The JQuery UI [dialog](http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/).  All options and methods are supported.

The default for [autoOpen](http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#option-autoOpen) has been changed to `"&false"`.  To display the dialog set autoOpen to `"&true"`, use a `<dialog-open-button>`, use `<dialog-and-button>` or use javascript (`$('#foo-dialog').hjq_dialog('open');`).

The [buttons](http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#option-buttons) option has been changed slightly.  Because of quoting issues, it's usually easier to assign the list to a variable and then include the list:

    <% buttons = [ ["cancel", "jQuery(this).dialog('close')"] ] %>


    <% buttons = [ ["save", "hjq_dialog_box.submitAndClose"], ["cancel", "hjq_dialog_box.close"], ] %>


    <dialog-box buttons="&buttons">My dialog text</dialog-box>


    <dialog-box id="story-dialog" buttons='&{"cancel" => "jQuery(this).dialog(\"close\")"}' >My dialog text</dialog_box>


    <dialog-box id="story-dialog" buttons='&{"cancel" => "hjq_dialog_box.close"}' > My dialog text</dialog_box>

Because Ruby 1.8 Hash's do not preserve order, you may use a list of pairs instead of a Hash.

If you do not set [position](http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#option-position) the dialog will appear where it is defined in your DRYML.

JQuery UI is sometimes picky about types.   For instance, the width option must be a number, not a string.  By default Hobo options are strings, but you can easily send a number by using the ampersand to switch to ruby mode:

    <dialog-box width="&640"/>

The following functions are predefined for use in dialog buttons:

 * `hjq_dialog_box.close`:  close the dialog box
 * `hjq_dialog_box.submit`:  submits all formlets inside the dialog
 * `hjq_dialog_box.submitAndClose`: submits any enclosed formlets, then closes the dialog.
<def tag="dialog-box" attrs="buttons">
 options, attrs = attributes.partition_hash(["autoOpen", "bgiframe", "closeOnEscape", "dialogClass", "draggable", "height", "hide", "maxHeight", "maxWidth", "minWidth", "modal", "position", "resizable", "show", "stack", "title", "width", "zIndex"])
 events, html_attrs = attrs.partition_hash(["beforeclose", "open", "focus", "dragStart", "drag", "dragStop", "resizeStart", "resize", "resizeStop", "close"])
 options["autoOpen"]=false unless options.has_key?("autoOpen")
 <span class="dialog-position"></span>
 <% html_attrs = add_classes(html_attrs, "dialog-box") %>
 <div merge-attrs="&html_attrs" data-rapid="&data_rapid('dialog-box', :options => options, :events => events, :buttons => buttons)" param="default" />

When pressed, will open a `<dialog-box>`.

### Attributes
 * `dialog` (required):a CSS selector (AKA jQuery selector) to locate the dialog in the DOM.  Remember, if you're passing an ID, place a '#' in front of the ID.
 * supports all button attributes

### Example
    <dialog id="hello-dialog">Hello!</dialog>
    <dialog-open-button dialog="#hello-dialog">Press Me!</dialog-open-button>
<def tag="dialog-open-button" attrs="dialog">
  <button data-rapid="&data_rapid('dialog-open-button', :selector => dialog)" param="default" class="dialog-open-button" merge />

Defines an `<dialog-box>` and a `<dialog-open-button>` and links the two together.

### Attributes
 * `id` (optional): the DOM id to use for the dialog
<def tag="dialog-and-button">
  <% # we can't use jQuery traversal functions since the dialog will move around in the DOM %>
  <% attributes["id"]="dialog-#{(rand*1000000000).to_i}" unless attributes.has_key?("id") %>
  <dialog-box param merge />
  <dialog-open-button dialog="##{attributes['id']}" param />