Feature: Select Scenarios by File Location

    To simplify running only one scenario in a feature (or some scenarios)
    As a tester
    I want to select a scenario by using its file location,
    like: "alice.feature:10"   (schema: {filename}:{line})

    . CONCEPT: File Location
    .   * A file location consists of file name and a positive line number
    .   * A file location is represented as "{filename}:{line}" (or "{filename}")
    .   * A file location with filename but without line number
    .     refers to the complete file
    .   * A file location with line number 0 (zero) refers to the complete file
    . SPECIFICATION: Scenario selection by file locations
    .   * scenario.line == file_location.line selects scenario (preferred method).
    .   * Any line number in the following range is acceptable:
    .        scenario.line <= file_location.line < next_scenario.line
    .   * The first scenario is selected,
    .     if the file location line number is less than first scenario.line.
    .   * The last scenario is selected,
    .     if the file location line number is greater than the lines in the file.
    . SPECIFICATION: Runner with scenario locations (file locations)
    .   * Adjacent file locations are merged if they refer to the same file, like:
    .       alice.feature:10
    .       alice.feature:20
    .       => MERGED: Selects/runs "alice.feature" with 2 scenarios.
    .       alice.feature
    .       alice.feature:20
    .       => MERGED: Selects "alice.feature" with all scenarios.
    .       alice.feature:10
    .       bob.feature:20
    .       alice.feature:20
    .       => NOT MERGED: Selects/runs "alice.feature" twice.
    .   * If file locations (scenario locations) are used,
    .     scenarios with @setup or @teardown tags are selected, too.
    .     REASON: Simplifies to use a Setup Scenario instead of a Background.
    .   * Additional scenario selection mechanisms, like tags, names,
    .     are applied afterwards.

    Scenario: Feature Setup
        Given a new working directory
        And a file named "features/steps/steps.py" with:
            from behave import step

            @step('a step passes')
            def step_passes(context):
        And a file named "features/alice.feature" with:
            Feature: Alice

              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes

              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes
        And a file named "features/bob.feature" with:
            Feature: Bob

              Scenario: Setup Bob
                Given a step passes

              Scenario: Bob in Berlin
                When a step passes

              Scenario: Bob in Paris
                Then a step passes

              Scenario: Teardown Bob
                Then a step passes
        And a file named "behave.ini" with:
            show_skipped = false
            show_timings = false

    Scenario: Select one scenario with its exact file location

      CASE: scenario.line == file_location.line

        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:3"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 1 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
        But the command output should not contain:
            Scenario: Alice Last

    Scenario: Select one scenario with a larger file location

      CASE: scenario.line <= file_location.line < next_scenario.line

        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:4"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 1 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
        But the command output should not contain:
            Scenario: Alice Last

    Scenario: Select next scenario with its exact location

      CASE: scenario.line < file_location.line == next_scenario.line

        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:6"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 1 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice Last
        But the command output should not contain:
            Scenario: Alice First

    Scenario: Select first scenario if line number is smaller than first scenario line

      CASE: 0 < file_location.line < first_scenario.line

        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:1"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 1 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
        But the command output should not contain:
            Scenario: Alice Last

    Scenario: Select last scenario when line number is too large

      CASE: last_scenario.line < file.last_line < file_location.line

        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:100"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 1 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice Last
        But the command output should not contain:
            Scenario: Alice First

    Scenario: Select all scenarios with line number 0 (zero)
        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:0"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 2 untested
        And the command output should contain "Scenario: Alice First"
        And the command output should contain "Scenario: Alice Last"
        But note that "all scenarios of this features are selected"

    Scenario: Select a scenario by using file locations from a features configfile
        Given a file named "alice1.txt" with:
            # -- FEATURES CONFIGFILE:
            # Selects Alice First
        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped @alice1.txt"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 1 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
        But the command output should not contain:
            Scenario: Alice Last

    Scenario: Auto-select scenarios tagged with @setup or @teardown if file location is used
        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/bob.feature:7"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 3 untested
        And the command output should contain "Scenario: Setup Bob"
        And the command output should contain "Scenario: Bob in Berlin"
        And the command output should contain "Scenario: Teardown Bob"
        But the command output should not contain "Scenario: Bob in Paris"

    Scenario: Merge 2 adjacent file locations that refer to the same file
        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:3 features/alice.feature:6"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 2 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes ... untested
        But the command output should not contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice Last
        And note that "both file locations are merged"

    Scenario: Merge filename and adjacent file location that refer to the same file
        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped features/alice.feature:3 features/alice.feature"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 2 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes ... untested
        But the command output should not contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes ... untested
        And note that "duplicated file locations are removed in the merge"

    Scenario: Merge 2 adjacent file locations to same file from features-listfile
        Given a file named "alice1_and_alice2.txt" with:
            # -- FEATURES CONFIGFILE:
            # Selects Alice First, Alice Last
        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped @alice1_and_alice2.txt"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 2 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes ... untested
        But the command output should not contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes ... untested

    Scenario: No merge occurs if file locations to same file are not adjacent
        Given a file named "alice1_bob2_and_alice2.txt" with:
            # -- FEATURES CONFIGFILE:
            # Selects Alice First, Bob in Paris (Setup, Teardown), Alice Last
        When I run "behave -f plain --dry-run --no-skipped @alice1_bob2_and_alice2.txt"
        Then it should pass with:
            0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 3 untested
            0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 3 skipped, 5 untested
        And the command output should contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

            Feature: Bob
              Scenario: Setup Bob
                Given a step passes ... untested

              Scenario: Bob in Paris
                Then a step passes ... untested

              Scenario: Teardown Bob
                Then a step passes ... untested

            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes ... untested
        But the command output should not contain:
            Feature: Alice
              Scenario: Alice First
                When a step passes ... untested

              Scenario: Alice Last
                Then a step passes ... untested
        And note that "non-adjacent file locations to the same file are not merged"