require "uuidtools" require "asciimath" require "htmlentities" require "nokogiri" module Html2Doc @xsltemplate = Nokogiri::XSLT(, "mml2omml.xsl"), encoding: "utf-8")) def self.asciimath_to_mathml1(x) AsciiMath.parse( gsub(/<math>/, "<math xmlns=''>") end def self.asciimath_to_mathml(doc, delims) return doc if delims.nil? || delims.size < 2 m = doc.split(/(#{Regexp.escape(delims[0])}|#{Regexp.escape(delims[1])})/) m.each_slice(4).map.with_index do |(*a), i| warn "MathML #{i} of #{(m.size / 4).floor}" if i % 500 == 0 && m.size > 1000 && i > 0 a[2].nil? || a[2] = asciimath_to_mathml1(a[2]) a.size > 1 ? a[0] + a[2] : a[0] end.join end # random fixes to MathML input that OOXML needs to render properly def self.ooxml_cleanup(m, docnamespaces) m.xpath(".//xmlns:msup[name(preceding-sibling::*[1])='munderover']", docnamespaces).each do |x| x1 = x.replace("<mrow></mrow>").first x1.children = x end m.add_namespace(nil, "") m end def self.mathml_to_ooml(docxml) docnamespaces = docxml.collect_namespaces m = docxml.xpath("//*[local-name() = 'math']") m.each_with_index do |x, i| warn "Math OOXML #{i} of #{m.size}" if i % 100 == 0 && m.size > 500 && i > 0 element = ooxml_cleanup(x, docnamespaces) doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document::new() doc.root = element ooxml = @xsltemplate.transform(doc).to_s. gsub(/<\?[^>]+>\s*/, ""). gsub(/ xmlns(:[^=]+)?="[^"]+"/, ""). gsub(%r{<(/)?([a-z])}, "<\\1m:\\2") ooxml = uncenter(x, ooxml) x.swap(ooxml) end end # if oomml has no siblings, by default it is centered; override this with # left/right if parent is so tagged def self.uncenter(m, ooxml) if == nil && m.previous == nil alignnode =".//ancestor::*[@style][local-name() = 'p' or local-name() = "\ "'div' or local-name() = 'td']/@style") or return ooxml if alignnode.text.include? ("text-align:left") ooxml = "<m:oMathPara><m:oMathParaPr><m:jc "\ "m:val='left'/></m:oMathParaPr>#{ooxml}</m:oMathPara>" elsif alignnode.text.include? ("text-align:right") ooxml = "<m:oMathPara><m:oMathParaPr><m:jc "\ "m:val='right'/></m:oMathParaPr>#{ooxml}</m:oMathPara>" end end ooxml end end