# frozen_string_literal: true module Hyrax class Statistic < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true class_attribute :cache_column, :event_type class << self include ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers def statistics_for(object) where(filter(object)) end def build_for(object, attrs) new attrs.merge(filter(object)) end def convert_date(date_time) date_time.to_datetime.to_i * 1000 end def statistics(object, start_date, user_id = nil) combined_stats object, start_date, cache_column, event_type, user_id end # Hyrax::Download is sent to Hyrax::Analytics.profile as #hyrax__download # see Legato::ProfileMethods.method_name_from_klass def ga_statistics(start_date, object) path = polymorphic_path(object) profile = Hyrax::Analytics.profile unless profile Hyrax.logger.error("Google Analytics profile has not been established. Unable to fetch statistics.") return [] end profile.hyrax__pageview(sort: 'date', start_date: start_date, end_date: Date.yesterday, limit: 10_000) .for_path(path) end def query_works(query) models = Hyrax.config.curation_concerns.map { |m| "\"#{m}\"" } Hyrax::SolrService.query("has_model_ssim:(#{models.join(' OR ')})", fl: query, rows: 100_000) end def work_types results = query_works("human_readable_type_tesim") results.group_by { |result| result['human_readable_type_tesim'].join('') }.transform_values(&:count) end def resource_types results = query_works("resource_type_tesim") resource_types = [] results.each do |y| if y["resource_type_tesim"].nil? || (y["resource_type_tesim"] == [""]) resource_types.push("Unknown") elsif y["resource_type_tesim"].count > 1 y["resource_type_tesim"].each do |t| resource_types.push(t) end else resource_types.push(y["resource_type_tesim"].join("")) end end resource_types.group_by { |rt| rt }.transform_values(&:count) end private def cached_stats(object, start_date, _method) stats = statistics_for(object).order(date: :asc) ga_start_date = stats.any? ? stats[stats.size - 1].date + 1.day : start_date.to_date { ga_start_date: ga_start_date, cached_stats: stats.to_a } end def combined_stats(object, start_date, object_method, ga_key, user_id = nil) stat_cache_info = cached_stats(object, start_date, object_method) stats = stat_cache_info[:cached_stats] if stat_cache_info[:ga_start_date] < Time.zone.today ga_stats = ga_statistics(stat_cache_info[:ga_start_date], object) ga_stats.each do |stat| lstat = build_for(object, date: stat[:date], object_method => stat[ga_key], user_id: user_id) lstat.save unless Date.parse(stat[:date]) == Time.zone.today stats << lstat end end stats end end def to_flot [self.class.convert_date(date), send(cache_column)] end end end