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# Spotlight::Dor::Resources

 Harvest Stanford DOR resources into a Spotlight exhibit.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'spotlight-dor-resources'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install spotlight-dor-resources

## Usage

Within a Spotlight application with `spotlight-dor-resources` installed, you could index a set of records the ["gdor-indexer"](https://github.com/sul-dlss/gdor-indexer) way.

Note that Spotlight:

* is a Rails engine and needs to be used in the context of a Rails application. We use [engine_cart](https://github.com/cbeer/engine_cart) to create an internal test application at .internal_test_app.
* uses Solr as part of its integration tests. We use [solr_wrapper](https://github.com/cbeer/solr_wrapper) to manage the Solr instance used for development and test.

Our `$ rake ci` task utilizes Solr and the testing rails app, with Spotlight installed, automatically.

For access to a Rails console with the gem loaded up for testing purposes, you can use an engine-cart generated Spotlight app.

### First time only configuration for local testing

    $ bundle
    $ bundle exec rake ci

This will download a test jetty instance (to run Solr), generate a testing app at ```.internal_test_app``` and run the tests.

### Indexing with the generated test app

    $ solr_wrapper
    $ bundle exec rake engine_cart:console

druid="ty202yt2402" # a feigenbaum druid
druid="cx709ty7769" # a revs druid
purl=Spotlight::Resources::DorHarvester.new(druid_list: druid)
purl.exhibit=Spotlight::Exhibit.new # need an exhibit to attach the test solr docs too

puts purl.to_solr.first # the solr document as a hash
public_xml=purl.resources[0].public_xml # nokogiri doc with all public XML
mods=purl.resources[0].mods # nokogiri doc with just the MODs
smods_rec=purl.resources[0].smods_rec # a Stanford::Mods::Record Object (which inherits from the MODS gem)

puts purl.resources[0].bare_druid # will not have the "druid:" prefix
puts purl.resources[0].druid # might have the "druid:" prefix (if returned as the result of an is_collection call)

purl.resources[0].indexer.config.solr.url # the configured solr server (should be localhost in development)

purl.save # save to database and index to solr
purl.reindex # reindex once saved the first time

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( http://github.com/sul-dlss/spotlight-dor-resources/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request