locale_name: Srpski (SR) # ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages error_message_inclusion: nije uključeno u listu error_message_exclusion: je rezervisano error_message_invalid: je nevalidno error_message_confirmation: ne slaže se sa konfirmacijom error_message_accepted: mora biti prihvaćeno error_message_empty: ne može biti prazno error_message_blank: ne može biti prazno error_message_too_long: je predugačko (maximum je %d karaktera) error_message_too_short: je prekratko (minimum je %d karaktera) error_message_wrong_length: je neodgovarajuće dužine (trebalo bi da je %d karaktera) error_message_taken: je već zauzeto error_message_not_a_number: nije broj # used by ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper.distance_of_time_in_words date_helper_less_than_x_seconds: manje od %d sekundi date_helper_half_a_minute: pola minuta date_helper_less_than_a_minute: manje od minute date_helper_one_minute: 1 minut date_helper_x_minutes: %d minuta date_helper_one_hour: oko 1 sat date_helper_x_hours: oko %d sata date_helper_one_day: 1 dan date_helper_x_days: %d dana date_helper_one_month: 1 moesec date_helper_x_months: %d meseci date_helper_one_year: 1 godina date_helper_x_years: %d godina # DON'T TRANSLATE, just order date_helper_order: [:day, :month, :year] #default Rails is US ordered: :order => [:year, :month, :day] date_helper_date_formats: # DON'T TRANSLATE, RE ORDER default: "%d-%m-%Y" short: "%b %e" long: "%B %e, %Y" date_helper_time_formats: # DON'T TRANSLATE, RE ORDER default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" short: "%d %b %H:%M" long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" # added at the end of date if your date system doesn't use a 24 hours system date_helper_am: pre podne date_helper_pm: posle podne # used by ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper.number_to_currency number_helper_unit: "din" number_helper_separator: "," #unit separator (between integer part and fraction part) number_helper_delimiter: " " #delimiter between each group of thousands. Example: 1.234.567 number_helper_order: [ number, unit ] #to support for instance French format, the order is different: Unit comes last (ex. "1.234,00 €") # use by +Array#to_sentence()+ array_connector: 'i' array_skip_last_comma: 'true' # Active Record error messages: active_record_helper_error_description: 'Postoje problemi sa sledećim poljima:' active_record_helper_header_message: pluralize{{error_count}, error} sprečava da {failed_object} bude sačuvan date_helper_month_names: - # Leave that line - # Leave that line - Januar - Februar - Mart - April - Maj - Jun - Jul - Avgust - Septembar - Oktobar - Novembar - Decembar date_helper_abbr_month_names: - # Leave that line - # Leave that line - Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - Maj - Jun - Jul - Avg - Sep - Okt - Nov - Dec date_helper_day_names: - Nedelja - Ponedeljak - Utorak - Sreda - Četvrtak - Petak - Subota date_helper_abbr_day_names: - Ned - Pon - Uto - Sre - Čet - Pet - Sub countries_list: - Afghanistan - Albania - Algeria - American Samoa - Andorra - Angola - Anguilla - Antarctica - Antigua And Barbuda - Argentina - Armenia - Aruba - Australia - Austria - Azerbaijan - Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesh - Barbados - Belarus - Belgium - Belize - Benin - Bermuda - Bhutan - Bolivia - Bosnia and Herzegowina - Botswana - Bouvet Island - Brazil - British Indian Ocean Territory - Brunei Darussalam - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso - Burma - Burundi - Cambodia - Cameroon - Canada - Cape Verde - Cayman Islands - Central African Republic - Chad - Chile - China - Christmas Island - Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Colombia - Comoros - Congo - Congo, the Democratic Republic of the - Cook Islands - Costa Rica - Cote d'Ivoire - Croatia - Cuba - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Denmark - Djibouti - Dominica - Dominican Republic - East Timor - Ecuador - Egypt - El Salvador - England - Equatorial Guinea - Eritrea - Espana - Estonia - Ethiopia - Falkland Islands - Faroe Islands - Fiji - Finland - France - French Guiana - French Polynesia - French Southern Territories - Gabon - Gambia - Georgia - Germany - Ghana - Gibraltar - Great Britain - Greece - Greenland - Grenada - Guadeloupe - Guam - Guatemala - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Guyana - Haiti - Heard and Mc Donald Islands - Honduras - Hong Kong - Hungary - Iceland - India - Indonesia - Ireland - Israel - Italy - Iran - Iraq - Jamaica - Japan - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kenya - Kiribati - Korea, Republic of - Korea (South) - Kuwait - Kyrgyzstan - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Latvia - Lebanon - Lesotho - Liberia - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Macau - Macedonia - Madagascar - Malawi - Malaysia - Maldives - Mali - Malta - Marshall Islands - Martinique - Mauritania - Mauritius - Mayotte - Mexico - Micronesia, Federated States of - Moldova, Republic of - Monaco - Mongolia - Montserrat - Morocco - Mozambique - Myanmar - Namibia - Nauru - Nepal - Netherlands - Netherlands Antilles - New Caledonia - New Zealand - Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria - Niue - Norfolk Island - Northern Ireland - Northern Mariana Islands - Norway - Oman - Pakistan - Palau - Panama - Papua New Guinea - Paraguay - Peru - Philippines - Pitcairn - Poland - Portugal - Puerto Rico - Qatar - Reunion - Romania - Russia - Rwanda - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Samoa (Independent) - San Marino - Sao Tome and Principe - Saudi Arabia - Scotland - Senegal - Serbia and Montenegro - Seychelles - Sierra Leone - Singapore - Slovakia - Slovenia - Solomon Islands - Somalia - South Africa - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - South Korea - Spain - Sri Lanka - St. Helena - St. Pierre and Miquelon - Suriname - Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands - Swaziland - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Tajikistan - Tanzania - Thailand - Togo - Tokelau - Tonga - Trinidad - Trinidad and Tobago - Tunisia - Turkey - Turkmenistan - Turks and Caicos Islands - Tuvalu - Uganda - Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom - United States - United States Minor Outlying Islands - Uruguay - Uzbekistan - Vanuatu - Vatican City State (Holy See) - Venezuela - Viet Nam - Virgin Islands (British) - Virgin Islands (U.S.) - Wales - Wallis and Futuna Islands - Western Sahara - Yemen - Zambia - Zimbabwe