##0.4.1 (December 16th, 2010) Bugfixes: - fixed the handling of invalid page arguments in resultset.paginate. Invalid page arguments return an empty result set - searches with an empty search expression do not raise an exception anymore and return an empty resultset ##0.4.0 (December 15th, 2010) Features: - Simple facets implementation. The only facet supported is the class name of the indexed objects - Support for sorting (only for class searches, not for global searches) - The result of a search can be used with will_paginate Bugfixes: - removed the class scope expression from the spelling suggestion when searching on a class - keys of the attributes and index hashes are now sorted to be compatible with ruby 1.8 (which does not preserve the order of the keys in a hash) - Fixed the problem that blueprint configurations got lost after the first request in the development env (Rails only). You should put your blueprints either into a class that is loaded by Rails or into the file config/xapian_blueprints.rb wich is loaded automatically by XapianDb **Since the internal structure of the index has changed, you must reindex your objects if you come from an earlier version of XapianDb!** ##0.3.4 (December 14th, 2010) Features: - perform searches on indexed classes to scope the search to objects of a specific class - specify multiple blueprint attributes and index methods in one statement (without specifying options) - use blocks for complex attribute or index specifications Changes: - changed the implementation of Resultset.size to get more accurate estimations - changed the indexing of active_record or datamapper models when declared as attributes or indexes in a blueprint (indexes now all attributes of the object instead of using to_s) ##0.3.3 (December 13th, 2010) Features: - Support for multi language stop words. The implementation was inspired by John Leachs xapian-fu gem - Support for query spelling correction (similar to Google's 'did you mean...'). This feature is only available for persistent databases (due to a limitation of Xapian) Changes: - Languages must be configured by the iso language code (:en, :de, ...). No more support for the english language names (:english, :german, ...) - Reduced the memory footprint when reindexing large tables ##0.3.2 (December 10th, 2010) Features: - Moved the per_page option from Resultset.paginate to Database.search - Added support for language settings (global and dynamic per object) - Added support for xapian stemmers - Removed the dependency to progressbar (but it is still used if available) - Made the rebuild_xapian_index method silent by default (use :verbose => true to get status info) ##0.3.1 (December 6th, 2010) Bugfixes: - Fixed the gemspec ##0.3.0 (December 4th, 2010) Features: - Rails integration with configuration file (config/xapian_db.yml) and automatic setup ##0.2.0 (December 1st, 2010) Features: - Blueprint configuration extended - Adapter for Datamapper - Search by attribute names - Search with wildcards - Document attributes can carry anything that is serializable by YAML ##0.1.0 (November 23th, 2010) Proof of concept, not really useful for real world usage