require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/testtask' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils RbConfig = Config unless defined?(RbConfig) NAME = "hpricot" REV = (`#{ENV['GIT'] || "git"} rev-list HEAD`.split.length + 1).to_s VERS = ENV['VERSION'] || "0.7" + (REV ? ".#{REV}" : "") PKG = "#{NAME}-#{VERS}" BIN = "*.{bundle,jar,so,o,obj,pdb,lib,def,exp,class}" CLEAN.include ["ext/hpricot_scan/#{BIN}", "ext/fast_xs/#{BIN}", "lib/**/#{BIN}", 'ext/fast_xs/Makefile', 'ext/hpricot_scan/Makefile', '**/.*.sw?', '*.gem', '.config', 'pkg'] RDOC_OPTS = ['--quiet', '--title', 'The Hpricot Reference', '--main', 'README', '--inline-source'] PKG_FILES = %w(CHANGELOG COPYING README Rakefile) + Dir.glob("{bin,doc,test,lib,extras}/**/*") + Dir.glob("ext/**/*.{h,java,c,rb,rl}") + %w[ext/hpricot_scan/hpricot_scan.c ext/hpricot_scan/hpricot_css.c ext/hpricot_scan/] # needed because they are generated later RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION_STYLES = { "table_driven" => 'T0', "faster_table_driven" => 'T1', "flat_table_driven" => 'F0', "faster_flat_table_driven" => 'F1', "goto_driven" => 'G0', "faster_goto_driven" => 'G1', "really_fast goto_driven" => 'G2' # "n_way_split_really_fast_goto_driven" => 'P' } DEFAULT_RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION = "really_fast goto_driven" SPEC = do |s| = NAME s.version = VERS s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.has_rdoc = true s.rdoc_options += RDOC_OPTS s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README", "CHANGELOG", "COPYING"] s.summary = "a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library" s.description = s.summary = "why the lucky stiff" = '' s.homepage = '' s.rubyforge_project = 'hobix' s.files = PKG_FILES s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.extensions = FileList["ext/**/extconf.rb"].to_a s.bindir = "bin" end Win32Spec = SPEC.dup Win32Spec.platform = 'x86-mswin32' Win32Spec.files = PKG_FILES + ["lib/", "lib/"] Win32Spec.extensions = [] WIN32_PKG_DIR = "#{PKG}-mswin32" desc "Does a full compile, test run" task :default => [:compile, :test] desc "Packages up Hpricot." task :package => [:clean, :ragel] desc "Releases packages for all Hpricot packages and platforms." task :release => [:package, :package_win32, :package_jruby] desc "Run all the tests" do |t| t.libs << "test" t.test_files = FileList['test/test_*.rb'] t.verbose = true end do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc/rdoc' rdoc.options += RDOC_OPTS rdoc.main = "README" rdoc.rdoc_files.add ['README', 'CHANGELOG', 'COPYING', 'lib/**/*.rb'] end do |p| p.need_tar = true p.gem_spec = SPEC end ['hpricot_scan', 'fast_xs'].each do |extension| ext = "ext/#{extension}" ext_so = "#{ext}/#{extension}.#{Config::CONFIG['DLEXT']}" ext_files = FileList[ "#{ext}/*.c", "#{ext}/*.h", "#{ext}/*.rl", "#{ext}/extconf.rb", "#{ext}/Makefile", "lib" ] desc "Builds just the #{extension} extension" task extension.to_sym => [:ragel, "#{ext}/Makefile", ext_so ] file "#{ext}/Makefile" => ["#{ext}/extconf.rb"] do Dir.chdir(ext) do ruby "extconf.rb" end end file ext_so => ext_files do Dir.chdir(ext) do sh(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ ? 'nmake' : 'make') end cp ext_so, "lib" end desc "Cross-compile the #{extension} extension for win32" file "#{extension}_win32" => [WIN32_PKG_DIR] do cp "extras/mingw-rbconfig.rb", "#{WIN32_PKG_DIR}/ext/#{extension}/rbconfig.rb" sh "cd #{WIN32_PKG_DIR}/ext/#{extension}/ && ruby -I. extconf.rb && make" mv "#{WIN32_PKG_DIR}/ext/#{extension}/#{extension}.so", "#{WIN32_PKG_DIR}/lib" end end task "lib" do directory "lib" end desc "Compiles the Ruby extension" task :compile => [:hpricot_scan, :fast_xs] do if Dir.glob(File.join("lib","hpricot_scan.