"use strict"; var reduce = require("reducible/reduce") var reducible = require("reducible/reducible") var isError = require("reducible/is-error") var end = require("reducible/end") function reducer(process) { /** Convenience function to simplify definitions of transformation function, to avoid manual definition of `reducible` results and currying transformation function. It creates typical transformation function with a following signature: transform(source, options) From a pure data `process` function that is called on each value for a collection with following arguments: 1. `options` - Options passed to the resulting transformation function most commonly that's a function like in `map(source, f)`. 2. `next` - Function which needs to be invoked with transformed value, or simply not called to skip the value. 3. `value` - Last value emitted by a collection being reduced. 4. `result` - Accumulate value. Function is supposed to return new, accumulated `result`. It may either pass mapped transformed `value` and `result` to the `next` continuation or skip it. For example see `map` and `filter` functions. **/ return function reducer(source, options) { // When return transformation function is called with a source and // `options` return reducible(function reduceReducer(next, initial) { // When actual result is reduce(source, function reduceReducerSource(value, result) { // If value is `end` of source or an error just propagate through, // otherwise call `process` with all the curried `options` and `next` // continuation function. return value === end ? next(value, result) : isError(value) ? next(value, result) : process(options, next, value, result) }) }) } } module.exports = reducer