# encoding: utf-8 require "mongoid/contextual/atomic" require "mongoid/contextual/aggregable/mongo" require "mongoid/contextual/command" require "mongoid/contextual/geo_near" require "mongoid/contextual/map_reduce" require "mongoid/relations/eager" module Mongoid module Contextual class Mongo include Enumerable include Aggregable::Mongo include Atomic include Relations::Eager include Queryable # Options constant. # # @since 5.0.0 OPTIONS = [ :hint, :limit, :skip, :sort, :batch_size, :max_scan, :snapshot, :comment, :read ].freeze # @attribute [r] view The Mongo collection view. attr_reader :view # Is the context cached? # # @example Is the context cached? # context.cached? # # @return [ true, false ] If the context is cached. # # @since 3.0.0 def cached? !!@cache end # Get the number of documents matching the query. # # @example Get the number of matching documents. # context.count # # @example Get the count of documents with the provided options. # context.count(limit: 1) # # @example Get the count for where the provided block is true. # context.count do |doc| # doc.likes > 1 # end # # @param [ Hash ] options The options, such as skip and limit to be factored # into the count. # # @return [ Integer ] The number of matches. # # @since 3.0.0 def count(options = {}, &block) return super(&block) if block_given? try_cache(:count) { view.count(options) } end # Delete all documents in the database that match the selector. # # @example Delete all the documents. # context.delete # # @return [ nil ] Nil. # # @since 3.0.0 def delete self.count.tap do view.delete_many end end alias :delete_all :delete # Destroy all documents in the database that match the selector. # # @example Destroy all the documents. # context.destroy # # @return [ nil ] Nil. # # @since 3.0.0 def destroy destroyed = self.count each do |doc| doc.destroy end destroyed end alias :destroy_all :destroy # Get the distinct values in the db for the provided field. # # @example Get the distinct values. # context.distinct(:name) # # @param [ String, Symbol ] field The name of the field. # # @return [ Array ] The distinct values for the field. # # @since 3.0.0 def distinct(field) view.distinct(klass.database_field_name(field)) end # Iterate over the context. If provided a block, yield to a Mongoid # document for each, otherwise return an enum. # # @example Iterate over the context. # context.each do |doc| # puts doc.name # end # # @return [ Enumerator ] The enumerator. # # @since 3.0.0 def each(&block) if block_given? documents_for_iteration.each do |doc| yield_document(doc, &block) end @cache_loaded = true self else to_enum end end # Do any documents exist for the context. # # @example Do any documents exist for the context. # context.exists? # # @note We don't use count here since Mongo does not use counted # b-tree indexes, unless a count is already cached then that is # used to determine the value. # # @return [ true, false ] If the count is more than zero. # # @since 3.0.0 def exists? return !documents.empty? if cached? && cache_loaded? return @count > 0 if instance_variable_defined?(:@count) try_cache(:exists) do !!(view.projection(_id: 1).limit(1).first) end end # Run an explain on the criteria. # # @example Explain the criteria. # Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").explain # # @return [ Hash ] The explain result. # # @since 3.0.0 def explain view.explain end # Execute the find and modify command, used for MongoDB's # $findAndModify. # # @example Execute the command. # context.find_one_and_update({ "$inc" => { likes: 1 }}) # # @param [ Hash ] update The updates. # @param [ Hash ] options The command options. # # @option options [ :before, :after ] :return_document Return the updated document # from before or after update. # @option options [ true, false ] :upsert Create the document if it doesn't exist. # # @return [ Document ] The result of the command. # # @since 5.0.0 def find_one_and_update(update, options = {}) if doc = view.find_one_and_update(update, options) Factory.from_db(klass, doc) end end # Execute the find and modify command, used for MongoDB's # $findAndModify. # # @example Execute the command. # context.find_one_and_update({ likes: 1 }) # # @param [ Hash ] update The updates. # @param [ Hash ] options The command options. # # @option options [ :before, :after ] :return_document Return the updated document # from before or after update. # @option options [ true, false ] :upsert Create the document if it doesn't exist. # # @return [ Document ] The result of the command. # # @since 5.0.0 def find_one_and_replace(replacement, options = {}) if doc = view.find_one_and_replace(replacement, options) Factory.from_db(klass, doc) end end # Execute the find and modify command, used for MongoDB's # $findAndModify. This deletes the found document. # # @example Execute the command. # context.find_one_and_delete # # @return [ Document ] The result of the command. # # @since 5.0.0 def find_one_and_delete if doc = view.find_one_and_delete Factory.from_db(klass, doc) end end # Get the first document in the database for the criteria's selector. # # @example