Description: rails generator for aws-record models Pass the name of the model (preferably in singular form), and an optional list of attributes Attributes are declarations of the fields that you wish to store within a model. You can pass a type and list of options for each attribtue in the form: `name:type:options` if you do not provide a type, it is assumed that the attribute is of type `string_attr` Each model should have an hkey, if one is not present a `uuid:hkey` will be created for you. Timestamps are not added by default but you can add them using the `--timestamps` flag More information can be found at: You don't have to think up every attribute up front, but it helps to sketch out a few so you can start working with the resource immediately. Example: rails generate aws_record:model Forum forum_uuid:hkey post_id:rkey post_title post_body tags:sset:default_value{} created_at:datetime:d_attr_name{PostCreatedAtTime} moderation:boolean:default_value{false} This will create: app/models/forum.rb db/table_config/forum_config.rb lib/tasks/table_config_migrate_task.rake # This is created once the first time the generator is run