================ # #============================================ module.controller('DashboardMenuCtrl',[ '$scope','$q','AssetPath','$location','$sce','CurrentUserSvc','DashboardAppsDocument','DhbOrganizationSvc','MarketplaceSvc','DhbTeamSvc', '$modal', '$http','$routeParams','$window','MessageSvc','MsgBus','TemplatePath','ModalSvc', ($scope,$q,AssetPath,$location,$sce,CurrentUserSvc,DashboardAppsDocument,DhbOrganizationSvc, MarketplaceSvc, DhbTeamSvc, $modal, $http, $routeParams, $window, MessageSvc, MsgBus, TemplatePath, ModalSvc) -> $scope.assetPath = AssetPath # Open the maestrano star menu $scope.openMnoStarMenu = -> $window.mnoLoader.toggleMenu() #==================================== # Pre-Initialization # Here we initialize all the services that do not depend on # the current organization #==================================== MarketplaceSvc.setup() #==================================== # Scope Management #==================================== # Check path or root path $scope.isButtonActive = (entity) -> $location.url() == entity || $location.url().split("/")[1] == entity.split("/")[1] # Note: Unused at the moment $scope.reloadServices = (orgId) -> DashboardAppsDocument.setup(id:orgId) DhbOrganizationSvc.setup(id: orgId) DhbTeamSvc.setup(id: orgId) #==================================== # Select Box #==================================== $scope.selectBox = selectBox = {} selectBox.form = {} selectBox.isClosed = true selectBox.isShown = false selectBox.user = undefined selectBox.organizations = [] selectBox.userLabel = '' selectBox.initialize = (currentUser) -> self = selectBox self.user = currentUser self.userLabel = "#{} #{self.user.surname}" self.organizations = self.user.organizations # Capture parameters internally if $routeParams.new_app MsgBus.publish('params', {new_app: $routeParams.new_app}) $'new_app', null ) # Attempt to load organization from param if (val = $routeParams.dhbRefId) val = parseInt(val) $'dhbRefId', null ) self.organization = _.findWhere(self.organizations,{id: val}) # Attempt to load last organization from cookie if !self.organization? && (val = $.cookie('dhb_ref_id')) self.organization = _.findWhere(self.organizations,{id: val}) # Default to first one otherwise unless self.organization? self.organization = self.organizations[0] # return false if the user is member or reseller of at least one organization $scope.selectBoxisEmpty = -> !(self.organization && # if the selectBox is empty, then by default we show the account tab # note: That condition will be true when a reseller has just signed up after # accepting an invitation to join a reseller organization. At that stage # he may not have any customers and he won't have any personal organization. if $scope.selectBoxisEmpty() $location.path('/account') # otherwise we change the selectbox to the organization loaded else # Switch dashboard to organization selectBox.changeTo(self.organization) selectBox.toggle = -> selectBox.isClosed = !selectBox.isClosed selectBox.close = -> selectBox.isClosed = true selectBox.organizationList = -> self = selectBox return _.sortBy(self.organizations, (o) -> # Format the html of the label used by the provided # organization, based on whether it is selected, is a customer, reseller # or regular company selectBox.organizationLabel = (organization) -> icon = {} icon.type = if ( == DhbOrganizationSvc.getId()) then "fa-dot-circle-o" else "fa-circle-o" html = "#{}" return html # TODO: This function should go in a service selectBox.changeTo = (organization) -> DashboardAppsDocument.setup(id: DhbOrganizationSvc.setup(id: DhbTeamSvc.setup(id: $.cookie('dhb_ref_id', selectBox.organization = organization selectBox.close() selectBox.createNewOrga = -> selectBox.close() # Analytics tab is only enabled for certain users # To enable access, do: # user.put_metadata('has_analytics_beta_access',true) $scope.isAnalyticsTabShown = -> return CurrentUserSvc.document && CurrentUserSvc.document.current_user && CurrentUserSvc.document.current_user.hasAnalyticsBetaAccess #==================================== # New Orga Modal #==================================== newOrgModal = ModalSvc.newOrgModal({ callback: (data) -> selectBox.changeTo(data) }) CurrentUserSvc.loadDocument().then (data) -> selectBox.initialize(CurrentUserSvc.document.current_user) ]) module.directive('dashboardMenu', ['TemplatePath', 'Miscellaneous', (TemplatePath,Miscellaneous) -> return { restrict: 'A' scope: { backgroundColor:'=' } controller: 'DashboardMenuCtrl' templateUrl: (elem,attrs) -> if == 'horizontal' TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/dashboard/horizontal_menu.html'] else TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/dashboard/menu.html'] # We need to manually close the collapse menu as we actually stay on the same page link: (scope,element,attrs) -> unless == 'horizontal' element.find(".menu").on("mouseenter", -> angular.element(this).stop() angular.element(this).find(".brand-logo").addClass('expanded') angular.element(this).find(".dashboard-button").find(".content").css("display", "block") angular.element(this).animate({width:275},150) ) element.find(".menu").on("mouseleave", -> angular.element(this).stop() angular.element(this).find(".brand-logo").removeClass('expanded') angular.element(this).find(".dashboard-button").find(".content").css("display", "none") angular.element(this).animate({width:80},150) ) element.find(".nav a").on("click", -> element.find(".navbar-toggle").click() ) } ])