license = Avo::App.license
information_items = [
hq_payload = Avo::Licensing::HQ.new(request).payload
<%= render Avo::PanelComponent.new title: 'Debug Avo', description: 'Use this page to debug the Avo license.' do |c| %>
<% c.tools do %>
<% end %>
<% c.bare_content do %>
License info
<%= license.name %>
<% if license.response['reason'] %>
- Error
- <%= license.response['reason'] %>
<% end %>
<% if license.response['error'] %>
- Error
- <%= license.response['error'] %>
- Exception message
- <%= license.response['exception_message'] %>
<% end %>
<% information_items.each do |item| %>
- <%= item.humanize %>
- <%= license.response[item] %>
<% end %>
- Last fetched at
- <%= license.response['fetched_at'] %>
<% if license.response['fetched_at'].present? %>
(<%= time_ago_in_words license.response['fetched_at'] %> ago)
<% end %>
- Cache store
- <%= Avo::App.cache_store.class.to_s %> - <%= Avo::App.cache_store.options.inspect %>
<%= a_button style: :outline,
color: :blue,
url: "#{root_path}avo_private/debug/refresh_license",
method: :post,
loading: true,
icon: 'heroicons/outline/refresh' do %>
Refresh license
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>