use magnus::encoding::{EncodingCapable, Index}; use magnus::{ class, prelude::*, r_hash::ForEach, Float, Integer, IntoValue, RArray, RHash, RString, Ruby, TryConvert, Value, }; use polars::frame::row::any_values_to_dtype; use polars::prelude::*; use super::{struct_dict, ObjectValue, Wrap}; use crate::rb_modules::utils; use crate::{RbPolarsErr, RbResult, RbSeries}; impl IntoValue for Wrap> { fn into_value_with(self, ruby: &Ruby) -> Value { match self.0 { AnyValue::UInt8(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::UInt16(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::UInt32(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::UInt64(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::Int8(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::Int16(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::Int32(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::Int64(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::Float32(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::Float64(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::Null => ruby.qnil().as_value(), AnyValue::Boolean(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::String(v) => ruby.into_value(v), AnyValue::StringOwned(v) => ruby.into_value(v.as_str()), AnyValue::Categorical(idx, rev, arr) | AnyValue::Enum(idx, rev, arr) => { let s = if arr.is_null() { rev.get(idx) } else { unsafe { arr.deref_unchecked().value(idx as usize) } }; s.into_value() } AnyValue::Date(v) => utils().funcall("_to_ruby_date", (v,)).unwrap(), AnyValue::Datetime(v, time_unit, time_zone) => { let time_unit = time_unit.to_ascii(); utils() .funcall("_to_ruby_datetime", (v, time_unit, time_zone.clone())) .unwrap() } AnyValue::Duration(v, time_unit) => { let time_unit = time_unit.to_ascii(); utils() .funcall("_to_ruby_duration", (v, time_unit)) .unwrap() } AnyValue::Time(v) => utils().funcall("_to_ruby_time", (v,)).unwrap(), AnyValue::Array(v, _) | AnyValue::List(v) => RbSeries::new(v).to_a().into_value(), ref av @ AnyValue::Struct(_, _, flds) => struct_dict(av._iter_struct_av(), flds), AnyValue::StructOwned(payload) => struct_dict(payload.0.into_iter(), &payload.1), AnyValue::Object(v) => { let object = v.as_any().downcast_ref::().unwrap(); object.to_object() } AnyValue::ObjectOwned(v) => { let object = v.0.as_any().downcast_ref::().unwrap(); object.to_object() } AnyValue::Binary(v) => RString::from_slice(v).into_value(), AnyValue::BinaryOwned(v) => RString::from_slice(&v).into_value(), AnyValue::Decimal(v, scale) => utils() .funcall("_to_ruby_decimal", (v.to_string(), -(scale as i32))) .unwrap(), } } } impl<'s> TryConvert for Wrap> { fn try_convert(ob: Value) -> RbResult { if ob.is_kind_of(class::true_class()) || ob.is_kind_of(class::false_class()) { Ok(AnyValue::Boolean(bool::try_convert(ob)?).into()) } else if let Some(v) = Integer::from_value(ob) { Ok(AnyValue::Int64(v.to_i64()?).into()) } else if let Some(v) = Float::from_value(ob) { Ok(AnyValue::Float64(v.to_f64()).into()) } else if let Some(v) = RString::from_value(ob) { if v.enc_get() == Index::utf8() { Ok(AnyValue::StringOwned(v.to_string()?.into()).into()) } else { Ok(AnyValue::BinaryOwned(unsafe { v.as_slice() }.to_vec()).into()) } // call is_a? for ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone } else if ob.funcall::<_, _, bool>("is_a?", (class::time(),))? { let sec = ob.funcall::<_, _, i64>("to_i", ())?; let nsec = ob.funcall::<_, _, i64>("nsec", ())?; let v = sec * 1_000_000_000 + nsec; // TODO support time zone when possible // Ok(AnyValue::Datetime(v, TimeUnit::Nanoseconds, &None).into()) } else if ob.is_nil() { Ok(AnyValue::Null.into()) } else if let Some(dict) = RHash::from_value(ob) { let len = dict.len(); let mut keys = Vec::with_capacity(len); let mut vals = Vec::with_capacity(len); dict.foreach(|k: Value, v: Value| { let key = String::try_convert(k)?; let val = Wrap::::try_convert(v)?.0; let dtype = DataType::from(&val); keys.push(Field::new(&key, dtype)); vals.push(val); Ok(ForEach::Continue) })?; Ok(Wrap(AnyValue::StructOwned(Box::new((vals, keys))))) } else if let Some(v) = RArray::from_value(ob) { if v.is_empty() { Ok(Wrap(AnyValue::List(Series::new_empty("", &DataType::Null)))) } else { let list = v; let mut avs = Vec::with_capacity(25); let mut iter = list.each(); for item in (&mut iter).take(25) { avs.push(Wrap::::try_convert(item?)?.0) } let (dtype, _n_types) = any_values_to_dtype(&avs).map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; // push the rest avs.reserve(list.len()); for item in iter { avs.push(Wrap::::try_convert(item?)?.0) } let s = Series::from_any_values_and_dtype("", &avs, &dtype, true) .map_err(RbPolarsErr::from)?; Ok(Wrap(AnyValue::List(s))) } } else if ob.is_kind_of(crate::rb_modules::datetime()) { let sec: i64 = ob.funcall("to_i", ())?; let nsec: i64 = ob.funcall("nsec", ())?; Ok(Wrap(AnyValue::Datetime( sec * 1_000_000_000 + nsec, TimeUnit::Nanoseconds, &None, ))) } else if ob.is_kind_of(crate::rb_modules::date()) { // convert to DateTime for UTC let v = ob .funcall::<_, _, Value>("to_datetime", ())? .funcall::<_, _, Value>("to_time", ())? .funcall::<_, _, i64>("to_i", ())?; Ok(Wrap(AnyValue::Date((v / 86400) as i32))) } else if ob.is_kind_of(crate::rb_modules::bigdecimal()) { let (sign, digits, _, exp): (i8, String, i32, i32) = ob.funcall("split", ()).unwrap(); let (mut v, scale) = abs_decimal_from_digits(digits, exp).ok_or_else(|| { RbPolarsErr::other("BigDecimal is too large to fit in Decimal128".into()) })?; if sign < 0 { // TODO better error v = v.checked_neg().unwrap(); } Ok(Wrap(AnyValue::Decimal(v, scale))) } else { Err(RbPolarsErr::other(format!( "object type not supported {:?}", ob ))) } } } fn abs_decimal_from_digits(digits: String, exp: i32) -> Option<(i128, usize)> { let exp = exp - (digits.len() as i32); match digits.parse::() { Ok(mut v) => { let scale = if exp > 0 { v = 10_i128 .checked_pow(exp as u32) .and_then(|factor| v.checked_mul(factor))?; 0 } else { (-exp) as usize }; Some((v, scale)) } Err(_) => None, } }