// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global ViewBuilder */ sc_require('views/high_light'); /** @class A Designer class provides the core editing functionality you need to edit a view in the UI. When your app loads in design.mode, a peer Designer instance is created for every view using the class method Designer or SC.ViewDesigner if the view class does not define a Designer class. Whenever you put your app into design mode, all events will be routed first to the peer designer for an object, which will have an opportunity to prosent a design UI. Likewise, the designer palettes provided by the view builder will focus on the designer instead of the view itself. h2. Designer UI The basic ViewDesigner class automatically handles the UI interaction for layout. You can also double click on the view to perform a default action. For views with isContainerView set to YES, double clicking on the view will automatically "focus" the view. This allows you to select the view's children instead of the view itself. @extends SC.Object @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.ViewDesigner = SC.Object.extend( /** @scope SC.ViewDesigner.prototype */ { /** The view managed by this designer. */ view: null, /** The class for the design. Set when the view is created. */ viewClass: null, /** Set to YES if the view is currently selected for editing. */ designIsSelected: NO, /** Set to YES if this particular designer should not be enabled. */ designIsEnabled: YES, /** The current page. Comes from the view. @property {SC.Page} */ page: function() { var v = this.get('view'); return (v) ? v.get('page') : null; }.property('view').cacheable(), /** The design controller from the page. Comes from page @property {SC.PageDesignController} */ designController: function() { var p = this.get('page'); return (p) ? p.get('designController') : null ; }.property('page').cacheable(), /** If set to NO, the default childView encoding will not run. You can use this option, for example, if your view creates its own childViews. Alternatively, you can override the encodeChildViewsDesign() and encodeChildViewsLoc() methods. @property {Boolean} */ encodeChildViews: YES, concatenatedProperties: ['designProperties', 'localizedProperties', 'excludeProperties'], // .......................................................... // SIZE AND POSITIONING SUPPORT // /** Set to NO to hide horizontal resize handles */ canResizeHorizontal: YES, /** Set to NO to resize vertical handles */ canResizeVertical: YES, /** Allows moving. */ canReposition: YES, /** Determines the minimum allowed width */ minWidth: 10, /** Determines the minimum allowed height */ minHeight: 10, /** Determines maximum allowed width. null means no limit */ maxWidth: 100000000, /** Determines maximum allowed height. null means no limit */ maxHeight: 100000000, /** Returns the current layout for the view. Set this property to update the layout. Direct properties are exposed a well. You will usually want to work with those instead. @property @type {Hash} */ layout: function(key, value) { var view = this.get('view'); if (!view) return null; if (value !== undefined) view.set('layout', value); return view.get('layout'); }.property('view').cacheable(), /** The current anchor location. This determines which of the other dimension metrics are actually used to compute the layout. The value may be one of: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, TOP_HEIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, CENTER_HEIGHT BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT, BOTTOM_HEIGHT, WIDTH_LEFT, WIDTH_CENTER, WIDTH_RIGHT, WIDTH_HEIGHT, null @property @type {Number} */ anchorLocation: function(key, value) { var layout = this.get('layout'), K = SC.ViewDesigner, h, v, frame, view, pview, pframe, ret; if (!layout) return null; // update to refelct new anchor locations... if (value !