require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'ruby-fs-stack/identity' describe IdentityV1::Communicator do include HttpCommunicatorHelper # found in the spec_helper def do_get(url, credentials = {}) @com.get(url, credentials) end before(:each) do stub_net_objects @com = :domain => '', :key => 'KEY' end it "should have an extended identity_v1 method on the communicator" do @com.identity_v1.should be_instance_of(IdentityV1::Communicator) end describe "authenticate" do before(:each) do filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'json','login.js') @body = @mock_response = mock('HTTP::Response', :body => @body, :code => '200') @http.should_receive(:start).and_return(@mock_response) @request.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('user','pass') @request.should_receive(:[]=).with('User-Agent',@com.user_agent) end it "should make a call to /identity/v1/login" do url = "/identity/v1/login?key=KEY" Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with(url+"&dataFormat=application/json").and_return(@request) response = @com.identity_v1.authenticate(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') end it "should return true if successful" do success = @com.identity_v1.authenticate(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') success.should == true end it "should set the communicator's session to the logged in session" do @com.identity_v1.authenticate(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') @com.session.should == 'USYS6325F49E7E47C181EA7E73E897F9A8ED.ptap009-034' end it "should raise RubyFsStack::Unauthorized if the login was not successful" do @mock_response.stub!(:code).and_return('401') @mock_response.stub!(:message).and_return('Invalid name or password.') lambda{ @com.identity_v1.authenticate(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Unauthorized) end describe "login" do it "should accept the login method and behave the same way" do url = "/identity/v1/login?key=KEY" Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with(url+"&dataFormat=application/json").and_return(@request) response = @com.identity_v1.login(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') end it "should return true if successful" do success = @com.identity_v1.login(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') success.should == true end it "should set the communicator's session to the logged in session" do @com.identity_v1.login(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') @com.session.should == 'USYS6325F49E7E47C181EA7E73E897F9A8ED.ptap009-034' end it "should raise RubyFsStack::Unauthorized if the login was not successful" do @mock_response.stub!(:code).and_return('401') @mock_response.stub!(:message).and_return('Invalid name or password.') lambda{ @com.identity_v1.login(:username => 'user', :password => 'pass') }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Unauthorized) end end end end