# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails/generators' require 'ibrain/logger' module Ibrain # @private class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base CORE_MOUNT_ROUTE = "mount Ibrain::Core::Engine" source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) class_option :user_class, type: :string class_option :with_authentication, type: :boolean, default: true class_option :with_rubocop, type: :boolean, default: true class_option :with_graphql, type: :boolean, default: false class_option :with_annotation, type: :boolean, default: true class_option :with_sendgrid, type: :boolean, default: false class_option :enforce_available_locales, type: :boolean, default: nil class_option :with_ridgepole, type: :boolean, default: true def additional_tweaks return unless File.exist? 'public/robots.txt' append_file "public/robots.txt", <<-ROBOTS.strip_heredoc User-agent: * Disallow: /user Disallow: /account Disallow: /api Disallow: /password ROBOTS end def create_overrides_directory empty_directory "app/overrides" end def configure_application application <<-RUBY # Load application's model / class decorators initializer 'ibrain.decorators' do |app| config.to_prepare do Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('app/**/*_decorator*.rb')) do |path| require_dependency(path) end end end RUBY if !options[:enforce_available_locales].nil? application <<-RUBY I18n.enforce_available_locales = #{options[:enforce_available_locales]} RUBY end end def plugin_install_preparation @plugins_to_be_installed = [] @plugin_generators_to_run = [] end def install_auth_plugin if options[:with_authentication] && (options[:auto_accept] || !no?(" Ibrain has a default authentication extension that uses Devise. You can find more info at https://github.com/john-techfox/ibrain-auth.git. Would you like to install it? (Y/n)")) @plugins_to_be_installed << 'ibrain-auth' unless system('gem list | grep ibrain-auth') @plugin_generators_to_run << 'ibrain:auth:install' end end def run_bundle_install_if_needed_by_plugins @plugins_to_be_installed.each do |plugin_name| gem plugin_name end if options[:with_rubocop] append_gem('rubocop', '1.23.0', 'development') append_gem('rubocop-performance', '1.12.0', 'development') append_gem('rubocop-rails', '2.12.4', 'development') end if options[:with_graphql] append_gem('graphql', '1.12.6') append_gem('graphql-batch', '0.4.3') append_gem('graphql-guard', '2.0.0') append_gem('graphql-rails-generators', '1.1.2', 'development') append_gem('graphiql-rails', '1.8.0', 'development') end append_gem('annotate', '3.1.1', 'development') if options[:with_annotation] append_gem('sendgrid-ruby', '6.6.0') if options[:with_sendgrid] if options[:with_ridgepole] append_gem('ridgepole', '1.0.0', 'development') else remove_gem('ridgepole') end bundle_cleanly{ run "bundle install" } if @plugins_to_be_installed.any? run "spring stop" if defined?(Spring) @plugin_generators_to_run.each do |plugin_generator_name| generate plugin_generator_name.to_s end end def install_routes routes_file_path = File.join('config', 'routes.rb') unless File.read(routes_file_path).include? CORE_MOUNT_ROUTE insert_into_file routes_file_path, after: "Rails.application.routes.draw do\n" do <<-RUBY # This line mounts Ibrain's routes at the root of your application. # This means, any requests to URLs such as /graphql, will go to Ibrain::GraphqlController, # any requests to URLS such as /auth, will go to Ibrain::AuthController, # If you would like to change where this engine is mounted, simply change the :at option to something different. # # We ask that you don't use the :as option here, as Ibrain relies on it being the default of "ibrain" #{CORE_MOUNT_ROUTE}, at: '/' # Please contact to Tai Nguyen Van if you have any question? RUBY end end unless options[:quiet] Ibrain::Logger.info "*" * 50 Ibrain::Logger.info "We added the following line to your application's config/routes.rb file:" Ibrain::Logger.info " " Ibrain::Logger.info " #{CORE_MOUNT_ROUTE}, at: '/'" end end def add_files template 'config/initializers/ibrain.rb.tt', 'config/initializers/ibrain.rb', { skip: true } template 'config/initializers/cors.tt', 'config/initializers/cors.rb', { skip: true } template 'config/puma.tt', 'config/puma.rb', { skip: true } yml_template 'config/database.tt', 'config/database.yml', { skip: true } template '.rubocop.yml.tt', '.rubocop.yml', { skip: true } if options[:with_rubocop] if options[:with_graphql] template 'graphql/app_schema.rb.tt', 'app/graphql/app_schema.rb', { skip: true } template 'graphql/types/mutation_type.rb.tt', 'app/graphql/types/mutation_type.rb', { skip: true } template 'graphql/types/query_type.rb.tt', 'app/graphql/types/query_type.rb', { skip: true } end end def complete unless options[:quiet] Ibrain::Logger.info "*" * 50 Ibrain::Logger.info "Ibrain has been installed successfully. You're all ready to go!" Ibrain::Logger.info " " Ibrain::Logger.info "Enjoy!" end end private def bundle_cleanly(&block) Bundler.respond_to?(:with_unbundled_env) ? Bundler.with_unbundled_env(&block) : Bundler.with_clean_env(&block) end def append_gem(name, version, group_name = nil) shell_command = ["\ngem '#{name}', '~> #{version}'"] shell_command.push("group: :#{group_name}") if group_name.present? string_command = shell_command.join(', ') gems = Gem.loaded_specs.values.map(&:full_name).join(' ') system( `echo "#{string_command}" >> Gemfile` ) unless gems.include?("#{name}-") end def remove_gem(name) gems = Gem.loaded_specs.values.map(&:full_name).join(' ') system( "bundle remove #{name}" ) if gems.include?("#{name}-") end def yml_template(source, *args) config = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} destination = args.first || source.sub(/#{TEMPLATE_EXTNAME}$/o, "") source = File.expand_path(find_in_source_paths(source.to_s)) create_file destination, nil, config do File.read(source) end end end end