== undefined) { ret = {}; view = this.get('view'); frame = view.get('frame'); pview = view.get('parentView'); pframe = pview ? pview.get('frame') : null; if (!pframe) pframe = SC.RootResponder.responder.computeWindowSize(); // compute new layout in each direction if (value & K.ANCHOR_LEFT) { ret.left = frame.x; ret.width = frame.width; } else if (value & K.ANCHOR_RIGHT) { ret.right = (pframe.width - SC.maxX(frame)); ret.width = frame.width; } else if (value & K.ANCHOR_CENTERX) { ret.centerX = Math.round(SC.midX(frame) - (pframe.width/2)) ; ret.width = frame.width; } else if (value & K.ANCHOR_WIDTH) { ret.left = frame.x; ret.right = (pframe.width - SC.maxX(frame)); } // vertical if (value & K.ANCHOR_TOP) { ret.top = frame.y; ret.height = frame.height; } else if (value & K.ANCHOR_BOTTOM) { ret.bottom = (pframe.height - SC.maxY(frame)); ret.height = frame.height; } else if (value & K.ANCHOR_CENTERY) { ret.centerY = Math.round(SC.midY(frame) - (pframe.height/2)) ; ret.height = frame.height; } else if (value & K.ANCHOR_HEIGHT) { ret.top = frame.y; ret.bottom = (pframe.height - SC.maxY(frame)); } this.set('layout', ret); layout = ret ; } if (!SC.none(layout.left)) { h = SC.none(layout.width) ? K.ANCHOR_WIDTH : K.ANCHOR_LEFT; } else if (!SC.none(layout.right)) h = K.ANCHOR_RIGHT; else if (!SC.none(layout.centerX)) h = K.ANCHOR_CENTERX; else h = 0; if (!SC.none(layout.top)) { v = SC.none(layout.height) ? K.ANCHOR_HEIGHT : K.ANCHOR_TOP; } else if (!SC.none(layout.bottom)) v = K.ANCHOR_BOTTOM ; else if (!SC.none(layout.centerY)) v = K.ANCHOR_CENTERY ; else v = 0; return v | h; }.property('layout').cacheable(), _layoutProperty: function(key, value) { var layout = this.get('layout'); if (!layout) return null; if (!SC.none(layout) && (value !== undefined)) { layout = SC.copy(layout); layout[key] = value; this.set('layout', layout); } return layout[key]; }, /** Returns the top offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutTop: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('top', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the bottom offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutBottom: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('bottom', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the centerY offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutCenterY: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('centerY', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the height offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutHeight: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('height', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the top offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutTop: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('top', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the left offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutLeft: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('left', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the right offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutRight: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('right', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the centerX offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutCenterX: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('centerX', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), /** Returns the width offset of the current layout or null if not defined */ layoutWidth: function(key, value) { return this._layoutProperty('width', value); }.property('layout').cacheable(), // .......................................................... // GENERIC PROPERTIES // // Adds support for adding generic properties to a view. These will // overwrite whatever you write out using specifically supported props. // .......................................................... // HANDLE ENCODING OF VIEW DESIGN // /** Encodes any simple properties that can just be copied from the view onto the coder. This is used by encodeDesignProperties() and encodeLocalizedProperties(). */ encodeSimpleProperties: function(props, coder) { var view = this.get('view'), proto = this.get('viewClass').prototype ; props.forEach(function(prop) { var val = view[prop] ; // avoid get() since we don't want to exec props //handle bindings if (prop.length > 7 && prop.slice(-7) === "Binding" && val !== undefined){ coder.js(prop,val.encodeDesign()); } else{ if (val !== undefined && (val !