# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # module Rouge module Lexers class TCL < RegexLexer title "Tcl" desc "The Tool Command Language (tcl.tk)" tag 'tcl' filenames '*.tcl' mimetypes 'text/x-tcl', 'text/x-script.tcl', 'application/x-tcl' def self.detect?(text) return true if text.shebang? 'tclsh' return true if text.shebang? 'wish' return true if text.shebang? 'jimsh' end KEYWORDS = %w( after apply array break catch continue elseif else error eval expr for foreach global if namespace proc rename return set switch then trace unset update uplevel upvar variable vwait while ) BUILTINS = %w( append bgerror binary cd chan clock close concat dde dict encoding eof exec exit fblocked fconfigure fcopy file fileevent flush format gets glob history http incr info interp join lappend lassign lindex linsert list llength load loadTk lrange lrepeat lreplace lreverse lsearch lset lsort mathfunc mathop memory msgcat open package pid pkg::create pkg_mkIndex platform platform::shell puts pwd re_syntax read refchan regexp registry regsub scan seek socket source split string subst tell time tm unknown unload ) OPEN = %w| \( \[ \{ " | CLOSE = %w| \) \] \} | ALL = OPEN + CLOSE END_LINE = CLOSE + %w(; \n) END_WORD = END_LINE + %w(\s) CHARS = lambda { |list| Regexp.new %/[#{list.join}]/ } NOT_CHARS = lambda { |list| Regexp.new %/[^#{list.join}]/ } state :word do rule /\{\*\}/, Keyword mixin :brace_abort mixin :interp rule /\{/, Punctuation, :brace rule /\(/, Punctuation, :paren rule /"/, Str::Double, :string rule /#{NOT_CHARS[END_WORD]}+?(?=#{CHARS[OPEN+['\\\\']]})/, Text end def self.gen_command_state(name='') state(:"command#{name}") do mixin :word rule /##{NOT_CHARS[END_LINE]}+/, Comment::Single rule /(?=#{CHARS[END_WORD]})/ do push :"params#{name}" end rule /#{NOT_CHARS[END_WORD]}+/ do |m| if KEYWORDS.include? m[0] token Keyword elsif BUILTINS.include? m[0] token Name::Builtin else token Text end end mixin :whitespace end end def self.gen_delimiter_states(name, close, opts={}) gen_command_state("_in_#{name}") state :"params_in_#{name}" do rule close do token Punctuation pop! 2 end # mismatched delimiters. Braced strings with mismatched # closing delimiters should be okay, since this is standard # practice, like {]]]]} if opts[:strict] rule CHARS[CLOSE - [close]], Error else rule CHARS[CLOSE - [close]], Text end mixin :params end state name do rule close, Punctuation, :pop! mixin :"command_in_#{name}" end end # tcl is freaking impossible. If we're in braces and we encounter # a close brace, we have to drop everything and close the brace. # This is so silly things like {abc"def} and {abc]def} don't b0rk # everything after them. # TODO: TCL seems to have this aborting behavior quite a lot. # such things as [ abc" ] are a runtime error, but will still # parse. Currently something like this will muck up the lex. state :brace_abort do rule /}/ do if in_state? :brace pop! until state? :brace pop! token Punctuation else token Error end end end state :params do rule /;/, Punctuation, :pop! rule /\n/, Text, :pop! rule /else|elseif|then/, Keyword mixin :word mixin :whitespace rule /#{NOT_CHARS[END_WORD]}+/, Text end gen_delimiter_states :brace, /\}/, :strict => false gen_delimiter_states :paren, /\)/, :strict => true gen_delimiter_states :bracket, /\]/, :strict => true gen_command_state state :root do mixin :command end state :whitespace do # not a multiline regex because we want to capture \n sometimes rule /\s+/, Text end state :interp do rule /\[/, Punctuation, :bracket rule /\$[a-z0-9.:-]+/, Name::Variable rule /\$\{.*?\}/m, Name::Variable rule /\$/, Text # escape sequences rule /\\[0-7]{3}/, Str::Escape rule /\\x[0-9a-f]{2}/i, Str::Escape rule /\\u[0-9a-f]{4}/i, Str::Escape rule /\\./m, Str::Escape end state :string do rule /"/, Str::Double, :pop! mixin :interp rule /[^\\\[\$"{}]+/m, Str::Double # strings have to keep count of their internal braces, to support # for example { "{ }" }. rule /{/ do @brace_count ||= 0 @brace_count += 1 token Str::Double end rule /}/ do if in_state? :brace and @brace_count.to_i == 0 pop! until state? :brace pop! token Punctuation else @brace_count -= 1 token Str::Double end end end end end end