Get the first document. # context.first # # @note Mongoid previously added an _id sort when no sort parameters were # provided explicitly by the user. This caused bad performance issues # and was not expected, so #first/#last will no longer guarantee order # if no sorting parameters are provided. For order guarantees - a sort # must be explicitly provided. # # @return [ Document ] The first document. # # @since 3.0.0 def first return documents.first if cached? && cache_loaded? try_cache(:first) do if raw_doc = view.limit(-1).first doc = Factory.from_db(klass, raw_doc, criteria.options[:fields]) eager_load([doc]).first end end end alias :one :first # Return the first result without applying sort # # @api private # # @since 4.0.2 def find_first return documents.first if cached? && cache_loaded? if raw_doc = view.first doc = Factory.from_db(klass, raw_doc, criteria.options[:fields]) eager_load([doc]).first end end # Execute a $geoNear command against the database. # # @example Find documents close to 10, 10. # context.geo_near([ 10, 10 ]) # # @example Find with spherical distance. # context.geo_near([ 10, 10 ]).spherical # # @example Find with a max distance. # context.geo_near([ 10, 10 ]).max_distance(0.5) # # @example Provide a distance multiplier. # context.geo_near([ 10, 10 ]).distance_multiplier(1133) # # @param [ Array ] coordinates The coordinates. # # @return [ GeoNear ] The GeoNear command. # # @since 3.1.0 def geo_near(coordinates) GeoNear.new(collection, criteria, coordinates) end # Invoke the block for each element of Contextual. Create a new array # containing the values returned by the block. # # If the symbol field name is passed instead of the block, additional # optimizations would be used. # # @example Map by some field. # context.map(:field1) # # @exmaple Map with block. # context.map(&:field1) # # @param [ Symbol ] field The field name. # # @return [ Array ] The result of mapping. def map(field = nil, &block) if block_given? super(&block) else criteria.pluck(field) end end # Create the new Mongo context. This delegates operations to the # underlying driver. # # @example Create the new context. # Mongo.new(criteria) # # @param [ Criteria ] criteria The criteria. # # @since 3.0.0 def initialize(criteria) @criteria, @klass, @cache = criteria, criteria.klass, criteria.options[:cache] @collection = @klass.with(criteria.persistence_options || {}).collection criteria.send(:merge_type_selection) @view = collection.find(criteria.selector) apply_options end delegate(:database_field_name, to: :@klass) # Get the last document in the database for the criteria's selector. # # @example Get the last document. # context.last # # @note Mongoid previously added an _id sort when no sort parameters were # provided explicitly by the user. This caused bad performance issues # and was not expected, so #first/#last will no longer guarantee order # if no sorting parameters are provided. For order guarantees - a sort # must be explicitly provided. # # @return [ Document ] The last document. # # @since 3.0.0 def last try_cache(:last) do with_inverse_sorting do if raw_doc = view.limit(-1).first doc = Factory.from_db(klass, raw_doc, criteria.options[:fields]) eager_load([doc]).first end end end end # Get's the number of documents matching the query selector. # # @example Get the length. # context.length # # @return [ Integer ] The number of documents. # # @since 3.0.0 def length @length ||= self.count end alias :size :length # Limits the number of documents that are returned from the database. # # @example Limit the documents. # context.limit(20) # # @param [ Integer ] value The number of documents to return. # # @return [ Mongo ] The context. # # @since 3.0.0 def limit(value) @view = view.limit(value) and self end # Initiate a map/reduce operation from the context. # # @example Initiate a map/reduce. # context.map_reduce(map, reduce) # # @param [ String ] map The map js function. # @param [ String ] reduce The reduce js function. # # @return [ MapReduce ] The map/reduce lazy wrapper. # # @since 3.0.0 def map_reduce(map, reduce) MapReduce.new(collection, criteria, map, reduce) end # Pluck the single field values from the database. Will return duplicates # if they exist and only works for top level fields. # # @example Pluck a field. # context.pluck(:_id) # # @note This method will return the raw db values - it performs no custom # serialization. # # @param [ String, Symbol, Array ] field Fields to pluck. # # @return [ Array ] The plucked values. # # @since 3.1.0 def pluck(*fields) normalized_select = fields.inject({}) do |hash, f| hash[klass.database_field_name(f)] = 1 hash end view.projection(normalized_select).reduce([]) do |plucked, doc| values = normalized_select.keys.map do |n| n =~ /\./ ? doc[n.partition('.')