#include #include #include "ruby.h" #include "ruby/io.h" #include "polyphony.h" #include "backend_common.h" #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_IO_BUFFER_H #include "ruby/io/buffer.h" #endif inline void backend_base_initialize(struct Backend_base *base) { runqueue_initialize(&base->runqueue); runqueue_initialize(&base->parked_runqueue); base->currently_polling = 0; base->op_count = 0; base->switch_count = 0; base->poll_count = 0; base->pending_count = 0; base->idle_gc_period = 0; base->idle_gc_last_time = 0; base->idle_proc = Qnil; base->trace_proc = Qnil; base->in_trace_proc = 0; } inline void backend_base_finalize(struct Backend_base *base) { runqueue_finalize(&base->runqueue); runqueue_finalize(&base->parked_runqueue); } inline void backend_base_mark(struct Backend_base *base) { if (base->idle_proc != Qnil) rb_gc_mark(base->idle_proc); if (base->trace_proc != Qnil) rb_gc_mark(base->trace_proc); runqueue_mark(&base->runqueue); runqueue_mark(&base->parked_runqueue); } void backend_base_reset(struct Backend_base *base) { runqueue_finalize(&base->runqueue); runqueue_finalize(&base->parked_runqueue); runqueue_initialize(&base->runqueue); runqueue_initialize(&base->parked_runqueue); base->currently_polling = 0; base->op_count = 0; base->switch_count = 0; base->poll_count = 0; base->pending_count = 0; base->idle_gc_period = 0; base->idle_gc_last_time = 0; base->idle_proc = Qnil; base->trace_proc = Qnil; } const unsigned int ANTI_STARVE_SWITCH_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 64; inline void conditional_nonblocking_poll(VALUE backend, struct Backend_base *base, VALUE current, VALUE next) { if ((base->switch_count % ANTI_STARVE_SWITCH_COUNT_THRESHOLD) == 0 || next == current) Backend_poll(backend, Qnil); } VALUE backend_base_switch_fiber(VALUE backend, struct Backend_base *base) { VALUE current_fiber = rb_fiber_current(); runqueue_entry next; unsigned int pending_ops_count = base->pending_count; unsigned int backend_was_polled = 0; unsigned int idle_tasks_run_count = 0; base->switch_count++; if (SHOULD_TRACE(base)) TRACE(base, 3, SYM_block, current_fiber, CALLER()); while (1) { next = runqueue_shift(&base->runqueue); if (next.fiber != Qnil) { // Polling for I/O op completion is normally done when the run queue is // empty, but if the runqueue never empties, we'll never get to process // any event completions. In order to prevent this, an anti-starvation // mechanism is employed, under the following conditions: // - a blocking poll was not yet performed // - there are pending blocking operations // - the runqueue shift count has reached a fixed threshold (currently 64), or // - the next fiber is the same as the current fiber (a single fiber is snoozing) if (!backend_was_polled && pending_ops_count) conditional_nonblocking_poll(backend, base, current_fiber, next.fiber); break; } if (!idle_tasks_run_count) { idle_tasks_run_count++; backend_run_idle_tasks(base); } if (pending_ops_count == 0) break; Backend_poll(backend, Qtrue); backend_was_polled = 1; } if (next.fiber == Qnil) return Qnil; // run next fiber rb_ivar_set(next.fiber, ID_ivar_runnable, Qnil); RB_GC_GUARD(next.fiber); RB_GC_GUARD(next.value); return (next.fiber == current_fiber) ? next.value : FIBER_TRANSFER(next.fiber, next.value); } void backend_base_schedule_fiber(VALUE thread, VALUE backend, struct Backend_base *base, VALUE fiber, VALUE value, int prioritize) { int already_runnable; runqueue_t *runqueue; if (rb_fiber_alive_p(fiber) != Qtrue) return; already_runnable = rb_ivar_get(fiber, ID_ivar_runnable) != Qnil; COND_TRACE(base, 5, SYM_schedule, fiber, value, prioritize ? Qtrue : Qfalse, CALLER()); runqueue = rb_ivar_get(fiber, ID_ivar_parked) == Qtrue ? &base->parked_runqueue : &base->runqueue; (prioritize ? runqueue_unshift : runqueue_push)(runqueue, fiber, value, already_runnable); if (!already_runnable) { rb_ivar_set(fiber, ID_ivar_runnable, Qtrue); if (rb_thread_current() != thread) { // If the fiber scheduling is done across threads, we need to