require "omnicontacts/parse_utils" require "omnicontacts/middleware/oauth2" module OmniContacts module Importer class Gmail < Middleware::OAuth2 include ParseUtils attr_reader :auth_host, :authorize_path, :auth_token_path, :scope def initialize *args super *args @auth_host = "" @authorize_path = "/o/oauth2/auth" @auth_token_path = "/o/oauth2/token" @scope = (args[3] && args[3][:scope]) || "" @contacts_host = "" @contacts_path = "/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full" @max_results = (args[3] && args[3][:max_results]) || 100 @self_host = "" @profile_path = "/oauth2/v1/userinfo" end def fetch_contacts_using_access_token access_token, token_type fetch_current_user(access_token, token_type) contacts_response = https_get(@contacts_host, @contacts_path, contacts_req_params, contacts_req_headers(access_token, token_type)) contacts_from_response contacts_response end def fetch_current_user access_token, token_type self_response = https_get(@self_host, @profile_path, contacts_req_params, contacts_req_headers(access_token, token_type)) user = current_user(self_response, access_token, token_type) set_current_user user end private def contacts_req_params {'max-results' => @max_results.to_s, 'alt' => 'json'} end def contacts_req_headers token, token_type {"GData-Version" => "3.0", "Authorization" => "#{token_type} #{token}"} end def contacts_from_response response_as_json response = JSON.parse(response_as_json) return [] if response['feed'].nil? || response['feed']['entry'].nil? contacts = [] return contacts if response.nil? response['feed']['entry'].each do |entry| # creating nil fields to keep the fields consistent across other networks contact = { :id => nil, :first_name => nil, :last_name => nil, :name => nil, :emails => nil, :gender => nil, :birthday => nil, :profile_picture=> nil, :relation => nil, :addresses => nil, :phone_numbers => nil, :dates => nil, :company => nil, :position => nil } contact[:id] = entry['id']['$t'] if entry['id'] if entry['gd$name'] gd_name = entry['gd$name'] contact[:first_name] = normalize_name(entry['gd$name']['gd$givenName']['$t']) if gd_name['gd$givenName'] contact[:last_name] = normalize_name(entry['gd$name']['gd$familyName']['$t']) if gd_name['gd$familyName'] contact[:name] = normalize_name(entry['gd$name']['gd$fullName']['$t']) if gd_name['gd$fullName'] contact[:name] = full_name(contact[:first_name],contact[:last_name]) if contact[:name].nil? end contact[:emails] = [] entry['gd$email'].each do |email| if email['rel'] split_index = email['rel'].index('#') contact[:emails] << {:name => email['rel'][split_index + 1, email['rel'].length - 1], :email => email['address']} elsif email['label'] contact[:emails] << {:name => email['label'], :email => email['address']} end end if entry['gd$email'] # Support older versions of the gem by keeping singular entries around contact[:email] = contact[:emails][0][:email] if contact[:emails][0] contact[:first_name], contact[:last_name], contact[:name] = email_to_name(contact[:name]) if !contact[:name].nil? && contact[:name].include?('@') contact[:first_name], contact[:last_name], contact[:name] = email_to_name(contact[:emails][0][:email]) if (contact[:name].nil? && contact[:emails][0] && contact[:emails][0][:email]) #format - year-month-date contact[:birthday] = birthday(entry['gContact$birthday']['when']) if entry['gContact$birthday'] # value is either "male" or "female" contact[:gender] = entry['gContact$gender']['value'] if entry['gContact$gender'] if entry['gContact$relation'] if entry['gContact$relation'].is_a?(Hash) contact[:relation] = entry['gContact$relation']['rel'] elsif entry['gContact$relation'].is_a?