require "spec_helper" # These specs will run on all databases that are defined in the spec/database.yml file. # Comment out any databases that you do not have available for testing purposes if needed. ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.test_databases.each do |db| describe ScopedSearch, "using a #{db} database" do before(:all) do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.establish_named_connection(db) @class = ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.create_model(:int => :integer, :dec => :decimal ,:timestamp => :datetime, :date => :date, :unindexed => :integer) do |klass| klass.scoped_search :on => [:int, :dec, :timestamp] klass.scoped_search :on => :date, :only_explicit => true end end after(:all) do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(@class) ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.close_connection end context 'querying numerical fields' do before(:all) do @record = @class.create!(:int => 9, :dec => 1.23) end after(:all) do @record.destroy end it "should find the record with an exact integer match" do @class.search_for('9').length.should == 1 end it "should find the record with an exact decimal match" do @class.search_for('1.23').length.should == 1 end it "should find the record with an exact integer match with an explicit operator" do @class.search_for('= 9').length.should == 1 end it "should find the record with an exact integer match with an explicit field name" do @class.search_for('int = 9').length.should == 1 end it "should find the record with an exact integer match with an explicit field name" do @class.search_for('int > 8').length.should == 1 end it "should find the record with a grater than operator and explicit field" do @class.search_for('int > 9').length.should == 0 end it "should find the record with an >= operator with an implicit field name" do @class.search_for('>= 9').length.should == 1 end it "should not return the record if only one predicate is true and AND is used (by default)" do @class.search_for('int <= 8, int > 8').length.should == 0 end it "should return the record in only one predicate is true and OR is used as operator" do @class.search_for('int <= 8 || int > 8').length.should == 1 end end context 'querying unindexed fields' do before(:all) do @record = @class.create!(:int => 9, :unindexed => 10) end after(:all) do @record.destroy end it "should raise an error when explicitly searching in the non-indexed column" do lambda { @class.search_for('unindexed = 10') }.should raise_error(ScopedSearch::Exception) end # Before Ruby 2.0 if a string had forced encoding and a nil was extracted from it during # any implicit type conversions to a string (+ or << operators) a TypeError would be raised. # for more details it "encoded string should not raise TypeError when querying non-indexed column without a value" do query = 'unindexed ='.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8).encode lambda { @class.search_for(query) }.should_not raise_error end it "should not return records for which the query matches unindex records" do @class.search_for('= 10').length.should == 0 end end context 'querying date and time fields' do before(:all) do @record = @class.create!(:timestamp => Time.parse('2009-01-02 14:51:44'), :date => Date.parse('2009-01-02')) @nil_record = @class.create!(:timestamp => nil, :date => nil) end after(:all) do @record.destroy @nil_record.destroy end it "should accept YYYY-MM-DD as date format" do @class.search_for('date = 2009-01-02').length.should == 1 end it "should accept YY-MM-DD as date format" do @class.search_for('date = 09-01-02').length.should == 1 end if RUBY_VERSION.to_f == 1.8 it "should accept MM/DD/YY as date format" do @class.search_for('date = 01/02/09').length.should == 1 end it "should accept MM/DD/YYYY as date format" do @class.search_for('date = 01/02/2009').length.should == 1 end end it "should accept YYYY/MM/DD as date format" do @class.search_for('date = 2009/01/02').length.should == 1 end it "should ignore an invalid date and thus return all records" do @class.search_for('>= 2009-14-57').count.should == 2 end it "should find the records with a timestamp set some point on the provided date" do @class.search_for('>= 2009-01-02').length.should == 1 end it "should support full timestamps" do @class.search_for('> "2009-01-02 02:02:02"').length.should == 1 end it "should find no record with a timestamp in the past" do @class.search_for('< 2009-01-02').length.should == 0 end it "should find all timestamps on a date if no time is given using the = operator" do @class.search_for('= 2009-01-02').length.should == 1 end it "should find all timestamps on a date if no time is when no operator is given" do @class.search_for('2009-01-02').length.should == 1 end it "should find all timestamps not on a date if no time is given using the != operator" do @class.search_for('!= 2009-01-02').length.should == 0 end it "should find the records when the date part of a timestamp matches a date" do @class.search_for('>= 2009-01-02').length.should == 1 end it "should find the record with the timestamp today or in the past" do @class.search_for('<= 2009-01-02').length.should == 1 end it "should find no record with a timestamp later than today" do @class.search_for('> 2009-01-02').length.should == 0 end end context 'humanized date and time query' do before(:all) do @curent_record = @class.create!(:timestamp => Time.current, :date => Date.current) @hour_ago_record = @class.create!(:timestamp => Time.current - 1.hour, :date => Date.current) @day_ago_record = @class.create!(:timestamp => Time.current -, :date => Date.current - @month_ago_record = @class.create!(:timestamp => Time.current - 1.month, :date => Date.current - 1.month) @year_ago_record = @class.create!(:timestamp => Time.current - 1.year, :date => Date.current - 1.year) end after(:all) do @curent_record.destroy @hour_ago_record.destroy @day_ago_record.destroy @month_ago_record.destroy @year_ago_record.destroy end it "should accept Today as date format" do @class.search_for('date = Today').length.should == 2 end it "should accept Yesterday as date format" do @class.search_for('date = yesterday').length.should == 1 end it "should find all timestamps and date from today using the = operator" do @class.search_for('= Today').length.should == 2 end it "should find all timestamps and date from today no operator" do @class.search_for('Today').length.should == 2 end it "should accept 2 days ago as date format" do @class.search_for('date < "2 days ago"').length.should == 2 end it "should accept 3 hours ago as date format" do @class.search_for('timestamp > "3 hours ago"').length.should == 2 end it "should accept 1 month ago as date format" do @class.search_for('date > "1 month ago"').length.should == 3 end it "should accept 1 year ago as date format" do @class.search_for('date > "1 year ago"').length.should == 4 end end context 'querying bitwise fields' do before(:all) do @foo = ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.create_model(:int => :integer) do |klass| klass.scoped_search :on => :int, :offset => 0, :word_size => 8, :rename => :first klass.scoped_search :on => :int, :offset => 1, :word_size => 8, :rename => :sec end # 1026 => is first = 2 and sec = 4 @record = @foo.create!(:int => 1026) end after(:all) do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(@foo) end it "should not find any record because first equal = 2" do @foo.search_for('first = 4').length.should == 0 end it "should find the record" do @foo.search_for('first = 2').length.should == 1 end it "should not find any record with a grater than operator" do @foo.search_for('first > 9').length.should == 0 end it "should find the record with an >= operator" do @foo.search_for('sec >= 4').length.should == 1 end it "should find the record with AND operator is used" do @foo.search_for('sec <= 8 and first = 2').length.should == 1 end it "should return the record in if one predicate is true and OR is used as operator" do @foo.search_for('sec <= 8 || first > 8').length.should == 1 end end end end