make sure the // target thread is woken up in case it is in the middle of running its // event selector. Otherwise it's gonna be stuck waiting for an event to // happen, not knowing that it there's already a fiber ready to run in its // run queue. Backend_wakeup(backend); } } } inline void backend_base_park_fiber(struct Backend_base *base, VALUE fiber) { runqueue_migrate(&base->runqueue, &base->parked_runqueue, fiber); } inline void backend_base_unpark_fiber(struct Backend_base *base, VALUE fiber) { runqueue_migrate(&base->parked_runqueue, &base->runqueue, fiber); } inline void backend_trace(struct Backend_base *base, int argc, VALUE *argv) { if (base->trace_proc == Qnil || base->in_trace_proc) return; base->in_trace_proc = 1; rb_funcallv(base->trace_proc, ID_call, argc, argv); base->in_trace_proc = 0; } #ifdef POLYPHONY_USE_PIDFD_OPEN #ifndef __NR_pidfd_open #define __NR_pidfd_open 434 /* System call # on most architectures */ #endif inline int pidfd_open(pid_t pid, unsigned int flags) { return syscall(__NR_pidfd_open, pid, flags); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the following is copied verbatim from the Ruby source code (io.c) inline int io_setstrbuf(VALUE *str, long len) { #ifdef _WIN32 len = (len + 1) & ~1L; /* round up for wide char */ #endif if (*str == Qnil) { *str = rb_str_new(0, len); return 1; } else { VALUE s = StringValue(*str); long clen = RSTRING_LEN(s); if (clen >= len) { rb_str_modify(s); return 0; } len -= clen; } rb_str_modify_expand(*str, len); return 0; } #define MAX_REALLOC_GAP 4096 inline void io_shrink_read_string(VALUE str, long n) { if (rb_str_capacity(str) - n > MAX_REALLOC_GAP) { rb_str_resize(str, n); } } inline void io_set_read_length(VALUE str, long n, int shrinkable) { if (RSTRING_LEN(str) != n) { rb_str_modify(str); rb_str_set_len(str, n); if (shrinkable) io_shrink_read_string(str, n); } } inline rb_encoding* io_read_encoding(rb_io_t *fptr) { if (fptr->encs.enc) { return fptr->encs.enc; } return rb_default_external_encoding(); } inline VALUE io_enc_str(VALUE str, rb_io_t *fptr) { rb_enc_associate(str, io_read_encoding(fptr)); return str; } static inline void free_io_buffer(rb_io_buffer_t *buf) { if (buf->ptr) { ruby_xfree(buf->ptr); buf->ptr = NULL; } } static inline void clear_codeconv(rb_io_t *fptr) { if (fptr->readconv) { rb_econv_close(fptr->readconv); fptr->readconv = NULL; } free_io_buffer(&fptr->cbuf); if (fptr->writeconv) { rb_econv_close(fptr->writeconv); fptr->writeconv = NULL; } fptr->writeconv_initialized = 0; } void fptr_finalize(rb_io_t *fptr) { fptr->fd = -1; fptr->stdio_file = 0; free_io_buffer(&fptr->rbuf); free_io_buffer(&fptr->wbuf); clear_codeconv(fptr); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline VALUE backend_await(struct Backend_base *backend) { VALUE ret; backend->pending_count++; ret = Thread_switch_fiber(rb_thread_current()); // run next fiber COND_TRACE(backend, 4, SYM_unblock, rb_fiber_current(), ret, CALLER()); backend->pending_count--; RB_GC_GUARD(ret); return ret; } inline VALUE backend_snooze(struct Backend_base *backend) { VALUE ret; VALUE fiber = rb_fiber_current(); VALUE thread = rb_thread_current(); Fiber_make_runnable(fiber, Qnil); ret = Thread_switch_fiber(thread); COND_TRACE(backend, 4, SYM_unblock, fiber, ret, CALLER()); return ret; } inline void rectify_io_file_pos(rb_io_t *fptr) { // Apparently after reopening a closed file, the file position is not reset, // which causes the read to fail. Fortunately we can use fptr->rbuf.len to // find out if that's the case. // See: https://github.com/digital-fabric/polyphony/issues/30 if (fptr->rbuf.len > 0) { lseek(fptr->fd, -fptr->rbuf.len, SEEK_CUR); fptr->rbuf.len = 0; } } inline double current_time() { struct timespec ts; double t; uint64_t ns; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); ns = ts.tv_sec; ns = ns * 1e9 + ts.tv_nsec; t = ns; return t / 1e9; } inline uint64_t current_time_ns() { struct timespec ts; uint64_t ns; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); ns = ts.tv_sec; return