require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe GovukNavigationHelpers::RelatedNavigationSidebar do def payload_for(schema, content_item) generator = GovukSchemas::RandomExample.for_schema(schema, schema_type: "frontend") fully_valid_content_item = generator.merge_and_validate(content_item) end describe "#related-navigation-sidebar" do it "can handle randomly generated content" do generator = GovukSchemas::RandomExample.for_schema("placeholder", schema_type: "frontend") expect { payload_for("placeholder", generator.payload) }.to_not raise_error end it "returns empty arrays if there are no related navigation sidebar links" do nothing = payload_for("placeholder", "details" => { "external_related_links" => [] }, "links" => { } ) expected = { related_items: [], collections: [], statistical_data_sets: [], topics: [], topical_events: [], policies: [], publishers: [], world_locations: [], worldwide_organisations: [], other: [[], []] } expect(nothing).to eql(expected) end it "extracts and returns the appropriate related links" do payload = payload_for("speech", "details" => { "body" => "body", "government" => { "title" => "government", "slug" => "government", "current" => true }, "political" => true, "delivered_on" => "2017-09-22T14:30:00+01:00" }, "links" => { "ordered_related_items" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "locale" => "en", "base_path" => "/related-item", "title" => "related item" } ], "document_collections" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "locale" => "en", "base_path" => "/related-collection", "title" => "related collection", "document_type" => "document_collection" } ], "topics" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "locale" => "en", "base_path" => "/related-topic", "title" => "related topic", "document_type" => "topic" } ], "topical_events" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "locale" => "en", "base_path" => "/related-topical-event", "title" => "related topical event", "document_type" => "topical_event" } ], "organisations" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "locale" => "en", "base_path" => "/related-organisation", "title" => "related organisation", "document_type" => "organisation" } ], "related_policies" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "locale" => "en", "base_path" => "/related-policy", "title" => "related policy", "document_type" => "policy" } ], "world_locations" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "title" => "World, ~ (@Location)", "locale" => "en" } ], } ) expected = { related_items: [{ path: "/related-item", text: "related item" }], collections: [{ path: "/related-collection", text: "related collection" }], topics: [{ path: "/related-topic", text: "related topic" }], topical_events: [{ path: "/related-topical-event", text: "related topical event" }], policies: [{ path: "/related-policy", text: "related policy" }], publishers: [{ path: "/related-organisation", text: "related organisation" }], world_locations: [{ path: "/world/world-location/news", text: "World, ~ (@Location)" }], worldwide_organisations: [], statistical_data_sets: [], other: [[], []] } expect(payload).to eql(expected) end it "returns worldwide organisations" do payload = payload_for("world_location_news_article", "details" => { "body" => "body", "government" => { "title" => "government", "slug" => "government", "current" => true }, "political" => true, "first_public_at" => "2016-01-01T19:00:00Z", }, "links" => { "worldwide_organisations" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "title" => "related worldwide organisation", "base_path" => "/related-worldwide-organisation", "document_type" => "worldwide_organisation", "locale" => "en" } ], } ) expected = { related_items: [], collections: [], statistical_data_sets: [], topics: [], topical_events: [], policies: [], publishers: [], world_locations: [], worldwide_organisations: [{ path: "/related-worldwide-organisation", text: "related worldwide organisation" }], other: [[], []] } expect(payload).to eql(expected) end it "returns statistical data sets" do payload = payload_for("publication", "details" => { "body" => "body", "government" => { "title" => "government", "slug" => "government", "current" => true }, "political" => false, "documents" => [], "first_public_at" => "2016-01-01T19:00:00Z", }, "links" => { "related_statistical_data_sets" => [ { "content_id" => "32c1b93d-2553-47c9-bc3c-fc5b513ecc32", "title" => "related statistical data set", "base_path" => "/related-statistical-data-set", "document_type" => "statistical_data_set", "locale" => "en" } ], } ) expected = { related_items: [], collections: [], statistical_data_sets: [{ path: "/related-statistical-data-set", text: "related statistical data set" }], topics: [], topical_events: [], policies: [], publishers: [], world_locations: [], worldwide_organisations: [], other: [[], []] } expect(payload).to eql(expected) end it "returns an Elsewhere on the web section for external related links" do payload = payload_for("placeholder", "details" => { "external_related_links" => [ { "title" => "external-link", "url" => "https://external" } ] }, ) expected = [ [ { title: "Elsewhere on the web", links: [{ text: "external-link", path: "https://external", rel: "external" }] } ], [] ] expect(payload[:other]).to eql(expected) end end end