require 'cases/sqlserver_helper' require 'models/task' require 'models/reply' require 'models/joke' require 'models/subscriber' class AdapterTestSqlserver < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :tasks def setup @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection @basic_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([name]) VALUES('Knock knock')" @basic_update_sql = "UPDATE [customers] SET [address_street] = NULL WHERE [id] = 2" @basic_select_sql = "SELECT * FROM [customers] WHERE ([customers].[id] = 1)" end context 'For abstract behavior' do should 'have a 128 max #table_alias_length' do assert @connection.table_alias_length <= 128 end should 'raise invalid statement error' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Topic.connection.update("UPDATE XXX") } end should 'be our adapter_name' do assert_equal 'SQLServer', @connection.adapter_name end should 'include version in inspect' do assert_match(/version\: \d.\d.\d/,@connection.inspect) end should 'support migrations' do assert @connection.supports_migrations? end should 'support DDL in transactions' do assert @connection.supports_ddl_transactions? end should 'allow owner table name prefixs like dbo. to still allow table_exists? to return true' do begin assert_equal 'tasks', Task.table_name assert Task.table_exists? Task.table_name = 'dbo.tasks' assert Task.table_exists?, 'Tasks table name of dbo.tasks should return true for exists.' ensure Task.table_name = 'tasks' end end context 'for database version' do setup do @version_regexp = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter::DATABASE_VERSION_REGEXP @supported_version = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter::SUPPORTED_VERSIONS @sqlserver_2000_string = "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)" @sqlserver_2005_string = "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3215.00 (Intel X86)" @sqlserver_2008_string = "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (RTM) - 10.0.1600.22 (Intel X86)" end should 'return a string from #database_version that matches class regexp' do assert_match @version_regexp, @connection.database_version end should 'return a 4 digit year fixnum for #database_year' do assert_instance_of Fixnum, @connection.database_year assert_contains @supported_version, @connection.database_year end should 'return true to #sqlserver_2000?' do @connection.stubs(:database_version).returns(@sqlserver_2000_string) assert @connection.sqlserver_2000? end should 'return true to #sqlserver_2005?' do @connection.stubs(:database_version).returns(@sqlserver_2005_string) assert @connection.sqlserver_2005? end should 'return true to #sqlserver_2008?' do @connection.stubs(:database_version).returns(@sqlserver_2008_string) assert @connection.sqlserver_2008? end end context 'for #unqualify_table_name and #unqualify_db_name' do setup do @expected_table_name = 'baz' @expected_db_name = 'foo' @first_second_table_names = ['[baz]','baz','[bar].[baz]','bar.baz'] @third_table_names = ['[foo].[bar].[baz]',''] @qualifed_table_names = @first_second_table_names + @third_table_names end should 'return clean table_name from #unqualify_table_name' do @qualifed_table_names.each do |qtn| assert_equal @expected_table_name, @connection.send(:unqualify_table_name,qtn), "This qualifed_table_name #{qtn} did not unqualify correctly." end end should 'return nil from #unqualify_db_name when table_name is less than 2 qualified' do @first_second_table_names.each do |qtn| assert_equal nil, @connection.send(:unqualify_db_name,qtn), "This qualifed_table_name #{qtn} did not return nil." end end should 'return clean db_name from #unqualify_db_name when table is thrid level qualified' do @third_table_names.each do |qtn| assert_equal @expected_db_name, @connection.send(:unqualify_db_name,qtn), "This qualifed_table_name #{qtn} did not unqualify the db_name correctly." end end end should 'return true to #insert_sql? for inserts only' do assert @connection.send(:insert_sql?,'INSERT...') assert !@connection.send(:insert_sql?,'UPDATE...') assert !@connection.send(:insert_sql?,'SELECT...') end context 'for #sql_for_association_limiting?' do should 'return false for simple selects with no GROUP BY and ORDER BY' do assert !sql_for_association_limiting?("SELECT * FROM [posts]") end should 'return true to single SELECT, ideally a table/primarykey, that also has a GROUP BY and ORDER BY' do assert sql_for_association_limiting?