# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # == API Error Inspector Examples # These tests are work in progress. They exercise the code enough to ensure it # runs without error, but don't make assertions about the output. This is # because aspects such as how information gets formatted, what's included, etc. # are still in flux. When testing an inspector, change the outputter to use # STDOUT and manually check the output. shared_examples_for "an api error inspector" do before do @node_name = "test-node.example.com" @config = { validation_client_name: "testorg-validator", validation_key: "/etc/chef/testorg-validator.pem", chef_server_url: "https://chef-api.example.com", node_name: "testnode-name", client_key: "/etc/chef/client.pem", } @description = Chef::Formatters::ErrorDescription.new("Error registering the node:") @outputter = Chef::Formatters::IndentableOutputStream.new(StringIO.new, STDERR) # @outputter = Chef::Formatters::IndentableOutputStream.new(STDOUT, STDERR) end describe "when explaining a network error" do before do @exception = Errno::ECONNREFUSED.new("connection refused") @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 'private key missing' error" do before do @exception = Chef::Exceptions::PrivateKeyMissing.new("no private key yo") @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 401 caused by clock skew" do before do @response_body = "synchronize the clock on your host" @response = Net::HTTPUnauthorized.new("1.1", "401", "(response) unauthorized") allow(@response).to receive(:body).and_return(@response_body) @exception = Net::HTTPClientException.new("(exception) unauthorized", @response) @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 401 (no clock skew)" do before do @response_body = "check your key and node name" @response = Net::HTTPUnauthorized.new("1.1", "401", "(response) unauthorized") allow(@response).to receive(:body).and_return(@response_body) @exception = Net::HTTPClientException.new("(exception) unauthorized", @response) @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 403" do before do @response_body = "forbidden" @response = Net::HTTPForbidden.new("1.1", "403", "(response) forbidden") allow(@response).to receive(:body).and_return(@response_body) @exception = Net::HTTPClientException.new("(exception) forbidden", @response) @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 400" do before do @response_body = "didn't like your data" @response = Net::HTTPBadRequest.new("1.1", "400", "(response) bad request") allow(@response).to receive(:body).and_return(@response_body) @exception = Net::HTTPClientException.new("(exception) bad request", @response) @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 404" do before do @response_body = "probably caused by a redirect to a get" @response = Net::HTTPNotFound.new("1.1", "404", "(response) not found") allow(@response).to receive(:body).and_return(@response_body) @exception = Net::HTTPClientException.new("(exception) not found", @response) @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 500" do before do @response_body = "sad trombone" @response = Net::HTTPInternalServerError.new("1.1", "500", "(response) internal server error") allow(@response).to receive(:body).and_return(@response_body) @exception = Net::HTTPFatalError.new("(exception) internal server error", @response) @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining a 503" do before do @response_body = "sad trombone orchestra" @response = Net::HTTPBadGateway.new("1.1", "502", "(response) bad gateway") allow(@response).to receive(:body).and_return(@response_body) @exception = Net::HTTPFatalError.new("(exception) bad gateway", @response) @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end describe "when explaining an unknown error" do before do @exception = RuntimeError.new("(exception) something went wrong") @inspector = described_class.new(@node_name, @exception, @config) @inspector.add_explanation(@description) end it "prints a nice message" do @description.display(@outputter) end end end