== proto[prop])) { coder.encode(prop, val) ; } } }, this); }, /** Array of properties that can be encoded directly. This is an easy way to add support for simple properties that need to be written to the design without added code. These properties will be encoded by encodeDesignProperties(). You can add to this array in your subclasses. */ designProperties: 'layout isVisible isEnabled styleClass'.w(), /* Array of properties specifically not displayed in the editable properties list */ excludeProperties: 'layout childViews'.w(), /* Array of properties avaliaible to edit in greenhouse */ editableProperties: function(){ var con = this.get('designAttrs'), view = this.get('view'), ret = [], designProperties = this.get('designProperties'), excludeProperties = this.get('excludeProperties'); if(con) con = con[0]; for(var i in con){ if(con.hasOwnProperty(i) && excludeProperties.indexOf(i) < 0){ if(!SC.none(view[i])) ret.pushObject(SC.Object.create({value: view[i], key: i, view: view})); } } designProperties.forEach(function(k){ if(excludeProperties.indexOf(k) < 0){ ret.pushObject(SC.Object.create({value: view[k], key: k, view: view})); } }); return ret; }.property('designProperties').cacheable(), /** Invoked by a design coder to encode design properties. The default implementation invoked encodeDesignProperties() and encodeChildViewsDesign(). You can override this method with your own additional encoding if you like. */ encodeDesign: function(coder) { coder.set('className', SC._object_className(this.get('viewClass'))); this.encodeDesignProperties(coder); this.encodeDesignAttributeProperties(coder); this.encodeChildViewsDesign(coder); return YES ; }, /** Encodes the design properties for the view. These properties are simply copied from the view onto the coder. As an optimization, the value of each property will be checked against the default value in the class. If they match, the property will not be emitted. */ encodeDesignProperties: function(coder) { return this.encodeSimpleProperties(this.get('designProperties'), coder); }, encodeDesignAttributeProperties: function(coder){ var designProps = this.get('designProperties'), designAttrs = this.get('designAttrs'), simpleProps = []; if(designAttrs) designAttrs = designAttrs[0]; for(var attr in designAttrs){ if(designAttrs.hasOwnProperty(attr) && designProps.indexOf(attr) < 0 && attr !== 'childViews'){ simpleProps.push(attr); } } return this.encodeSimpleProperties(simpleProps, coder); }, /** Encodes the design for child views. The default implementation loops through child views. If you store your child views elsewhere in your config (for example as named properties), then you may want to override this method with your own encoding. */ encodeChildViewsDesign: function(coder) { if (!this.get('encodeChildViews')) return; var view = this.view, childViews = view.get('childViews'); if (childViews.length>0) coder.object('childViews', childViews); }, /** Array of localized that can be encoded directly. This is an easy way to add support for simple properties that need to be written to the localization without added code. These properties will be encoded by encodeLocalizedProperties(). You can add to this array in your subclasses. */ localizedProperties: [], /** Invoked by a localization coder to encode design properties. The default implementation invoked encodeLocalizedProperties() and encodeChildViewsLoc(). You can override this method with your own additional encoding if you like. */ encodeLoc: function(coder) { coder.set('className', SC._object_className(this.get('viewClass'))); this.encodeLocalizedProperties(coder); this.encodeChildViewsLoc(coder); return YES ; }, /** Encodes the localized properties for the view. These properties are simply copied from the view onto the coder. As an optimization, the value of each property will be checked against the default value in the class. If they match, the property will not be emitted. */ encodeLocalizedProperties: function(coder) { return this.encodeSimpleProperties(this.get('localizedProperties'),coder); }, /** Encodes the design for child views. The default implementation loops through child views. If you store your child views elsewhere in your config (for example as named properties), then you may want to override this method