("SELECT [posts].id FROM...GROUP BY [posts].id ORDER BY MIN(") end should 'return false to single * wildcard SELECT that also has a GROUP BY and ORDER BY' do assert !sql_for_association_limiting?("SELECT * FROM...GROUP BY [posts].id ORDER BY MIN(") end should 'return false to multiple columns in the select even when GROUP BY and ORDER BY are present' do sql = "SELECT [accounts].credit_limit, firm_id FROM...GROUP BY firm_id ORDER BY firm_id" assert !sql_for_association_limiting?(sql) end end context 'for #get_table_name' do should 'return quoted table name from basic INSERT, UPDATE and SELECT statements' do assert_equal '[funny_jokes]', @connection.send(:get_table_name,@basic_insert_sql) assert_equal '[customers]', @connection.send(:get_table_name,@basic_update_sql) assert_equal '[customers]', @connection.send(:get_table_name,@basic_select_sql) end end context 'dealing with various orders SQL snippets' do setup do @single_order = '' @single_order_with_desc = ' DESC' @two_orders = ', comments.post_id' @two_orders_with_asc = ', comments.post_id ASC' @two_orders_with_desc_and_asc = ' DESC, comments.post_id ASC' @two_duplicate_order_with_dif_dir = "id, id DESC" end should 'convert to an 2D array of column/direction arrays using #orders_and_dirs_set' do assert_equal [['',nil]], orders_and_dirs_set('ORDER BY'), 'Needs to remove ORDER BY' assert_equal [['',nil]], orders_and_dirs_set(@single_order) assert_equal [['',nil],['comments.post_id',nil]], orders_and_dirs_set(@two_orders) assert_equal [['',nil],['comments.post_id','ASC']], orders_and_dirs_set(@two_orders_with_asc) assert_equal [['id',nil],['id','DESC']], orders_and_dirs_set(@two_duplicate_order_with_dif_dir) end should 'remove duplicate or maintain the same order by statements giving precedence to first using #add_order! method chain extension' do assert_equal ' ORDER BY', add_order!(@single_order) assert_equal ' ORDER BY DESC', add_order!(@single_order_with_desc) assert_equal ' ORDER BY, comments.post_id', add_order!(@two_orders) assert_equal ' ORDER BY DESC, comments.post_id ASC', add_order!(@two_orders_with_desc_and_asc) assert_equal 'SELECT * FROM [developers] ORDER BY id', add_order!('id, DESC','SELECT * FROM [developers]') assert_equal 'SELECT * FROM [developers] ORDER BY [developers].[id] DESC', add_order!('[developers].[id] DESC, id','SELECT * FROM [developers]') end should 'take all types of order options and convert them to MIN functions using #order_to_min_set' do assert_equal 'MIN(', order_to_min_set(@single_order) assert_equal 'MIN(, MIN(comments.post_id)', order_to_min_set(@two_orders) assert_equal 'MIN( DESC', order_to_min_set(@single_order_with_desc) assert_equal 'MIN(, MIN(comments.post_id) ASC', order_to_min_set(@two_orders_with_asc) assert_equal 'MIN( DESC, MIN(comments.post_id) ASC', order_to_min_set(@two_orders_with_desc_and_asc) end end context 'with different language' do teardown do @connection.execute("SET LANGUAGE us_english") rescue nil end should_eventually 'do a date insertion when language is german' do @connection.execute("SET LANGUAGE deutsch") assert_nothing_raised do Task.create(:starting => Time.utc(2000, 1, 31, 5, 42, 0), :ending =>, 12, 31)) end end end context 'testing #enable_default_unicode_types configuration' do should 'use non-unicode types when set to false' do with_enable_default_unicode_types(false) do if sqlserver_2000? assert_equal 'varchar', @connection.native_string_database_type assert_equal 'text', @connection.native_text_database_type elsif sqlserver_2005? assert_equal 'varchar', @connection.native_string_database_type assert_equal 'varchar(max)', @connection.native_text_database_type end end end should 'use unicode types when set to true' do with_enable_default_unicode_types(true) do if sqlserver_2000? assert_equal 'nvarchar', @connection.native_string_database_type assert_equal 'ntext', @connection.native_text_database_type elsif sqlserver_2005? assert_equal 'nvarchar', @connection.native_string_database_type assert_equal 'nvarchar(max)', @connection.native_text_database_type end end end end end context 'For chronic data types' do context 'with a usec' do setup do @time = @db_datetime_003 = '2012-11-08 10:24:36.003' @db_datetime_123 = '2012-11-08 10:24:36.123' @all_datetimes = [@db_datetime_003, @db_datetime_123] @all_datetimes.each do |datetime| @connection.execute("INSERT INTO [sql_server_chronics] ([datetime]) VALUES('#{datetime}')") end end teardown do @all_datetimes.each do |datetime| @connection.execute("DELETE FROM [sql_server_chronics] WHERE [datetime] = '#{datetime}'") end end context 'finding existing DB objects' do should 'find 003 millisecond in the DB with before and after casting' do existing_003 = SqlServerChronic.find_by_datetime!