<%# displays the pencil and trash can icons used by the bootstrap index page. %> <% if can_delete?(this_parent) %> <%= link_to ''.html_safe, this_parent, :'data-confirm' => t('hobo.messages.confirm', :default=>'Are you sure?'), :method => :delete %> <% end %> <%# This is the hobo_bootstrap customization of the index page. It uses a table for the collection view, rather than the list of cards that hobo_clean uses. To switch to a list of cards, parameterize your index page like this: If you wish to customize the table instead, the collections param may be tweaked like any other ``. My `actions` is defined in this tag. Remove it from `fields` to remove the column. The best way to remove any of the actions is to adjust your permission functions. However, if you wish to remove or tweak in the view: %> New <%= model %> <% if this.first klass = this.first.class columns = standard_fields(klass) field_names = columns.select {|f| can_view?(this.first, f)} if can_edit?(this.first, field_names[0]) field_names << "actions" end field_names[0] = "this" field_names = field_names.join(', ') end %>