with your own encoding. */ encodeChildViewsLoc: function(coder) { if (!this.get('encodeChildViews')) return; var view = this.view, childViews = view.childViews; if (childViews.length>0) coder.object('childViews', childViews); }, /** This method is invoked when the designer is instantiated. You can use this method to reload any state saved in the view. This method is called before any observers or bindings are setup to give you a chance to configure the initial state of the designer. */ awakeDesign: function() {}, /** over-ride this method in your designers to customies drop operations default just calls appendChild TODO: Come up with a better name for this method. */ addView: function(view){ this.view.appendChild(view); }, // .......................................................... // VIEW RELAYING // // View property changes relay automatically... /** Invoked whenever the view changes. This will observe all property changes on the new view. */ viewDidChange: function() { var view = this.get('view'), old = this._designer_view ; if (view === old) return; // nothing to do var func = this.viewPropertyDidChange ; if (old) old.removeObserver('*', this, func); this._designer_view = view ; if (view) view.addObserver('*', this, func); this.viewPropertyDidChange(view, '*', null, null); }.observes('view'), /** Invoked whenever a property on the view has changed. The passed key will be '*' when the entire view has changed. The default implementation here will notify the property as changed on the reciever if the property value is undefined on the reciever. It will notify all properties changed for '*'. You may override this method with your own behavior if you like. */ viewPropertyDidChange: function(view, key) { if (key === '*') this.allPropertiesDidChange(); else if (this[key] === undefined) this.notifyPropertyChange(key) ; if ((key === '*') || (key === 'layout')) { if (this.get('designIsSelected') && this._handles) { this._handles.set('layout', SC.clone(view.get('layout'))); } } }, /** The unknownProperty handler will pass through to the view by default. This will often provide you the support you need without needing to customize the Designer. Just make sure you don't define a conflicting property name on the designer itself! */ unknownProperty: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { this.view.set(key, value); return value ; } else return this.view.get(key); }, // ...................................... // PRIVATE METHODS // init: function() { // setup design from view state... this.awakeDesign(); // setup bindings, etc sc_super(); // now add observer for property changes on view to relay change out. this.viewDidChange(); // and register with designController, if defined... var c= this.get('designController'); if (c) c.registerDesigner(this) ; }, destroy: function() { sc_super(); this.set('view', null); // clears the view observer... }, designIsSelectedDidChange: function() { if (SC.kindOf(this.view, SC.Pane)) return this ; var isSel = this.get('designIsSelected'); var handles = this._handles; if (isSel) { if (!handles) { handles = this._handles = SC.SelectionHandlesView.create({ designer: this }); } var parent = this.view.get('parentView'); if (!handles.get('parentView') !== parent) parent.appendChild(handles); handles.set('layout', this.view.get('layout')); } else if (handles) { if (handles.get('parentView')) handles.removeFromParent(); } }.observes('designIsSelected'), tryToPerform: function(methodName, arg1, arg2) { // only handle event if we are in design mode var page = this.view ? this.view.get('page') : null ; var isDesignMode = page ? page.get('needsDesigner') || page.get('isDesignMode') : NO ; // if we are in design mode, route event handling to the designer // otherwise, invoke default method. if (isDesignMode) { return sc_super(); } else { return SC.Object.prototype.tryToPerform.apply(this.view, arguments); } }, // .......................................................... // DRAWING SUPPORT // /** Update the layer to add any design-specific marking */ didCreateLayer: function() {}, /** Update the layer to add any design-specific marking */ didUpdateLayer: function() {}, /** Update the layer to add any design-specific