(@db_datetime_003) assert_equal @db_datetime_003, existing_003.datetime_before_type_cast assert_equal 3000, existing_003.datetime.usec, 'A 003 millisecond in SQL Server is 3000 microseconds' end should 'find 123 millisecond in the DB with before and after casting' do existing_123 = SqlServerChronic.find_by_datetime!(@db_datetime_123) assert_equal @db_datetime_123, existing_123.datetime_before_type_cast assert_equal 123000, existing_123.datetime.usec, 'A 123 millisecond in SQL Server is 123000 microseconds' end end context 'saving new datetime objects' do should 'truncate 123456 usec to just 123 in the DB cast back to 123000' do @time.stubs(:usec).returns(123456) saved = SqlServerChronic.create!(:datetime => @time).reload assert_equal '123', saved.datetime_before_type_cast.split('.')[1] assert_equal 123000, saved.datetime.usec end should 'truncate 3001 usec to just 003 in the DB cast back to 3000' do @time.stubs(:usec).returns(3001) saved = SqlServerChronic.create!(:datetime => @time).reload assert_equal '003', saved.datetime_before_type_cast.split('.')[1] assert_equal 3000, saved.datetime.usec end end end end context 'For identity inserts' do setup do @identity_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([id],[name]) VALUES(420,'Knock knock')" end should 'return quoted table_name to #query_requires_identity_insert? when INSERT sql contains id_column' do assert_equal '[funny_jokes]', @connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql) end should 'return false to #query_requires_identity_insert? for normal SQL' do [@basic_insert_sql, @basic_update_sql, @basic_select_sql].each do |sql| assert !@connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,sql), "SQL was #{sql}" end end should 'find identity column using #identity_column' do joke_id_column = Joke.columns.detect { |c| == 'id' } assert_equal joke_id_column, @connection.send(:identity_column,Joke.table_name) end should 'return nil when calling #identity_column for a table_name with no identity' do assert_nil @connection.send(:identity_column,Subscriber.table_name) end end context 'For Quoting' do should 'return 1 for #quoted_true' do assert_equal '1', @connection.quoted_true end should 'return 0 for #quoted_false' do assert_equal '0', @connection.quoted_false end should 'not escape backslash characters like abstract adapter' do string_with_backslashs = "\\n" assert_equal string_with_backslashs, @connection.quote_string(string_with_backslashs) end should 'quote column names with brackets' do assert_equal '[foo]', @connection.quote_column_name(:foo) assert_equal '[foo]', @connection.quote_column_name('foo') assert_equal '[foo].[bar]', @connection.quote_column_name('') end should 'quote table names like columns' do assert_equal '[foo].[bar]', @connection.quote_column_name('') assert_equal '[foo].[bar].[baz]', @connection.quote_column_name('') end end context 'When disableing referential integrity' do setup do @parent = FkTestHasPk.create! @member = FkTestHasFk.create!(:fk_id => end should 'NOT ALLOW by default the deletion of a referenced parent' do FkTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { } assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { @parent.destroy } end should 'ALLOW deletion of referenced parent using #disable_referential_integrity block' do FkTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { @parent.destroy } end should 'again NOT ALLOW deletion of referenced parent after #disable_referential_integrity block' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do FkTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { } @parent.destroy end end end context 'For DatabaseStatements' do context "finding out what user_options are available" do should "run the database consistency checker useroptions command" do @connection.expects(:select_rows).with(regexp_matches(/^dbcc\s+useroptions$/i)).returns [] @connection.user_options end should "return a underscored key hash with indifferent access of the results" do @connection.expects(:select_rows).with(regexp_matches(/^dbcc\s+useroptions$/i)).returns [['some', 'thing'], ['isolation level', 'read uncommitted']] uo = @connection.user_options assert_equal 2, uo.keys.size assert_equal 'thing', uo['some'] assert_equal 'thing', uo[:some] assert_equal 'read uncommitted', uo['isolation_level'] assert_equal 