require_relative '../test_helper' require 'fluent/plugin/out_slack' require 'time' class SlackOutputTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup super Fluent::Test.setup @icon_url = '' end CONFIG = %[ channel channel webhook_url ] def default_payload { channel: '#channel', mrkdwn: true, link_names: true, } end def default_attachment { mrkdwn_in: %w[text fields], } end def create_driver(conf = CONFIG) end # old version compatibility with v0.4.0" def test_old_config # default check d = create_driver assert_equal true, d.instance.localtime assert_equal nil, d.instance.username # 'fluentd' break lower version compatibility assert_equal nil, d.instance.color # 'good' break lower version compatibility assert_equal nil, d.instance.icon_emoji # ':question:' break lower version compatibility assert_equal nil, d.instance.icon_url assert_equal true, d.instance.mrkdwn assert_equal true, d.instance.link_names assert_equal nil, d.instance.parse assert_nothing_raised do create_driver(CONFIG + %[api_key testtoken]) end # incoming webhook endpoint was changed. team option should be ignored assert_nothing_raised do create_driver(CONFIG + %[team sowasowa]) end # rtm? it was not calling `rtm.start`. rtm option was removed and should be ignored assert_nothing_raised do create_driver(CONFIG + %[rtm true]) end # channel should be URI.unescape-ed d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[channel %23test]) assert_equal '#test', # timezone should work d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[timezone Asia/Tokyo]) assert_equal 'Asia/Tokyo', d.instance.timezone end def test_configure d = create_driver(%[ channel channel time_format %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S username username color bad icon_emoji :ghost: token XX-XX-XX title slack notice! message %s message_keys message ]) assert_equal '#channel', assert_equal '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', d.instance.time_format assert_equal 'username', d.instance.username assert_equal 'bad', d.instance.color assert_equal ':ghost:', d.instance.icon_emoji assert_equal 'XX-XX-XX', d.instance.token assert_equal '%s', d.instance.message assert_equal ['message'], d.instance.message_keys assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(CONFIG + %[title %s %s\ntitle_keys foo]) end assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(CONFIG + %[message %s %s\nmessage_keys foo]) end assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(CONFIG + %[channel %s %s\nchannel_keys foo]) end end def test_slack_configure # One of webhook_url or slackbot_url, or token is required assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(%[channel foo]) end # webhook_url is an empty string assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(%[channel foo\nwebhook_url]) end # webhook_url is an empty string assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(%[channel foo\nslackbot_url]) end # token is an empty string assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(%[channel foo\ntoken]) end end def test_timezone_configure time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[localtime]) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do assert_equal true, d.instance.localtime assert_equal "07:00:00", d.instance.timef.format(time) end d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[utc]) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do assert_equal false, d.instance.localtime assert_equal "22:00:00", d.instance.timef.format(time) end d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[timezone Asia/Taipei]) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do assert_equal "Asia/Taipei", d.instance.timezone assert_equal "06:00:00", d.instance.timef.format(time) end end def test_time_format_configure time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[time_format %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S]) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do assert_equal "2014/01/02 07:00:00", d.instance.timef.format(time) end end def test_buffer_configure assert_nothing_raised do create_driver(CONFIG + %[buffer_type file\nbuffer_path tmp/]) end end def test_icon_configure # default d = create_driver(CONFIG) assert_equal nil, d.instance.icon_emoji assert_equal nil, d.instance.icon_url # either of icon_emoji or icon_url can be specified assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[icon_emoji :ghost:\nicon_url #{@icon_url}]) end # icon_emoji d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[icon_emoji :ghost:]) assert_equal ':ghost:', d.instance.icon_emoji assert_equal nil, d.instance.icon_url # icon_url d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[icon_url #{@icon_url}]) assert_equal nil, d.instance.icon_emoji assert_equal @icon_url, d.instance.icon_url end def test_link_names_configure # default d = create_driver(CONFIG) assert_equal true, d.instance.link_names # true d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[link_names true]) assert_equal true, d.instance.link_names # false d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[link_names false]) assert_equal false, d.instance.link_names end def test_parse_configure # default d = create_driver(CONFIG) assert_equal nil, d.instance.parse # none d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[parse none]) assert_equal 'none', d.instance.parse # full d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[parse full]) assert_equal 'full', d.instance.parse # invalid assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[parse invalid]) end end def test_mrkwn_configure # default d = create_driver(CONFIG) assert_equal true, d.instance.mrkdwn assert_equal %w[text fields], d.instance.mrkdwn_in # true d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[mrkdwn true]) assert_equal true, d.instance.mrkdwn assert_equal %w[text fields], d.instance.mrkdwn_in # false d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[mrkdwn false]) assert_equal false, d.instance.mrkdwn assert_equal nil, d.instance.mrkdwn_in end def test_https_proxy_configure # default d = create_driver(CONFIG) assert_equal nil, d.instance.slack.https_proxy assert_equal Net::HTTP, d.instance.slack.proxy_class # https_proxy