require 'spec_helper' require 'fixtures/pubsub' describe Blather::Stanza::PubSub::Event do it 'registers itself' do Blather::XMPPNode.class_from_registration(:event, '').should == Blather::Stanza::PubSub::Event end it 'is importable' do Blather::XMPPNode.parse(event_notification_xml).should be_instance_of Blather::Stanza::PubSub::Event end it 'ensures a query node is present on create' do evt = evt.find('ns:event', :ns => Blather::Stanza::PubSub::Event.registered_ns).should_not be_empty end it 'ensures an event node exists when calling #event_node' do evt = evt.remove_children :event evt.find('*[local-name()="event"]').should be_empty evt.event_node.should_not be_nil evt.find('ns:event', :ns => Blather::Stanza::PubSub::Event.registered_ns).should_not be_empty end it 'ensures an items node exists when calling #items_node' do evt = evt.remove_children :items evt.find('*[local-name()="items"]').should be_empty evt.items_node.should_not be_nil evt.find('ns:event/ns:items', :ns => Blather::Stanza::PubSub::Event.registered_ns).should_not be_empty end it 'knows the associated node name' do evt = Blather::XMPPNode.parse(event_with_payload_xml) evt.node.should == 'princely_musings' end it 'ensures newly inherited items are PubSubItem objects' do evt = Blather::XMPPNode.parse(event_with_payload_xml) evt.items?.should == true evt.retractions?.should == false { |i| i.class }.uniq.should == [Blather::Stanza::PubSub::PubSubItem] end it 'will iterate over each item' do evt = Blather::XMPPNode.parse(event_with_payload_xml) evt.items.each { |i| i.class.should == Blather::Stanza::PubSub::PubSubItem } end it 'handles receiving subscription ids' do evt = Blather::XMPPNode.parse(event_subids_xml) evt.subscription_ids.should == ['123-abc', '004-yyy'] end it 'can have a list of retractions' do evt = Blather::XMPPNode.parse(<<-NODE) NODE evt.retractions?.should == true evt.items?.should == false evt.retractions.should == %w[ae890ac52d0df67ed7cfdf51b644e901] end it 'can be a purge' do evt = Blather::XMPPNode.parse(<<-NODE) NODE evt.purge?.should_not be_nil evt.node.should == 'princely_musings' end it 'can be a subscription notification' do evt = Blather::XMPPNode.parse(<<-NODE) NODE evt.subscription?.should_not be_nil evt.subscription[:jid].should == 'francisco@denmark.lit' evt.subscription[:subscription].should == 'subscribed' evt.subscription[:node].should == '/' end end