#!/usr/bin/env ruby lib_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir) require 'vedeu' # This example application shows how interface focus works. # # First, we set up the interfaces, noting that 'copper' should have focus when # the application starts. Also note that 'status' should not show a cursor. # # The focus order is: copper, aluminium, boron, dubnium, status. # # Use 'space' to change focus, 'q' to exit. class VedeuFocusApp include Vedeu configure do colour_mode 16777216 debug! log '/tmp/vedeu_focus_app.log' end bind(:_initialize_) { Vedeu.trigger(:_refresh_) } update = Proc.new do Vedeu.focus_next Vedeu.renders { view('status') { lines { line(Vedeu.focus) } } } end interface 'aluminium' do colour foreground: '#ffffff', background: '#330000' cursor true geometry do height 2 width 2 x 3 y 3 end keymap { key(' ') { update.call } } end interface 'boron' do colour foreground: '#ffffff', background: '#003300' cursor true geometry do height 2 width 2 x 6 y 3 end keymap { key(' ') { update.call } } end interface 'copper' do colour foreground: '#ffffff', background: '#000033' cursor true focus! geometry do height 2 width 2 x 3 y 6 end keymap { key(' ') { update.call } } end interface 'dubnium' do colour foreground: '#ffffff', background: '#333300' cursor true geometry do height 2 width 2 x 6 y 6 end keymap { key(' ') { update.call } } end interface 'status' do colour foreground: '#ffffff', background: '#000000' cursor false geometry do height 2 width 10 x 9 y 3 end keymap { key(' ') { update.call } } end renders do view('aluminium') do lines do line 'Al' end end view('boron') do lines do line 'B' end end view('copper') do lines do line 'Cu' end end view('dubnium') do lines do line 'Db' end end view('status') do lines do line Vedeu.focus end end end def self.start(argv = ARGV) Vedeu::Launcher.execute!(argv) end end VedeuFocusApp.start(ARGV)