d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[https_proxy]) assert_equal URI.parse(''), d.instance.slack.https_proxy assert_not_equal Net::HTTP, d.instance.slack.proxy_class # Net::HTTP.Proxy end def test_auto_channels_create_configure # default d = create_driver(CONFIG) assert_equal false, d.instance.auto_channels_create assert_equal({}, d.instance.post_message_opts) # require `token` assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[auto_channels_create true]) end # auto_channels_create d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[auto_channels_create true\ntoken XXX-XX-XXX]) assert_equal true, d.instance.auto_channels_create assert_equal({auto_channels_create: true}, d.instance.post_message_opts) end def test_default_incoming_webhook d = create_driver(%[ channel channel webhook_url ]) assert_equal Fluent::SlackClient::IncomingWebhook, d.instance.slack.class time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ text: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_default_slackbot d = create_driver(%[ channel channel slackbot_url ]) assert_equal Fluent::SlackClient::Slackbot, d.instance.slack.class time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ text: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_default_slack_api d = create_driver(%[ channel channel token XX-XX-XX ]) assert_equal Fluent::SlackClient::WebApi, d.instance.slack.class time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ token: 'XX-XX-XX', text: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_title_payload title = "mytitle" d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[title #{title}]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' # attachments field should be changed to show the title mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ attachments: [default_attachment.merge({ fallback: title, fields: [ { title: title, value: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", } ], })] }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_title_payload_with_verbose_fallback_option title = "mytitle" d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[title #{title}\nverbose_fallback true]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' # attachments field should be changed to show the title mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ attachments: [default_attachment.merge({ fallback: "#{title} sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", fields: [ { title: title, value: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", } ], })] }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_color_payload color = 'good' d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[color #{color}]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' # attachments field should be changed to show the title mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ attachments: [default_attachment.merge({ color: color, fallback: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", text: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", })] }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_plain_payload d = create_driver(CONFIG) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' # attachments field should be changed to show the title mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ text: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_title_keys d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[title [%s] %s\ntitle_keys time,tag]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' # attachments field should be changed to show the title mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ attachments: [default_attachment.merge({ fallback: "[07:00:00] #{d.tag}", fields: [ { title: "[07:00:00] #{d.tag}", value: "sowawa1\nsowawa2\n", } ], })] }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_message_keys d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[message [%s] %s %s\nmessage_keys time,tag,message]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ text: "[07:00:00] test sowawa1\n[07:00:00] test sowawa2\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2'}, time) end end def test_channel_keys d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[channel %s\nchannel_keys channel]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ channel: '#channel1', text: "sowawa1\n", }), {}) mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ channel: '#channel2', text: "sowawa2\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'sowawa1', channel: 'channel1'}, time) d.emit({message: 'sowawa2', channel: 'channel2'}, time) end end def test_icon_emoji d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[icon_emoji :ghost:]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ icon_emoji: ':ghost:', text: "foo\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'foo'}, time) end end def test_icon_url d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[icon_url #{@icon_url}]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ icon_url: @icon_url, text: "foo\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'foo'}, time) end end def test_mrkdwn d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[mrkdwn true]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ mrkdwn: true, text: "foo\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'foo'}, time) end end def test_mrkdwn_in d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[mrkdwn true\ncolor good]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ attachments: [default_attachment.merge({ color: "good", fallback: "foo\n", text: "foo\n", mrkdwn_in: ["text", "fields"], })] }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'foo'}, time) end end def test_link_names d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[link_names true]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ link_names: true, text: "foo\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'foo'}, time) end end def test_parse d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[parse full]) time = Time.parse("2014-01-01 22:00:00 UTC").to_i d.tag = 'test' mock(d.instance.slack).post_message(default_payload.merge({ parse: "full", text: "foo\n", }), {}) with_timezone('Asia/Tokyo') do d.emit({message: 'foo'}, time) end end end