'read uncommitted', uo[:isolation_level] end end context "altering isolation levels" do should "barf if the requested isolation level is not valid" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) do @connection.run_with_isolation_level 'INVALID ISOLATION LEVEL' do; end end end context "with a valid isolation level" do setup do @t1 = tasks(:first_task) @t2 = tasks(:another_task) assert @t1, 'Tasks :first_task should be in AR fixtures' assert @t2, 'Tasks :another_task should be in AR fixtures' good_isolation_level = @connection.user_options[:isolation_level].blank? || @connection.user_options[:isolation_level] =~ /read committed/i assert good_isolation_level, "User isolation level is not at a happy starting place: #{@connection.user_options[:isolation_level].inspect}" end should 'allow #run_with_isolation_level to not take a block to set it' do begin @connection.run_with_isolation_level 'READ UNCOMMITTED' assert_match %r|read uncommitted|i, @connection.user_options[:isolation_level] ensure @connection.run_with_isolation_level 'READ COMMITTED' end end should 'return block value using #run_with_isolation_level' do assert_same_elements Task.find(:all), @connection.run_with_isolation_level('READ UNCOMMITTED') { Task.find(:all) } end should 'pass a read uncommitted isolation level test' do assert_nil @t2.starting, 'Fixture should have this empty.' begin Task.transaction do @t2.starting = @dirty_t2 = @connection.run_with_isolation_level('READ UNCOMMITTED') { Task.find( } raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError end rescue 'Do Nothing' end assert @dirty_t2, 'Should have a Task record from within block above.' assert @dirty_t2.starting, 'Should have a dirty date.' assert_nil Task.find(, 'Should be nil again from botched transaction above.' end unless active_record_2_point_2? # Transactions in tests are a bit screwy in 2.2. end end end context 'For SchemaStatements' do context 'returning from #type_to_sql' do should 'create integers when no limit supplied' do assert_equal 'integer', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer) end should 'create integers when limit is 4' do assert_equal 'integer', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 4) end should 'create integers when limit is 3' do assert_equal 'integer', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 3) end should 'create smallints when limit is less than 3' do assert_equal 'smallint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 2) assert_equal 'smallint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 1) end should 'create bigints when limit is greateer than 4' do assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 5) assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 6) assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 7) assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 8) end end end context 'For indexes' do setup do @desc_index_name = 'idx_credit_limit_test_desc' @connection.execute "CREATE INDEX #{@desc_index_name} ON accounts (credit_limit DESC)" end teardown do @connection.execute "DROP INDEX accounts.#{@desc_index_name}" end should 'have indexes with descending order' do assert @connection.indexes('accounts').detect { |i| == @desc_index_name } end end context 'For views' do context 'using @connection.views' do should 'return an array' do assert_instance_of Array, @connection.views end should 'find CustomersView table name' do assert_contains @connection.views, 'customers_view' end should 'not contain system views' do systables = ['sysconstraints','syssegments'] systables.each do |systable| assert !@connection.views.include?(systable), "This systable #{systable} should not be in the views array." end end should 'allow the connection.view_information method to return meta data on the view' do view_info = @connection.view_information('customers_view') assert_equal('customers_view', view_info['TABLE_NAME']) assert_match(/CREATE VIEW customers_view/, view_info['VIEW_DEFINITION']) end should 'allow the connection.view_table_name method to return true table_name for the view' do assert_equal 'customers', @connection.view_table_name('customers_view') assert_equal 'topics', @connection.view_table_name('topics'), 'No view here, the same table name should come back.' end end context 'used by a class for table_name' do context 'with same column names' do should 'have matching column objects' do columns = ['id','name','balance'] assert !CustomersView.columns.blank? assert_equal columns.size, CustomersView.columns.size columns.each do |colname| assert_instance_of ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerColumn, CustomersView.columns_hash[colname], "Column name #{colname.inspect} was not found in these columns #{}" end end should 'find identity column' do assert CustomersView.columns_hash['id'].primary assert CustomersView.columns_hash['id'].is_identity? end should 'find default values' do assert_equal 0, end should 'respond true to table_exists?' do assert CustomersView.table_exists? end should 'have correct table name for all column objects' do assert CustomersView.columns.all?