# encoding: utf-8 # Given the four transition types (TS, Ts, tS, ts), transition construction # is not an easy task. Actually, having convenient constructor syntax is an # important part of the functionality of the Transition class. Construction # related functionality is thus gathered together in this mixin. # module YPetri::Transition::ConstructionConvenience private # Checking in the arguments supplied to #initialize looks like a big job. # I won't contest to that, but let us not, that it is basically nothing # else then defining the duck type of the input argument collection. # TypeError is therefore raised if invalid collection has been supplied. # def check_in_arguments **nn, &block nn.update( action: block ) if block_given? nn.may_have :domain, syn!: [ :domain_arcs, :domain_places, :upstream, :upstream_arcs, :upstream_places ] nn.may_have :codomain, syn!: [ :codomain_arcs, :codomain_places, :downstream, :downstream_arcs, :downstream_places, :action_arcs ] nn.may_have :rate, syn!: [ :rate_closure, :propensity, :propensity_closure ] nn.may_have :action, syn!: :action_closure nn.may_have :stoichiometry, syn!: [ :stoichio, :s ] nn.may_have :domain_guard nn.may_have :codomain_guard # If the rate was given, the transition is timed: @timed = nn.has? :rate # If stoichiometry was given, the transition is stoichiometric: @stoichiometric = nn.has? :stoichiometry # Downstream description involves the codomain, and the stochiometry # (for stoichiometric transitions only): if stoichiometric? then @codomain, @stoichiometry = __downstream_for_S__( **nn ) else @codomain = __downstream_for_s__( **nn ) end # Check in the domain first, :missing symbol may be returned if the user # has not supplied the domaing (the constructor will attempt to guessf it # automatically). @domain = __domain__( **nn ) # Upstream description involves the domain and the rate/action closure. # Also, :missing domain is taken care of here. if timed? then @domain, @rate_closure, @functional = __upstream_for_T__( **nn ) else @domain, @action_closure, @functional = __upstream_for_t__( **nn ) end # Optional assignment action: @assignment_action = __assignment_action__( **nn ) # Optional type guards for domain / codomain: @domain_guard, @codomain_guard = __guards__( **nn ) end # Validates that the supplied collection consists only of places of # correct type. Second optional argument customizes the error message. # def sanitize_place_collection place_collection, what_is_collection=nil c = what_is_collection ? what_is_collection.capitalize : "Collection" Array( place_collection ).map do |pl_id| begin place( pl_id ) rescue NameError raise TypeError, "#{c} member #{pl_id} does not specify a valid place!" end end.aT what_is_collection, "not contain duplicate places" do |coll| coll == coll.uniq end end # Private method, part of #initialize argument checking-in. # def __domain__( **nn ) if nn.has? :domain then sanitize_place_collection( nn[:domain], "supplied domain" ) else if stoichiometric? then # take arcs with non-positive coefficients Hash[ @codomain.zip @stoichiometry ].delete_if { |_, c| c > 0 }.keys else :missing # may mean empty domain, or domain == codomain end end end # Private method, part of the init process for timed transitions. Also takes # care for :missing domain, if :missing. # def __upstream_for_T__( **nn ) dom = domain # this method may modify domain fail ArgumentError, "Rate and action collision!" if nn.has? :action # Let's figure the rate closure now. λ = nn[:rate] if λ.is_a? Proc then if dom == :missing then dom = λ.arity == 0 ? [] : codomain else msg = "Rate closure arity (#{λ.arity}) > domain (#{dom.size})!" fail TypeError, msg if λ.arity.abs > dom.size end else # not a Proc, must guess user's intent λ = if stoichiometric? then # standard mass action msg = "With numeric rate, domain must not be given!" fail TypeError, msg if nn.has? :domain __standard_mass_action__( λ ) else # constant closure msg = "With numeric rate and no stoichio., codomain size must be 1!" fail TypeError, msg unless codomain.size == 1 lambda { λ }.tap do if dom == :missing then dom = [] # Missing domain is natural here else # but should it was supplied explicitly, it must be empty. msg = "Rate is a number, but domain is non-empty!" fail TypeError, msg unless domain.empty? if nn.has? :domain end end end end dom.aT_is_a Array λ.aT_is_a Proc return dom, λ, true # true here means "functional?", always true for T end # Private method, part of the init process when :rate is not given. Also # takes care for missing domain (@domain == :missing). # def __upstream_for_t__( **nn ) dom = domain # this method may modify domain funct = true # "functional?" # Was action given explicitly? if nn.has? :action then λ = nn[:action].aT_is_a Proc, "supplied action named argument" # Time to worry about the domain_missing, guess the user's intention: if dom == :missing then dom = λ.arity == 0 ? [] : codomain else msg = "Action closure arity (#{λ.arity}) > domain (#{dom.size})!" fail TypeError, msg if λ.arity.abs > dom.size end else # "functionless" funct = false λ = proc { 1 } msg = "Stoichiometry is compulsory, if no rate/action was supplied!" fail ArgumentError, msg unless stoichiometric? dom = [] # in any case, the domain is empty end return dom, λ, funct end # Default rate closure for SR transitions whose rate is hinted as a number. # def __standard_mass_action__( num ) # assume standard mass-action law nonpositive_coeffs = stoichiometry.select { |coeff| coeff <= 0 } # the closure takes markings of the domain as its arguments -> *markings do nonpositive_coeffs.size.times.reduce num do |acc, i| marking, coeff = markings[ i ], nonpositive_coeffs[ i ] # Stoichiometry coefficients equal to zero are taken to indicate # plain factors, assuming that if these places were not involved # in the transition at all, the user would not be mentioning them. case coeff when 0, -1 then marking * acc else marking ** -coeff end end end end # Private method, checking in downstream specification from the argument # field for stoichiometric transition. # def __downstream_for_S__( **oo ) codomain, stoichio = case oo[:stoichiometry] when Hash then # contains pairs { codomain place => stoichiometry coefficient } msg = "With hash-type stoichiometry, :codomain must not be given!" fail ArgumentError, msg if oo.has? :codomain oo[:stoichiometry].each_with_object [[], []] do |(cd_pl, coeff), memo| memo[0] << cd_pl memo[1] << coeff end else # array of stoichiometry coefficients msg = "With array-type stoichiometry, :codomain must be given!" fail ArgumentError unless oo.has? :codomain [ oo[:codomain], Array( oo[:stoichiometry] ) ] end # enforce that stoichiometry is a collection of numbers return sanitize_place_collection( codomain, "supplied codomain" ), stoichio.aT_all_numeric( "supplied stoichiometry" ) end # Private method, checking in downstream specification from the argument # field for nonstoichiometric transition. # def __downstream_for_s__( **oo ) # codomain must be explicitly given - no way around it: fail ArgumentError, "For non-stoichiometric transitions, :codomain " + "argument is compulsory." unless oo.has? :codomain return sanitize_place_collection( oo[:codomain], "supplied codomain" ) end # Private method, part of #initialize argument checking-in. # def __assignment_action__( **oo ) if oo.has? :assignment_action, syn!: [ :assignment, :assign, :A ] then if timed? then false.tap do msg = "Timed transitions may not have assignment action!" raise TypeError, msg if oo[:assignment_action] end else oo[:assignment_action] end # only timeless transitions are eligible else false end # the default value end # Private method, part of #initialize argument checking-in # def __guards__( **oo ) if oo.has? :domain_guard then oo[:domain_guard].aT_is_a Proc, "supplied domain guard" else place_guards = domain_places.map &:guard -> dm do # constructing the default domain guard fails = [domain, dm, place_guards].transpose.map { |pl, m, guard| [ pl, m, begin; guard.( m ); true; rescue YPetri::GuardError; false end ] }.reduce [] do |memo, triple| memo << triple unless triple[2] end # TODO: Watch "Exceptional Ruby" video by Avdi Grimm. unless fails.size == 0 fail YPetri::GuardError, "Domain guard of #{self} rejects marking " + if fails.size == 1 then p, m, _ = fails[0] "#{m} of place #{p.name || p.object_id}!" else "of the following places: %s!" % Hash[ fails.map { |pl, m, _| [pl.name || pl.object_id, m] } ] end end end end end # Informs upstream places that they have been connected to this transition. # def inform_upstream_places upstream_places.each { |p| p.send :register_downstream_transition, self } end # Informs downstream places that they are connected to this transition. # def inform_downstream_places downstream_places.each { |p| p.send :register_upstream_transition, self } end end # class YPetri::Transition::ConstructionConvenience