# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module TTY # Make it easy to define equality and hash methods. module Equatable # Hook into module inclusion. # # @param [Module] base # the module or class including Equatable # # @return [self] # # @api private def self.included(base) super base.extend(self) base.class_eval do define_comparison_attrs include Methods define_methods end self end # Holds all attributes used for comparison. # # @return [Array] # # @api private attr_reader :comparison_attrs # Objects that include this module are assumed to be value objects. # It is also assumed that the only values that affect the results of # equality comparison are the values of the object's attributes. # # @param [Array] *args # # @return [undefined] # # @api public def attr_reader(*args) super @comparison_attrs.concat(args) end # Copy the comparison_attrs into the subclass. # # @param [Class] subclass # # @api private def inherited(subclass) super subclass.instance_variable_set(:@comparison_attrs, comparison_attrs.dup) end private # Define class instance #comparison_attrs as an empty array. # # @return [undefined] # # @api private def define_comparison_attrs instance_variable_set('@comparison_attrs', []) end # Define all methods needed for ensuring object's equality. # # @return [undefined] # # @api private def define_methods define_compare define_hash define_inspect end # Define a #compare? method to check if the receiver is the same # as the other object. # # @return [undefined] # # @api private def define_compare define_method(:compare?) do |comparator, other| attrs = comparison_attrs || [] !attrs.find { |attr| send(attr).send(comparator, other.send(attr)) } end end # Define a hash method that ensures that the hash value is the same for # the same instance attributes and their corresponding values. # # @api private def define_hash define_method(:hash) do klass = self.class attrs = klass.comparison_attrs || [] ([klass] + attrs.map { |attr| send(attr)}).hash end end # Define an inspect method that shows the class name and the values for the # instance's attributes. # # @return [undefined] # # @api private def define_inspect define_method(:inspect) do klass = self.class name = klass.name || klass.inspect attrs = klass.comparison_attrs || [] "#<#{name}#{attrs.map { |attr| " #{attr}=#{send(attr).inspect}" }.join}>" end end module Methods # Compare two objects for equality based on their value # and being an instance of the given class. # # @param [Object] other # the other object in comparison # # @return [Boolean] # # @api public def eql?(other) instance_of?(other.class) and compare?(__method__, other) end # Compare two objects for equality based on their value # and being a subclass of the given class. # # @param [Object] other # the other object in comparison # # @return [Boolean] # # @api public def ==(other) return false unless self.class <=> other.class compare?(__method__, other) end end # Methods end # Equatable end # TTY