# Implementation details The ZipTricks streaming implementation is designed around the following requirements: * Only ahead-writes (no IO seek or rewind) * Automatic switching to Zip64 as the files get written (no IO seeks), but not requiring Zip64 support if the archive can do without * Make use of the fact that CRC32 checksums and the sizes of the files (compressed _and_ uncompressed) are known upfront It strives to be compatible with the following unzip programs _at the minimum:_ * OSX - builtin ArchiveUtility (except the Zip64 support when files larger than 4GB are in the archive) * OSX - The Unarchiver, at least 3.10.1 * Windows 7 - built-in Explorer zip browser (except for Unicode filenames which it just doesn't support) * Windows 7 - 7Zip 9.20 Below is the list of _specific_ decisions taken when writing the implementation, with an explanation for each. We specifically _omit_ a number of things that we could do, but that are not necessary to satisfy our objectives. The omissions are _intentional_ since we do not want to have things of which we _assume_ they work, or have things that work only for one obscure unarchiver in one obscure case (like WinRAR with chinese filenames). ## Data descriptors (postfix CRC32/file sizes) Data descriptors permit you to generate "postfix" ZIP files (where you write the local file header without having to know the CRC32 and the file size upfront, then write the compressed file data, and only then - once you know what your CRC32, compressed and uncompressed sizes are etc. - write them into a data descriptor that follows the file data. The streamer does _not_ use data descriptors, because their use [is problematic](https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yazl/issues/13) with the 7Zip version that we want to support. Or rather - not the use of data descriptors themselves, but the use of the GP flag bit 3 that trips up that version of 7Zip. If we were to use data descriptors, we would have to up the minimum supported version of 7Zip. That means, in turn, that **to use the ZipTricks streamer you have to know the CRC32 and the sizes of the compressed/uncompressed file upfront.** So you have to precompute them in some way. To do that, you can use `BlockDeflate` to precompress the file in parallel, and `StreamCRC32` to compute the CRC checksum, before feeding them to the ZIP writer. This approach might be reconsidered in the future. For more info see https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yazl#general-purpose-bit-flag ## Zip64 support Zip64 support switches on _by itself_, automatically, when _any_ of the following conditions is met: * The start of the central directory lies beyound the 4GB limit * The ZIP archive has more than 65535 files added to it * Any entry is present whose compressed _or_ uncompressed size is above 4GB When writing out local file headers, the Zip64 extra field (and related changes to the standard fields) are _only_ performed if one of the file sizes is larger than 4GB. Otherwise the Zip64 extra will _only_ be written in the central directory entry, but not in the local file header. This has to do with the fact that otherwise we would write Zip64 extra fields for all local file headers, regardless whether the file actually requires Zip64 or not. That might impede some older tools from reading the archive, which is a problem you don't want to have if your archive otherwise fits perfectly below all the Zip64 thresholds. To be compatible with Windows7 built-in tools, the Zip64 extra field _must_ be written as _the first_ extra field, any other extra fields should come after. ## International filename support and the Info-ZIP extra field If a diacritic-containing character (such as å) does fit into the DOS-437 codepage, it should be encodable as such. This would, in theory, let older Windows tools decode the filename correctly. However, this kills the filename decoding for the OSX builtin archive utility (it assumes the filename to be UTF-8, regardless). So if we allow filenames to be encoded in DOS-437, we _potentially_ have support in Windows but we upset everyone on Mac. If we just use UTF-8 and set the right EFS bit in general purpose flags, we upset Windows users because most of the Windows unarchive tools (at least the builtin ones) do not give a flying eff about the EFS support bit being set. Additionally, if we use Unarchiver on OSX (which is our recommended unpacker for large files), it will (very rightfully) ask us how we should decode each filename that does not have the EFS bit, but does contain something non-ASCII-decodable. This is horrible UX for users. So, basically, we have 2 choices, for filenames containing diacritics (for bona-fide UTF-8 you do not even get those choices, you _have_ to use UTF-8): * Make life easier for Windows users by setting stuff to DOS, not care about the standard _and_ make most of Mac users upset * Make life easy for Mac users and conform to the standard, and tell Windows users to get a _decent_ ZIP unarchiving tool. We are going with option 2, and this is well-thought-out. Trust me. If you want the crazytown filename encoding scheme that is described here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13261347 you can try this: [Encoding::CP437, Encoding::ISO_8859_1, Encoding::UTF_8] We don't want no such thing, and sorry Windows users, you are going to need a decent unarchiver that honors the standard. Alas, alas. Additionally, the tests with the unarchivers we _do_ support have shown that including the InfoZIP extra field does not actually help any of them recognize the file name correctly. And the use of those fields for the UTF-8 filename, per spec, tells us we should not set the EFS bit - which ruins the unarchiving for all other solutions. As any other, this decision may be changed in the future. There are some interesting notes about the Info-ZIP/EFS combination here https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-compress/zip.html ## Directory support ZIP makes it possible to store empty directories (folders). For our purposes, however, we are going to store only the files. If you store a file, called, say, `docs/item.doc` then the unarchiver will automatically create the `docs` directory if it doesn't exist already. You can also store an entry with a length of 0 and set it's external attributes to be an empty directory, but we do not need that functionality - so it is also omitted.