module Widgets module Scaffold class Base < ErpApp::Widgets::Base def index @model_name = params[:model_name] @title = params[:grid][:title] || params[:model].pluralize @width = params[:grid][:width] || '100%' @height = params[:grid][:height] || 500 @page = params[:grid][:page] || true @page_size = params[:grid][:page_size] || 10 @display_msg = params[:grid][:display_msg] || 'Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}' @empty_msg = params[:grid][:empty_msg] || 'Empty' @editable = params[:editable] || false render :view => :index end def setup active_ext_core = setup_active_ext_core columns, fields, validations = ActiveExt::ExtHelpers::TableBuilder.generate_columns_and_fields(active_ext_core) result = { :success => true, :use_ext_forms => active_ext_core.options[:use_ext_forms].nil? ? false : active_ext_core.options[:use_ext_forms], :inline_edit => active_ext_core.options[:inline_edit].nil? ? false : active_ext_core.options[:inline_edit], :columns => columns, :fields => fields, :validations => validations } render :inline => result.to_json end def data active_ext_core = setup_active_ext_core json_text = nil if request.get? json_text = ActiveExt::ExtHelpers::DataHelper.build_json_data(active_ext_core, :limit => params[:limit], :offset => params[:start]) elsif json_text = ActiveExt::ExtHelpers::DataHelper.create_record(active_ext_core, :data => params[:data]) elsif request.put? json_text = ActiveExt::ExtHelpers::DataHelper.update_record(active_ext_core, :data => params[:data], :id => params[:data][:id]) elsif request.delete? json_text = ActiveExt::ExtHelpers::DataHelper.delete_record(active_ext_core, :data => params[:data], :id => params[:data][:id]) end render :inline => json_text end def setup_active_ext_core model_id = session[:widgets][self.uuid][:model].pluralize.singularize options = { :inline_edit => true, :use_ext_forms => false, :ignore_associations => true, :show_id => true, :show_timestamps => true, :only => nil } #merge in passed widget options options.each do |key, value| options[key] = session[:widgets][self.uuid][key] unless session[:widgets][self.uuid][key].blank? end,options) end #should not be modified #modify at your own risk def locate File.dirname(__FILE__) end class << self def title "CompassAE Scaffold" end def widget_name File.basename(File.dirname(__FILE__)) end end end#Base end#Scaffold end#Widgets