module RailsConnector::LiquidSupport module FieldValueDropPatcher #:nodoc: def self.patch(mod) mod.module_eval do return if method_defined?(:field_value_drop_patched) define_method :field_value_drop_patched do; end (public_instance_methods - Module.public_instance_methods).each do |m| alias_method(old_m = "infopark_rails_connector_%s" % m, m) define_method m do |*args| first_arg = args.shift!{|arg| arg.kind_of?(FieldValueDrop) ? arg.__value : arg} args.unshift(first_arg) if (drop = args.first).kind_of? FieldValueDrop args[0] = drop.__value value = __send__(old_m, *args) new_drop = drop.dup new_drop.__value = value return new_drop else return __send__(old_m, *args) end end end end end end FieldValueDropPatcher.patch(Liquid::StandardFilters) # A tag for rendering partials in Liquid templates # # Example: # {% template 'name-of-partial' %} class TemplateTag < Liquid::Tag Syntax = /(#{Liquid::QuotedFragment}+)/ #:nodoc: def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens) #:nodoc: if markup =~ Syntax @partial_name = $1 else raise"Error in tag 'template' - Valid syntax: template '[name-of-template]'") end super end def render(context) #:nodoc: context.registers[:action_view].controller.__send__( :render_to_string, :partial => context[@partial_name] ) end Liquid::Template.register_tag('template', TemplateTag) end # Das LiquidTemplateRepository kann Liquid-Templates anwenden. # Zunächst muss das Template kompiliert werden, danach kann es gerendert werden. class LiquidTemplateRepository #:nodoc: cattr_accessor :compiled_templates self.compiled_templates = {} def self.compile(template) template_id = generate_unique_template_id compiled_templates[template_id] = Liquid::Template.parse(template.source) template_id end def self.render(template_id, action_view) compiled_template = compiled_templates[template_id] unless compiled_template # this should never happen raise "render() called with illegal template id: #{template_id}" end rendered_template = compiled_template.render( { "obj" => action_view.instance_variable_get("@obj"), "named_object" => NamedObjectDrop.instance }, :filters => [ObjFilters] + load_custom_filters, :registers => {:action_view => action_view} ) report_errors(compiled_template, action_view.logger) unless compiled_template.errors.blank? rendered_template end # Nur zum Testen gedacht def self.drop_all self.compiled_templates = {} end def self.load_custom_filters return @loaded_custom_filters if @loaded_custom_filters extract = /^#{Regexp.quote(filters_dir)}\/?(.*_filters).rb$/ @loaded_custom_filters = Dir["#{filters_dir}/**/*_filters.rb"].map do |file| filename = file.sub extract, '\1' require File.join(filters_dir, filename) filename.camelcase.constantize end @loaded_custom_filters.each {|m| FieldValueDropPatcher.patch(m)} @loaded_custom_filters end # Nur zum Testen gedacht def self.reset_custom_filters @loaded_custom_filters = nil end class << self private def generate_unique_template_id @template_id_counter ||= 0 @template_id_counter += 1 # include object_id to generate different id's if this class is reloaded by accident # (which should never happen, but you never know) "#{object_id}-#{@template_id_counter}" end def report_errors(compiled_template, logger) if ::RailsConnector::LiquidSupport.raise_template_errors raise compiled_template.errors.first else logger.warn( do |exception| "[Liquid Error] #{exception.message} trace: \n#{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}" end.join("\n\n") ) end end def filters_dir Rails.root.join('app', 'filters') end end end # Dieser TemplateHandler integriert Liquid in Rails. # # Die Klasse ist bewusst sehr schlank gehalten und delegiert das eigentliche # Verarbeiten der Templates an das LiquidTemplateRepository. # Der Grund ist, dass die Klassen, die in Rails als TemplateHandler registriert # sind von Rails eingefroren werden (mittels Object.freeze) und daher keine # Klassenvariablen haben können. class LiquidTemplateHandler #:nodoc: def template_id = LiquidTemplateRepository.compile(template) "#{LiquidTemplateRepository}.render('#{template_id}', self)" end end end