marking */ willDestroyLayer: function() {}, // .......................................................... // ROOT DESIGNER SUPPORT // parentDesignerIsRoot: function(){ var dc = this.get('designController'), view = this.get('view'); return dc.get('rootDesigner') === view.getPath('parentView.designer'); }.property(), /** set this property to YES if you want your designer to become Root */ acceptRootDesigner: NO, isRootDesigner: NO, isRootDesignerDidChange: function() { var isRoot = this.get('isRootDesigner'), highLight = this._highLight; if (isRoot && this.get('designIsEnabled')) { if (!highLight) { highLight = this._highLight = SC.RootDesignerHighLightView.create({ designer: this }); } var parent = this.view.get('parentView'); highLight.set('targetFrame', this.view.get('frame')); if (!highLight.get('parentView') !== parent) parent.insertBefore(highLight,this.view); } else if (highLight) { if (highLight.get('parentView')) highLight.removeFromParent(); } }.observes('isRootDesigner'), resignRootDesigner: function(){ var prevRoot = this.get('prevRootDesigner'); if(this.get('isRootDesigner') && prevRoot){ var dc = this.get('designController'); if(dc) dc.makeRootDesigner(prevRoot); } }, shouldReleaseRootDesigner: function(evt){ var frame = this.view.get('frame'); if(this.get('isRootDesigner') && !SC.pointInRect({ x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY }, frame)){ this.resignRootDesigner(); return YES; } return NO; }, // .......................................................... // MOUSE HANDLING // HANDLE_MARGIN: 10, /** Select on mouseDown. If metaKey or shiftKey is pressed, add to selection. Otherwise just save starting info for dragging */ mouseDown: function(evt) { this.shouldReleaseRootDesigner(evt); if (!this.get('designIsEnabled') || !this.get('parentDesignerIsRoot')) return NO ; // save mouse down info var view = this.get('view'), info, vert, horiz, repos, frame, pview, margin, canH, canV; if (!view) return NO; // nothing to do // save mouse down state for later use this._mouseDownInfo = info = { layout: SC.copy(view.get('layout')), selected: this.get('designIsSelected'), dragged: NO, metaKey: evt.metaKey || evt.shiftKey, source: this, x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY }; info.hanchor = info.vanchor = info.reposition = NO; // detect what operations are available. repos = this.get('canReposition'); horiz = vert = NO ; if (info.selected) { frame = view.get('frame'); pview = view.get('parentView'); if (frame && pview) frame = pview.convertFrameToView(frame, null); margin = this.HANDLE_MARGIN; // detect if we are in any hotzones if (frame) { if (Math.abs(info.x - SC.minX(frame)) <= margin) { horiz = "left"; } else if (Math.abs(info.x - SC.maxX(frame)) <= margin) { horiz = "right"; } if (Math.abs(info.y - SC.minY(frame)) <= margin) { vert = "top"; } else if (Math.abs(info.y - SC.maxY(frame)) <= margin) { vert = "bottom"; } } canH = this.get('canResizeHorizontal'); canV = this.get('canResizeVertical'); // look for corners if can resize in both directions... if (canH && canV) { if (!vert || !horiz) vert = horiz = NO ; // if can only resize horizonal - must be in middle vertical } else if (canH) { vert = NO ; if (Math.abs(info.y - SC.midY(frame)) > margin) horiz = NO; // if can only resize vertical - must be in middle horizontal } else if (canV) { horiz = NO ; if (Math.abs(info.x - SC.midX(frame)) > margin) vert = NO ; // otherwise, do not allow resizing } else horiz = vert = NO ; } // now save settings... if (horiz) info.hanchor = horiz ; if (vert) info.vanchor = vert ; if (!horiz && !vert && repos) info.reposition = YES ; // if not yet selected, select item immediately. This way future events // will be handled properly if (!info.selected) { this.get('designController').select(this, info.metaKey); } // save initial info on all selected items if (info.reposition) this.get('designController').prepareReposition(info); return YES ; }, prepareReposition: function(info) { var view = this.get('view'), layout = view ? SC.copy(view.get('layout')) : {}; info[SC.keyFor('layout', SC.guidFor(this))] = layout; return this ; }, /** mouse dragged will resize or reposition depending on the settings from mousedown. */ mouseDragged: