# # = bio/db/embl/format_embl.rb - EMBL format generater # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2008 # Jan Aerts , # Naohisa Goto # License:: The Ruby License # module Bio::Sequence::Format::NucFormatter # INTERNAL USE ONLY, YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS CLASS. # Embl format output class for Bio::Sequence. class Embl < Bio::Sequence::Format::FormatterBase # helper methods include Bio::Sequence::Format::INSDFeatureHelper private # wrapping with EMBL style def embl_wrap(prefix, str) wrap(str.to_s, 80, prefix) end # Given words (an Array of String) are wrapping with EMBL style. # Each word is never splitted inside the word. def embl_wrap_words(prefix, array) width = 80 result = [] str = nil array.each do |x| if str then if str.length + 1 + x.length > width then str = nil else str.concat ' ' str.concat x end end unless str then str = prefix + x result.push str end end result.join("\n") end # format reference # ref:: Bio::Reference object # hash:: (optional) a hash for RN (reference number) administration def reference_format_embl(ref, hash = nil) lines = Array.new if ref.embl_gb_record_number or hash then refno = ref.embl_gb_record_number.to_i hash ||= {} if refno <= 0 or hash[refno] then refno = hash.keys.sort[-1].to_i + 1 hash[refno] = true end lines << embl_wrap("RN ", "[#{refno}]") end if ref.comments then ref.comments.each do |cmnt| lines << embl_wrap("RC ", cmnt) end end unless ref.sequence_position.to_s.empty? then lines << embl_wrap("RP ", "#{ref.sequence_position}") end unless ref.doi.to_s.empty? then lines << embl_wrap("RX ", "DOI; #{ref.doi}.") end unless ref.pubmed.to_s.empty? then lines << embl_wrap("RX ", "PUBMED; #{ref.pubmed}.") end unless ref.authors.empty? then auth = ref.authors.collect do |x| y = x.to_s.strip.split(/\, *([^\,]+)\z/) y[1].gsub!(/\. +/, '.') if y[1] y.join(' ') end lastauth = auth.pop auth.each { |x| x.concat ',' } auth.push(lastauth.to_s + ';') lines << embl_wrap_words('RA ', auth) end lines << embl_wrap('RT ', (ref.title.to_s.empty? ? '' : "\"#{ref.title}\"") + ';') unless ref.journal.to_s.empty? then volissue = "#{ref.volume.to_s}" volissue = "#{volissue}(#{ref.issue})" unless ref.issue.to_s.empty? rl = "#{ref.journal}" rl += " #{volissue}" unless volissue.empty? rl += ":#{ref.pages}" unless ref.pages.to_s.empty? rl += "(#{ref.year})" unless ref.year.to_s.empty? rl += '.' lines << embl_wrap('RL ', rl) end lines << "XX" return lines.join("\n") end def seq_format_embl(seq) counter = 0 result = seq.gsub(/.{1,60}/) do |x| counter += x.length x = x.gsub(/.{10}/, '\0 ') sprintf(" %-66s%9d\n", x, counter) end result.chomp! result end def seq_composition(seq) { :a => seq.count('aA'), :c => seq.count('cC'), :g => seq.count('gG'), :t => seq.count('tTuU'), :other => seq.count('^aAcCgGtTuU') } end # moleculue type def mol_type_embl if mt = molecule_type then mt elsif fe = (features or []).find { |f| f.feature == 'source' } and qu = fe.qualifiers.find { |q| q.qualifier == 'mol_type' } then qu.value else 'NA' end end # CC line. Comments. def comments_format_embl(cmnts) return '' if !cmnts or cmnts.empty? cmnts = [ cmnts ] unless cmnts.kind_of?(Array) a = [] cmnts.each do |str| a.push embl_wrap('CC ', str) end unless a.empty? then a.push "XX " a.push '' # dummy to put "\n" at the end of the string end a.join("\n") end # Erb template of EMBL format for Bio::Sequence erb_template <<'__END_OF_TEMPLATE__' ID <%= primary_accession || entry_id %>; SV <%= sequence_version %>; <%= topology %>; <%= mol_type_embl %>; <%= data_class %>; <%= division %>; <%= seq.length %> BP. XX <%= embl_wrap('AC ', accessions.reject{|a| a.nil?}.join('; ') + ';') %> XX DT <%= format_date(date_created || null_date) %> (Rel. <%= release_created || 0 %>, Created) DT <%= format_date(date_modified || null_date) %> (Rel. <%= release_modified || 0 %>, Last updated, Version <%= entry_version || 0 %>) XX <%= embl_wrap('DE ', definition) %> XX <%= embl_wrap('KW ', (keywords || []).join('; ') + '.') %> XX OS <%= species %> <%= embl_wrap('OC ', (classification || []).join('; ') + '.') %> XX <% hash = {}; (references || []).each do |ref| %><%= reference_format_embl(ref, hash) %> <% end %><% (dblinks || []).each do |r| %>DR <%= r.database %>; <%= r.id %><% unless r.secondary_ids.empty? %>; <%= r.secondary_ids[0] %><% end %>. <% end %><% if dblinks and !dblinks.empty? then %>XX <% end %><%= comments_format_embl(comments) %>FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH <%= format_features_embl(features || []) %>XX SQ Sequence <%= seq.length %> BP; <% c = seq_composition(seq) %><%= c[:a] %> A; <%= c[:c] %> C; <%= c[:g] %> G; <%= c[:t] %> T; <%= c[:other] %> other; <%= seq_format_embl(seq) %> // __END_OF_TEMPLATE__ end #class Embl end #module Bio::Sequence::Format::NucFormatter