# frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require 'pathname' module Undercover class Options # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength RUN_MODE = [ RUN_MODE_DIFF_STRICT = :diff_strict, # warn for changed lines # RUN_MODE_DIFF_FILES = :diff_files, # warn for changed whole files # RUN_MODE_ALL = :diff_all, # warn for allthethings # RUN_MODE_FILES = :files # warn for specific files (cli option) ].freeze OUTPUT_FORMATTERS = [ OUTPUT_STDOUT = :stdout, # outputs warnings to stdout with exit 1 # OUTPUT_CIRCLEMATOR = :circlemator # posts warnings as review comments ].freeze DEFAULT_FILE_INCLUDE_GLOBS = %w[*.rb *.rake *.ru Rakefile].freeze DEFAULT_FILE_EXCLUDE_GLOBS = %w[test/* spec/* db/* *_test.rb *_spec.rb].freeze attr_accessor :lcov, :path, :git_dir, :compare, :syntax_version, :glob_allow_filters, :glob_reject_filters def initialize # TODO: use run modes # TODO: use formatters @run_mode = RUN_MODE_DIFF_STRICT @enabled_formatters = [OUTPUT_STDOUT] # set defaults self.path = '.' self.git_dir = '.git' self.glob_allow_filters = DEFAULT_FILE_INCLUDE_GLOBS self.glob_reject_filters = DEFAULT_FILE_EXCLUDE_GLOBS end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def parse(args) args = build_opts(args) OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: undercover [options]' opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Prints this help') do puts(opts) exit end opts.on_tail('--version', 'Show version') do puts VERSION exit end lcov_path_option(opts) project_path_option(opts) git_dir_option(opts) compare_option(opts) ruby_syntax_option(opts) file_filters(opts) end.parse(args) guess_lcov_path unless lcov self end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize private def build_opts(args) project_options.concat(args) end def project_options args_from_options_file(project_options_file) end def args_from_options_file(path) return [] unless File.exist?(path) File.read(path).split('\n').flat_map(&:split) end def project_options_file './.undercover' end def lcov_path_option(parser) parser.on('-l', '--lcov path', 'LCOV report file path') do |path| self.lcov = path end end def project_path_option(parser) parser.on('-p', '--path path', 'Project directory') do |path| self.path = path end end def git_dir_option(parser) desc = 'Override `.git` with a custom directory' parser.on('-g', '--git-dir dir', desc) do |dir| self.git_dir = dir end end def compare_option(parser) desc = 'Generate coverage warnings for all changes after `ref`' parser.on('-c', '--compare ref', desc) do |ref| self.compare = ref end end def ruby_syntax_option(parser) versions = Imagen::AVAILABLE_RUBY_VERSIONS.sort.join(', ') desc = "Ruby syntax version, one of: #{versions}" parser.on('-r', '--ruby-syntax ver', desc) do |version| self.syntax_version = version.strip end end def guess_lcov_path cwd = Pathname.new(File.expand_path(path)) self.lcov = File.join(cwd, 'coverage', 'lcov', "#{cwd.split.last}.lcov") end def file_filters(parser) desc = 'Include files matching specified glob patterns (comma separated). ' \ "Defaults to '#{DEFAULT_FILE_INCLUDE_GLOBS.join(',')}'" parser.on('-f', '--include-files globs', desc) do |comma_separated_globs| self.glob_allow_filters = comma_separated_globs.strip.split(',') end desc = 'Skip files matching specified glob patterns (comma separated). Empty by default.' parser.on('-x', '--exclude-files globs', desc) do |comma_separated_globs| self.glob_reject_filters = comma_separated_globs.strip.split(',') end end end end