[0]] : doc[n] end plucked << (values.size == 1 ? values.first : values) end end # Skips the provided number of documents. # # @example Skip the documents. # context.skip(20) # # @param [ Integer ] value The number of documents to skip. # # @return [ Mongo ] The context. # # @since 3.0.0 def skip(value) @view = view.skip(value) and self end # Sorts the documents by the provided spec. # # @example Sort the documents. # context.sort(name: -1, title: 1) # # @param [ Hash ] values The sorting values as field/direction(1/-1) # pairs. # # @return [ Mongo ] The context. # # @since 3.0.0 def sort(values = nil, &block) if block_given? super(&block) else # update the criteria @criteria = criteria.order_by(values) apply_option(:sort) self end end # Update the first matching document atomically. # # @example Update the first matching document. # context.update({ "$set" => { name: "Smiths" }}) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes The new attributes for the document. # # @return [ nil, false ] False if no attributes were provided. # # @since 3.0.0 def update(attributes = nil) update_documents(attributes) end # Update all the matching documents atomically. # # @example Update all the matching documents. # context.update_all({ "$set" => { name: "Smiths" }}) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes The new attributes for each document. # # @return [ nil, false ] False if no attributes were provided. # # @since 3.0.0 def update_all(attributes = nil) update_documents(attributes, :update_many) end private # yield the block given or return the cached value # # @param [ String, Symbol ] key The instance variable name # # @return the result of the block # # @since 3.1.4 def try_cache(key, &block) unless cached? yield else unless ret = instance_variable_get("@#{key}") instance_variable_set("@#{key}", ret = yield) end ret end end # Update the documents for the provided method. # # @api private # # @example Update the documents. # context.update_documents(attrs) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes The updates. # @param [ Symbol ] method The method to use. # # @return [ true, false ] If the update succeeded. # # @since 3.0.4 def update_documents(attributes, method = :update_one) return false unless attributes attributes = Hash[attributes.map { |k, v| [klass.database_field_name(k.to_s), v] }] view.send(method, attributes.__consolidate__(klass)) end # Apply the field limitations. # # @api private # # @example Apply the field limitations. # context.apply_fields # # @since 3.0.0 def apply_fields if spec = criteria.options[:fields] @view = view.projection(spec) end end # Apply the options. # # @api private # # @example Apply all options. # context.apply_options # # @since 3.1.0 def apply_options apply_fields OPTIONS.each do |name| apply_option(name) end if criteria.options[:timeout] == false @view = view.no_cursor_timeout end if criteria.options[:cursor_type] # @todo: update to use #cursor_type method on view when driver 2.3 is released. # See RUBY-1080 @view = view.clone @view.options.merge!(cursor_type: criteria.options[:cursor_type]) end end # Apply an option. # # @api private # # @example Apply the skip option. # context.apply_option(:skip) # # @since 3.1.0 def apply_option(name) if spec = criteria.options[name] @view = view.send(name, spec) end end # Map the inverse sort symbols to the correct MongoDB values. # # @api private # # @example Apply the inverse sorting params to the given block # context.with_inverse_sorting # # @since 3.0.0 def with_inverse_sorting begin if spec = criteria.options[:sort] @view = view.sort(Hash[spec.map{|k, v| [k, -1*v]}]) end yield ensure apply_option(:sort) end end # Is the cache able to be added to? # # @api private # # @example Is the context cacheable? # context.cacheable? # # @return [ true, false ] If caching, and the cache isn't loaded. # # @since 3.0.0 def cacheable? cached? && !cache_loaded? end # Is the cache fully loaded? Will be true if caching after one full # iteration. # # @api private # # @example Is the cache loaded? # context.cache_loaded? # # @return [ true, false ] If the cache is loaded. # # @since 3.0.0 def cache_loaded? !!@cache_loaded end # Get the documents for cached queries. # # @api private # # @example Get the cached documents. # context.documents # # @return [ Array ] The documents. # # @since 3.0.0 def documents @documents ||= [] end # Get the documents the context should iterate. This follows 3 rules: # # 1. If the query is cached, and we already have documents loaded, use # them. # 2. If we are eager loading, then eager load the documents and use # those. # 3. Use the query. # # @api private # # @example Get the documents for iteration. # context.documents_for_iteration # # @return [ Array, Mongo::Collection::View ] The docs to iterate. # # @since 3.0.0 def documents_for_iteration return documents if cached? && !documents.empty? return view unless eager_loadable? docs = view.map{ |doc| Factory.from_db(klass, doc, criteria.options[:fields]) } eager_load(docs) end # Yield to the document. # # @api private # # @example Yield the document. # context.yield_document(doc) do |doc| # ... # end # # @param [ Document ] document The document to yield to. # # @since 3.0.0 def yield_document(document, &block) doc = document.respond_to?(:_id) ? document : Factory.from_db(klass, document, criteria.options[:fields]) yield(doc) documents.push(doc) if cacheable? end end end end