function(evt) { if (!this.get('designIsEnabled') || !this.get('parentDesignerIsRoot')) return NO ; var info = this._mouseDownInfo, view = this.get('view'), layout, startX, startY; //do some binding!!! if(evt.altKey && SC._Greenhouse){ startX = evt.pageX; startY = evt.pageY; var dragLink = SC.DrawingView.create({ layout: {left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0}, startPoint: {x: startX, y: startY}, endPoint: {x: startX, y: startY}, // private update _pointsDidChange: function(){ var sp = this.get('startPoint'), ep = this.get('endPoint'), xDiff, yDiff, newLink; xDiff = Math.abs(sp.x - ep.x); yDiff = Math.abs(sp.y - ep.y); if (xDiff > 5 || yDiff > 5){ newLink = {}; newLink.shape = SC.LINE; newLink.start = {x: sp.x, y: sp.y}; newLink.end = {x: ep.x, y: ep.y}; newLink.style = { color: 'green', width: 3 }; this.setIfChanged('shapes', [newLink]); } }.observes('startPoint', 'endPoint') }); SC.designPage.get('designMainPane').appendChild(dragLink); SC.Drag.start({ event: evt, source: this, dragLink: dragLink, dragView: SC.View.create({ layout: {left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0}}), ghost: NO, slideBack: YES, dataSource: this, anchorView: view }); } //normal drag else{ if (view && (info.hanchor || info.vanchor)) { layout = SC.copy(this.get('layout')); if (info.hanchor) this._mouseResize(evt, info, this.HKEYS, layout); if (info.vanchor) this._mouseResize(evt, info, this.VKEYS, layout); this.set('layout', layout); } else if (info.reposition) { this.get('designController').repositionSelection(evt, info); } } }, // .......................................................... // Drag source and drag data source // dragDataTypes: ['SC.Binding'], dragDataForType: function(drag, dataType) { return dataType === 'SC.Binding' ? this.get('view') : null; }, /** On mouseUp potentially change selection and cleanup. */ mouseUp: function(evt) { if (!this.get('designIsEnabled') || !this.get('parentDesignerIsRoot')) return NO ; var info = this._mouseDownInfo; // if selected on mouse down and we didn't do any dragging, then deselect. if (info.selected && !info.dragged) { // is the mouse still inside the view? If not, don't do anything... var view = this.get('view'), frame = view ? view.get('frame') : null, pview = view.get('parentView'); if (frame && pview) frame = pview.convertFrameToView(frame, null); if (!frame || SC.pointInRect({ x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY }, frame)) { var controller = this.get('designController'); if (info.metaKey) controller.deselect(this); else controller.select(this, NO); } } //double click if(SC._Greenhouse && evt.clickCount === 2){ var dc = this.get('designController'); if(this.acceptRootDesigner && dc) { dc.makeRootDesigner(this); } else{ //TODO: [MB] decide if this is the functionality I want... SC._Greenhouse.sendAction('openInspector', view); } } this._mouseDownInfo = null; return YES ; }, /** Called by designerController to reposition the view */ mouseReposition: function(evt, info) { var layout = SC.copy(this.get('layout')); this._mouseReposition(evt, info, this.HKEYS, layout); this._mouseReposition(evt, info, this.VKEYS, layout); this.set('layout', layout); return this; }, HKEYS: { evtPoint: "pageX", point: "x", min: "minWidth", max: "maxWidth", head: "left", tail: "right", center: "centerX", size: "width", anchor: "hanchor" }, VKEYS: { evtPoint: "pageY", point: "y", min: "minHeight", max: "maxHeight", head: "top", tail: "bottom", center: "centerY", size: "height", anchor: "vanchor" }, /** Generic resizer. Must pass one set of keys: VKEYS, HKEYS */ _mouseResize: function(evt, info, keys, ret) { var delta = evt[keys.evtPoint] - info[keys.point], layout = info.layout, view = this.get('view'), min = this.get(keys.min), max = this.get(keys.max), headKey = keys.head, tailKey = keys.tail, centerKey = keys.center, sizeKey = keys.size, hasHead = !SC.none(layout[keys.head]), hasTail = !SC.none(layout[keys.tail]), hasCenter = !SC.none(layout[keys.center]), hasSize = !SC.none(layout[keys.size]), w; if (info[keys.anchor] === headKey) { // if left aligned, adjust left size and width if set. if (hasHead) { if (hasSize) { w = layout[sizeKey]; ret[sizeKey] = Math.min(max, Math.max(min, Math.floor(layout[sizeKey] - delta))); min = (layout[headKey]+w) - min; max = (layout[headKey]+w) - max; ret[headKey] = Math.max(max, Math.min(min, Math.floor(layout[headKey]+delta))); } else { ret[headKey] = Math.floor(layout[headKey]+delta); } // if right aligned or centered, adjust the width... } else if (hasTail || hasCenter) { if (hasCenter) delta *= 2; ret[sizeKey] = Math.max(min, Math.min(max, Math.floor((layout[sizeKey]||0)-delta))); // otherwise, adjust left } else ret[headKey] = Math.floor((layout[headKey]||0)+delta); } else if (info[keys.anchor] === tailKey) { // reverse above if (hasTail) { if (hasSize) { w = layout[sizeKey]; ret[sizeKey] = Math.min(max, Math.max(min, Math.floor(layout[sizeKey] + delta))); min = (layout[tailKey]+w)-min; max = (layout[tailKey]+w)-max; ret[tailKey] = Math.max(max, Math.min(min, Math.floor(layout[tailKey]-delta))); } else { ret[tailKey] = Math.floor(layout[tailKey]-delta); } } else { if (hasCenter) delta *= 2; ret[sizeKey] = Math.max(min, Math.min(max, Math.floor((layout[sizeKey]||0)+delta))); } } return this; }, _mouseReposition: function(evt, info, keys, ret) { var delta = evt[keys.evtPoint] - info[keys.point], layout = info[SC.keyFor('layout', SC.guidFor(this))], view = this.get('view'), headKey = keys.head, tailKey = keys.tail, centerKey = keys.center, sizeKey = keys.size, hasHead = !SC.none(layout[headKey]), hasTail = !SC.none(layout[tailKey]), hasCenter = !SC.none(layout[centerKey]), hasSize = !SC.none(layout[sizeKey]), w; // auto-widths can't be repositioned if (hasHead && hasTail && !hasSize) return NO ; // left/top aligned, just adjust top/left location if (hasHead) { ret[headKey] = layout[headKey]+delta; // right/bottom aligned, adjust bottom/right location } else if (hasTail) { ret[tailKey] = layout[tailKey]-delta; } else if (hasCenter) { ret[centerKey] = layout[centerKey]+delta; } else ret[headKey] = (layout[headKey]||0)+delta; return YES ; }, // .......................................................... // Drag data source (for binding lines) // /** This method must be overridden for drag operations to be allowed. Return a bitwise OR'd mask of the drag operations allowed on the specified target. If you don't care about the target, just return a constant value. @param {SC.View} dropTarget The proposed target of the drop. @param {SC.Drag} drag The SC.Drag instance managing this drag. */ dragSourceOperationMaskFor: function(drag, dropTarget) { return SC.DRAG_LINK; }, /** This method is called when the drag begins. You can use this to do any visual highlighting to indicate that the receiver is the source of the drag. @param {SC.Drag} drag The Drag instance managing this drag. @param {Point} loc The point in *window* coordinates where the drag began. You can use convertOffsetFromView() to convert this to local coordinates. */ dragDidBegin: function(drag, loc) { }, /** This method is called whenever the drag image is moved. This is similar to the dragUpdated() method called on drop targets. @param {SC.Drag} drag The Drag instance managing this drag. @param {Point} loc The point in *window* coordinates where the drag mouse is. You can use convertOffsetFromView() to convert this to local coordinates. */ dragDidMove: function(drag, loc) { var dragLink = drag.dragLink; var endX, endY, pv, frame, globalFrame; if (dragLink) { // if using latest SproutCore 1.0, loc is expressed in browser window coordinates pv = dragLink.get('parentView'); frame = dragLink.get('frame'); globalFrame = pv ? pv.convertFrameToView(frame, null) : frame; if (globalFrame) { endX = loc.x - globalFrame.x; endY = loc.y - globalFrame.y; dragLink.set('endPoint', {x: endX , y: endY}); } } }, /** This method is called when the drag ended. You can use this to do any cleanup. The operation is the actual operation performed on the drag. @param {SC.Drag} drag The drag instance managing the drag. @param {Point} loc The point in WINDOW coordinates where the drag ended. @param {DragOp} op The drag operation that was performed. One of SC.DRAG_COPY, SC.DRAG_MOVE, SC.DRAG_LINK, or SC.DRAG_NONE. */ dragDidEnd: function(drag, loc, op) { var dragLink = drag.dragLink; if (dragLink) dragLink.destroy(); } }) ; // Set default Designer for view