{ |c| c.table_name == 'customers_view' }, end end context 'with aliased column names' do should 'have matching column objects' do columns = ['id','pretend_null'] assert !StringDefaultsView.columns.blank? assert_equal columns.size, StringDefaultsView.columns.size columns.each do |colname| assert_instance_of ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerColumn, StringDefaultsView.columns_hash[colname], "Column name #{colname.inspect} was not found in these columns #{}" end end should 'find identity column' do assert StringDefaultsView.columns_hash['id'].primary assert StringDefaultsView.columns_hash['id'].is_identity? end should 'find default values' do assert_equal 'null',, StringDefaultsView.columns_hash['pretend_null'].inspect end should 'respond true to table_exists?' do assert StringDefaultsView.table_exists? end should 'have correct table name for all column objects' do assert StringDefaultsView.columns.all?{ |c| c.table_name == 'string_defaults_view' }, end end end context 'doing identity inserts' do setup do @view_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO [customers_view] ([id],[name],[balance]) VALUES (420,'Microsoft',0)" end should 'respond true/tablename to #query_requires_identity_insert?' do assert_equal '[customers_view]', @connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@view_insert_sql) end should 'be able to do an identity insert' do assert_nothing_raised { @connection.execute(@view_insert_sql) } assert CustomersView.find(420) end end context 'that have more than 4000 chars for their defintion' do should 'cope with null returned for the defintion' do assert_nothing_raised() { StringDefaultsBigView.columns } end should 'using alternate view defintion still be able to find real default' do assert_equal 'null',, StringDefaultsBigView.columns_hash['pretend_null'].inspect end end end private def sql_for_association_limiting?(sql) @connection.send :sql_for_association_limiting?, sql end def orders_and_dirs_set(order) @connection.send :orders_and_dirs_set, order end def add_order!(order,sql='') ActiveRecord::Base.send :add_order!, sql, order, nil sql end def order_to_min_set(order) @connection.send :order_to_min_set, order end def with_enable_default_unicode_types(setting) old_setting = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.enable_default_unicode_types old_text = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.native_text_database_type old_string = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.native_string_database_type ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.enable_default_unicode_types = setting ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.native_text_database_type = nil ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.native_string_database_type = nil yield ensure ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.enable_default_unicode_types = old_setting ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.native_text_database_type = old_text ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.native_string_database_type = old_string end end class AdapterTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase COERCED_TESTS = [ :test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_without_comas, :test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_with_comas ] include SqlserverCoercedTest def test_coerced_test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_without_comas sql_inject = "1 select * from schema" connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject, :offset=>7) } end def test_coerced_test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_with_comas sql_inject = "1, 7 procedure help()" connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=> '1 ; DROP TABLE USERS', :offset=>7) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject, :offset=>7) } end end