*")).length == 0 STDERR.puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" STDERR.puts "Gem actually failed to build. Your system is" STDERR.puts "NOT configured properly to build hpricot." STDERR.puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" exit(1) end end desc "Determines the Ragel version and displays it on the console along with the location of the Ragel binary." task :ragel_version do @ragel_v = `ragel -v`[/(version )(\S*)/,2].to_f puts "Using ragel version: #{@ragel_v}, location: #{`which ragel`}" @ragel_v end desc "Generates the C scanner code with Ragel." task :ragel => [:ragel_version] do if @ragel_v >= 6.1 @ragel_c_code_generation_style = RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION_STYLES[DEFAULT_RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION] console_sep = (ENV['COMSPEC'] =~ /cmd\.exe/) ? '&' : ';' sh %{cd ext/hpricot_scan #{console_sep} ragel hpricot_scan.rl -#{@ragel_c_code_generation_style} -o hpricot_scan.c && ragel hpricot_css.rl -#{@ragel_c_code_generation_style} -o hpricot_css.c} else STDERR.puts "Ragel 6.1 or greater is required." exit(1) end end # Java only supports the table-driven code # generation style at this point. desc "Generates the Java scanner code using the Ragel table-driven code generation style." task :ragel_java => [:ragel_version] do if @ragel_v >= 6.1 puts "compiling with ragel version #{@ragel_v}" sh %{ragel -J -o ext/hpricot_scan/ ext/hpricot_scan/} else STDERR.puts "Ragel 6.1 or greater is required." exit(1) end end ### Win32 Packages ### desc "Package up the Win32 distribution." file WIN32_PKG_DIR => [:package] do sh "tar zxf pkg/#{PKG}.tgz" mv PKG, WIN32_PKG_DIR end desc "Build the binary RubyGems package for win32" task :package_win32 => ["fast_xs_win32", "hpricot_scan_win32"] do Dir.chdir("#{WIN32_PKG_DIR}") do verbose(true) { mv Dir["*.gem"].first, "../pkg/" } end end CLEAN.include WIN32_PKG_DIR ### JRuby Packages ### def java_classpath_arg # A myriad of ways to discover the JRuby classpath classpath = begin require 'java' # Already running in a JRuby JVM Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('java.class.path') rescue LoadError ENV['JRUBY_PARENT_CLASSPATH'] || ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] && FileList["#{ENV['JRUBY_HOME']}/lib/*.jar"].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end classpath ? "-cp #{classpath}" : "" end def compile_java(filename, jarname) sh %{javac -source 1.4 -target 1.4 #{java_classpath_arg} #{filename}} sh %{jar cf #{jarname} *.class} end task :hpricot_scan_java => [:ragel_java] do Dir.chdir "ext/hpricot_scan" do compile_java("", "hpricot_scan.jar") end end task :fast_xs_java do Dir.chdir "ext/fast_xs" do compile_java("", "fast_xs.jar") end end desc "Compiles the JRuby extensions" task :hpricot_java => [:hpricot_scan_java, :fast_xs_java] do %w(hpricot_scan fast_xs).each {|ext| mv "ext/#{ext}/#{ext}.jar", "lib"} end JRubySpec = SPEC.dup JRubySpec.platform = 'jruby' JRubySpec.files = PKG_FILES + ["lib/hpricot_scan.jar", "lib/fast_xs.jar"] JRubySpec.extensions = [] JRUBY_PKG_DIR = "#{PKG}-jruby" desc "Package up the JRuby distribution." file JRUBY_PKG_DIR => [:ragel_java, :package] do sh "tar zxf pkg/#{PKG}.tgz" mv PKG, JRUBY_PKG_DIR end desc "Build the RubyGems package for JRuby" task :package_jruby => JRUBY_PKG_DIR do Dir.chdir("#{JRUBY_PKG_DIR}") do Rake::Task[:hpricot_java].invoke verbose(true) { mv Dir["*.gem"].first, "../pkg/#{JRUBY_PKG_DIR}.gem" } end end CLEAN.include JRUBY_PKG_DIR task :install do sh %{rake package} sh %{sudo gem install pkg/#{NAME}-#{VERS}} end task :uninstall => [:clean] do sh %{sudo gem uninstall #{NAME}} end