ns * 1e9 + ts.tv_nsec; } inline VALUE backend_timeout_exception(VALUE exception) { if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(exception, rb_cArray) == Qtrue) return rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(exception, 0), ID_new, 1, rb_ary_entry(exception, 1)); else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(exception, rb_cClass) == Qtrue) return rb_funcall(exception, ID_new, 0); else return rb_funcall(rb_eRuntimeError, ID_new, 1, exception); } VALUE Backend_timeout_safe(VALUE arg) { return rb_yield(arg); } VALUE Backend_timeout_rescue(VALUE arg, VALUE exception) { return exception; } VALUE Backend_timeout_ensure_safe(VALUE arg) { return rb_rescue2(Backend_timeout_safe, Qnil, Backend_timeout_rescue, Qnil, rb_eException, (VALUE)0); } static VALUE empty_string = Qnil; VALUE Backend_sendv(VALUE self, VALUE io, VALUE ary, VALUE flags) { VALUE joined; VALUE result; switch (RARRAY_LEN(ary)) { case 0: return Qnil; case 1: return Backend_send(self, io, RARRAY_AREF(ary, 0), flags); default: if (empty_string == Qnil) { empty_string = rb_str_new_literal(""); rb_global_variable(&empty_string); } joined = rb_ary_join(ary, empty_string); result = Backend_send(self, io, joined, flags); RB_GC_GUARD(joined); return result; } } inline void set_fd_blocking_mode(int fd, int blocking) { int flags; int is_nonblocking; #ifdef _WIN32 if (!blocking) rb_w32_set_nonblock(fd); #elif defined(F_GETFL) flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); if (flags == -1) return; is_nonblocking = flags & O_NONBLOCK; if (blocking) { if (!is_nonblocking) return; flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; } else { if (is_nonblocking) return; flags |= O_NONBLOCK; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags); #endif } inline void io_verify_blocking_mode(rb_io_t *fptr, VALUE io, VALUE blocking) { VALUE blocking_mode = rb_ivar_get(io, ID_ivar_blocking_mode); if (blocking == blocking_mode) return; rb_ivar_set(io, ID_ivar_blocking_mode, blocking); set_fd_blocking_mode(fptr->fd, blocking == Qtrue); } inline void backend_run_idle_tasks(struct Backend_base *base) { double now; if (base->idle_proc != Qnil) rb_funcall(base->idle_proc, ID_call, 0); if (base->idle_gc_period == 0) return; now = current_time(); if (now - base->idle_gc_last_time < base->idle_gc_period) return; base->idle_gc_last_time = now; rb_gc_enable(); rb_gc_start(); rb_gc_disable(); } inline struct backend_stats backend_base_stats(struct Backend_base *base) { struct backend_stats stats = { .runqueue_size = runqueue_size(&base->runqueue), .runqueue_length = runqueue_len(&base->runqueue), .runqueue_max_length = runqueue_max_len(&base->runqueue), .op_count = base->op_count, .switch_count = base->switch_count, .poll_count = base->poll_count, .pending_ops = base->pending_count }; base->op_count = 0; base->switch_count = 0; base->poll_count = 0; return stats; } VALUE SYM_runqueue_size; VALUE SYM_runqueue_length; VALUE SYM_runqueue_max_length; VALUE SYM_op_count; VALUE SYM_switch_count; VALUE SYM_poll_count; VALUE SYM_pending_ops; VALUE Backend_stats(VALUE self) { struct backend_stats backend_stats = backend_get_stats(self); VALUE stats = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(stats, SYM_runqueue_size, INT2FIX(backend_stats.runqueue_size)); rb_hash_aset(stats, SYM_runqueue_length, INT2FIX(backend_stats.runqueue_length)); rb_hash_aset(stats, SYM_runqueue_max_length, INT2FIX(backend_stats.runqueue_max_length)); rb_hash_aset(stats, SYM_op_count, INT2FIX(backend_stats.op_count)); rb_hash_aset(stats, SYM_switch_count, INT2FIX(backend_stats.switch_count)); rb_hash_aset(stats, SYM_poll_count, INT2FIX(backend_stats.poll_count)); rb_hash_aset(stats, SYM_pending_ops, INT2FIX(backend_stats.pending_ops)); RB_GC_GUARD(stats); return stats; } VALUE Backend_verify_blocking_mode(VALUE self, VALUE io, VALUE blocking) { rb_io_t *fptr; GetOpenFile(io, fptr); io_verify_blocking_mode(fptr, io, blocking); return self; } void backend_setup_stats_symbols() { SYM_runqueue_size = ID2SYM(rb_intern("runqueue_size")); SYM_runqueue_length = ID2SYM(rb_intern("runqueue_length")); SYM_runqueue_max_length = ID2SYM(rb_intern("runqueue_max_length")); SYM_op_count = ID2SYM(rb_intern("op_count")); SYM_switch_count = ID2SYM(rb_intern("switch_count")); SYM_poll_count = ID2SYM(rb_intern("poll_count")); SYM_pending_ops = ID2SYM(rb_intern("pending_ops")); rb_global_variable(&SYM_runqueue_size); rb_global_variable(&SYM_runqueue_length); rb_global_variable(&SYM_runqueue_max_length); rb_global_variable(&SYM_op_count); rb_global_variable(&SYM_switch_count); rb_global_variable(&SYM_poll_count); rb_global_variable(&SYM_pending_ops); } int backend_getaddrinfo(VALUE host, VALUE port, struct sockaddr **ai_addr) { VALUE port_string; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *addrinfo_result; int ret; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* allow IPv4 or IPv6 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; port_string = rb_funcall(port, ID_to_s, 0); ret = getaddrinfo(StringValueCStr(host), StringValueCStr(port_string), &hints, &addrinfo_result); RB_GC_GUARD(port_string); if (ret != 0) { VALUE msg = rb_str_new2(gai_strerror(ret)); rb_funcall(rb_mKernel, ID_raise, 1, msg); RB_GC_GUARD(msg); } *ai_addr = addrinfo_result->ai_addr; return addrinfo_result->ai_addrlen; } inline struct backend_buffer_spec backend_get_buffer_spec(VALUE in, int rw) { if (FIXNUM_P(in)) { struct buffer_spec *spec = FIX2PTR(in); return (struct backend_buffer_spec){ spec->ptr, spec->len, 1 }; } #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_IO_BUFFER_H if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(in, rb_cIOBuffer) == Qtrue) { void *ptr; size_t len; if (rw) rb_io_buffer_get_bytes_for_reading(in, (const void **)&ptr, &len); else rb_io_buffer_get_bytes_for_writing(in, &ptr, &len); return (struct backend_buffer_spec){ ptr, len, 1 }; } #endif return (struct backend_buffer_spec){ (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(in), RSTRING_LEN(in), 0 }; } inline void backend_prepare_read_buffer(VALUE buffer, VALUE length, struct backend_buffer_spec *buffer_spec, int pos) { buffer_spec->pos = pos; buffer_spec->expandable = 0; buffer_spec->shrinkable = 0; if (buffer_spec->raw) { if (buffer_spec->pos < 0 || buffer_spec->pos > buffer_spec->len) buffer_spec->pos = buffer_spec->len; buffer_spec->ptr += buffer_spec->pos; buffer_spec->len -= buffer_spec->pos; } else { buffer_spec->expandable = length == Qnil; long expected_read_length = buffer_spec->expandable ? 4096 : FIX2INT(length); long string_cap = rb_str_capacity(buffer); if (buffer_spec->pos < 0 || buffer_spec->pos > buffer_spec->len) buffer_spec->pos = buffer_spec->len; if (string_cap < expected_read_length + buffer_spec->pos) { buffer_spec->shrinkable = io_setstrbuf(&buffer, expected_read_length + buffer_spec->pos); buffer_spec->ptr = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(buffer) + buffer_spec->pos; buffer_spec->len = expected_read_length; } else { buffer_spec->ptr += buffer_spec->pos; buffer_spec->len = string_cap - buffer_spec->pos; if (buffer_spec->len > expected_read_length) buffer_spec->len = expected_read_length; } } } inline void backend_grow_string_buffer(VALUE buffer, struct backend_buffer_spec *buffer_spec, int total) { // resize buffer to double its capacity rb_str_resize(buffer, total + buffer_spec->pos); rb_str_modify_expand(buffer, rb_str_capacity(buffer)); buffer_spec->shrinkable = 0; buffer_spec->ptr = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(buffer) + total + buffer_spec->pos; buffer_spec->len = rb_str_capacity(buffer) - total - buffer_spec->pos; } inline void backend_finalize_string_buffer(VALUE buffer, struct backend_buffer_spec *buffer_spec, int total, rb_io_t *fptr) { io_set_read_length(buffer, buffer_spec->pos + total, buffer_spec->shrinkable); if (fptr) io_enc_str(buffer, fptr); } VALUE coerce_io_string_or_buffer(VALUE buf) { switch (TYPE(buf)) { case T_STRING: case T_FIXNUM: return buf; default: return StringValue(buf); } }