if (!SC.View.Designer) SC.View.Designer = SC.ViewDesigner ; // .......................................................... // DESIGN NOTIFICATION METHODS // // These methods are invoked automatically on the designer class whenever it // is loaded. SC.ViewDesigner.mixin({ ANCHOR_LEFT: 0x0001, ANCHOR_RIGHT: 0x0002, ANCHOR_CENTERX: 0x0004, ANCHOR_WIDTH: 0x0010, ANCHOR_TOP: 0x0100, ANCHOR_BOTTOM: 0x0200, ANCHOR_CENTERY: 0x0400, ANCHOR_HEIGHT: 0x1000, /** Invoked whenever a designed view is loaded. This will save the design attributes for later use by a designer. */ didLoadDesign: function(designedView, sourceView, attrs) { designedView.isDesign = YES ; // indicates that we need a designer. designedView.designAttrs = attrs; //designedView.sourceView = sourceView; TODO: not sure we need this... }, /** Invoked whenever a location is applied to a designed view. Saves the attributes separately for use by the design view. */ didLoadLocalization: function(designedView, attrs) { // nothing to do for now. }, /** Invoked whenver a view is created. This will create a peer designer if needed. */ didCreateView: function(view, attrs) { // add designer if page is in design mode var page = view.get('page'), design = view.constructor; if (design.isDesign && page && page.get('needsDesigner')) { // find the designer class var cur = design, origDesign = design; while(cur && !cur.Designer) cur = cur.superclass; var DesignerClass = (cur) ? cur.Designer : SC.View.Designer; // next find the first superclass view that is not a design (and a real // class). This is important to make sure that we can determine the // real name of a view's class. while (design && design.isDesign) design = design.superclass; if (!design) design = SC.View; view.designer = DesignerClass.create({ view: view, viewClass: design, designAttrs: origDesign.designAttrs //sourceView: origDesign.sourceView TODO: not sure we need this... }); } } }); // .......................................................... // FIXUP SC.View // SC.View.prototype._orig_respondsTo = SC.View.prototype.respondsTo; SC.View.prototype._orig_tryToPerform = SC.View.prototype.tryToPerform; SC.View.prototype._orig_createLayer = SC.View.prototype.createLayer; SC.View.prototype._orig_updateLayer = SC.View.prototype.updateLayer; SC.View.prototype._orig_destroyLayer = SC.View.prototype.destroyLayer; /** If the view has a designer, then patch respondsTo... */ /*SC.View.prototype.respondsTo = function( methodName ) { var ret = !!(SC.typeOf(this[methodName]) === SC.T_FUNCTION); if (this.designer) ret = ret || this.designer.respondsTo(methodName); return ret ; } ;*/ SC.View.prototype.respondsTo = function( methodName ) { if (this.designer) { var ret = !!(SC.typeOf(this[methodName]) === SC.T_FUNCTION); ret = ret || this.designer.respondsTo(methodName); return ret; } else { return this._orig_respondsTo(methodName); } }; /** If the view has a designer, give it an opportunity to handle an event before passing it on to the main view. */ /*SC.View.prototype.tryToPerform = function(methodName, arg1, arg2) { if (this.designer) { return this.designer.tryToPerform(methodName, arg1, arg2); } else { return this._orig_respondsTo(methodName) && this[methodName](arg1, arg2); } } ;*/ SC.View.prototype.tryToPerform = function(methodName, arg1, arg2) { if (this.designer) { return this.designer.tryToPerform(methodName, arg1, arg2); } else { return this._orig_tryToPerform(methodName, arg1, arg2); } }; /* If the view has a designer, also call designers didCreateLayer method to allow drawing. */ SC.View.prototype.createLayer = function() { var ret = this._orig_createLayer.apply(this, arguments); if (this.designer) this.designer.didCreateLayer(); return ret ; }; /* If the view has a designer, also call the designer's didUpdateLayer method to allow drawing. */ SC.View.prototype.updateLayer = function() { var ret = this._orig_updateLayer.apply(this, arguments); if (this.designer) this.designer.didUpdateLayer(); return ret ; }; /** If the view has a designer, also call the designers willDestroyLayer method. */ SC.View.prototype.destroyLayer = function() { if (this.designer) this.designer.willDestroyLayer(); return this._orig_destroyLayer.apply(this, arguments); };