(Array) contact[:relation] = entry['gContact$relation'].first['rel'] end end contact[:addresses] = [] entry['gd$structuredPostalAddress'].each do |address| if address['rel'] split_index = address['rel'].index('#') new_address = {:name => address['rel'][split_index + 1, address['rel'].length - 1]} elsif address['label'] new_address = {:name => address['label']} end new_address[:address_1] = address['gd$street']['$t'] if address['gd$street'] new_address[:address_1] = address['gd$formattedAddress']['$t'] if new_address[:address_1].nil? && address['gd$formattedAddress'] if new_address[:address_1].index("\n") parts = new_address[:address_1].split("\n") new_address[:address_1] = parts.first # this may contain city/state/zip if user jammed it all into one string.... :-( new_address[:address_2] = parts[1..-1].join(', ') end new_address[:city] = address['gd$city']['$t'] if address['gd$city'] new_address[:region] = address['gd$region']['$t'] if address['gd$region'] # like state or province new_address[:country] = address['gd$country']['code'] if address['gd$country'] new_address[:postcode] = address['gd$postcode']['$t'] if address['gd$postcode'] contact[:addresses] << new_address end if entry['gd$structuredPostalAddress'] # Support older versions of the gem by keeping singular entries around if contact[:addresses][0] contact[:address_1] = contact[:addresses][0][:address_1] contact[:address_2] = contact[:addresses][0][:address_2] contact[:city] = contact[:addresses][0][:city] contact[:region] = contact[:addresses][0][:region] contact[:country] = contact[:addresses][0][:country] contact[:postcode] = contact[:addresses][0][:postcode] end contact[:phone_numbers] = [] entry['gd$phoneNumber'].each do |phone_number| if phone_number['rel'] split_index = phone_number['rel'].index('#') contact[:phone_numbers] << {:name => phone_number['rel'][split_index + 1, phone_number['rel'].length - 1], :number => phone_number['$t']} elsif phone_number['label'] contact[:phone_numbers] << {:name => phone_number['label'], :number => phone_number['$t']} end end if entry['gd$phoneNumber'] # Support older versions of the gem by keeping singular entries around contact[:phone_number] = contact[:phone_numbers][0][:number] if contact[:phone_numbers][0] if entry['gContact$website'] && entry['gContact$website'][0]["rel"] == "profile" contact[:id] = contact_id(entry['gContact$website'][0]["href"]) contact[:profile_picture] = image_url(contact[:id]) else contact[:profile_picture] = image_url_from_email(contact[:email]) end if entry['gContact$event'] contact[:dates] = [] entry['gContact$event'].each do |event| if event['rel'] contact[:dates] << {:name => event['rel'], :date => birthday(event['gd$when']['startTime'])} elsif event['label'] contact[:dates] << {:name => event['label'], :date => birthday(event['gd$when']['startTime'])} end end end if entry['gd$organization'] contact[:company] = entry['gd$organization'][0]['gd$orgName']['$t'] if entry['gd$organization'][0]['gd$orgName'] contact[:position] = entry['gd$organization'][0]['gd$orgTitle']['$t'] if entry['gd$organization'][0]['gd$orgTitle'] end contacts << contact if contact[:name] end contacts.uniq! {|c| c[:email] || c[:profile_picture] || c[:name]} contacts end def image_url gmail_id return "" + gmail_id if gmail_id end def current_user me, access_token, token_type return nil if me.nil? me = JSON.parse(me) user = {:id => me['id'], :email => me['email'], :name => me['name'], :first_name => me['given_name'], :last_name => me['family_name'], :gender => me['gender'], :birthday => birthday(me['birthday']), :profile_picture => image_url(me['id']), :access_token => access_token, :token_type => token_type } user end def birthday dob return nil if dob.nil? birthday = dob.split('-') return birthday_format(birthday[2], birthday[3], nil) if birthday.size == 4 return birthday_format(birthday[1], birthday[2], birthday[0]) if birthday.size == 3 end def contact_id(profile_url) id = (profile_url.present?) ? File.basename(profile_url) : nil id end end end end