### 0.9.2 / 2012-05-21

#### Templates

* Test if `@email` is set, before emitting it in the [gemspec] template.
* Convert the `@homepage` instance variable to a String in the [gemspec]
* Specify the exact `ChangeLog` file in the `.document` file in the [yard]

### 0.9.1 / 2012-05-20

* Require thor ~> 0.14.

#### Templates

* Use the newer `RDoc::Task` in the [rdoc] template.
  * Require rdoc ~> 3.0.
* Simplify the `.rvmrc` file in the [rvmrc] template.

### 0.9.0 / 2012-04-28

* Removed the ore-core dependency.
* Removed the env dependency.
* Switched from ore-tasks to rubygems-tasks ~> 0.2.
* Added {Ore::Naming} from `ore-core`.
* Added {Ore::Options}.
* Added {Ore::Actions}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Helpers#rubygems_tasks?}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Helpers#bundler_tasks?}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Helpers#gem_package_task?}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Directory#ignore}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Directory#dependencies}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Directory#development_dependencies}.
* Renamed `Ore::Config.default_options` to {Ore::Config.options}.
* Renamed `Ore::Generator.defaults` to {Ore::Options.defaults}.
* Renamed `Ore::Generator.generator_option` to {Ore::Options::ClassMethods}.
* Renamed `Ore::Generator.templates` to {Ore::Template.templates}.
* Renamed `Ore::Generator.template?` to {Ore::Template.template?}.
* Renamed `Ore::Generator.register_template` to {Ore::Template.register}.

#### Templates

* Added the [gemspec] template.
* Added the [gemspec_yml] template.
* Added the [bundler_tasks] template.
* Added the [gem\_package\_task] template.
* Added the [hg] template.
* Added the [rubygems_tasks] template.
* Removed the `ore_tasks` template.
* Define dependencies in the `template.yml` files.
* Simplified the `[name].gemspec` file in the [base] template.
* Moved the `.gitignore` file into the [git] template.
* If [git] is enabled and `github.user` is set in `~/.gitconfig`, default
  the `@homepage` variable to a `https://github.com/` URL.
* Require the newer `rdoc/task` file in the [rdoc] template.
* Relaxed the `rake` dependency in the [bundler] template to `~> 0.8`.
* Relaxed the `bundler` dependency in the [bundler` template to `~> 1.0`.

#### CLI

* Removed the `ore gem` and `ore gemspec` sub-commands.
* Added the `--bug-tracker` option to `mine`.
* `mine` now hides the output of all commands.
* `mine` suppresses all output when `--quiet` is specified.

### 0.8.1 / 2011-07-11

* Generated `.gemspec` file:
  * Fixed a redundancy.
  * Load the `version.rb` file, after populating `$LOAD_PATH`.
* Generated `Rakefile`:
  * Use `warn` instead of `STDERR.puts`.
* Losen generated `yard` dependency to `~> 0.7`.

### 0.8.0 / 2011-06-18

* Added the `markup`, `date`, `year`, `month` and `day` keywords to
* Added `encoding` comments to generated `Rakefile` and `*.gemspec` files.
* Fixed chmoding of bin files.
* Updated the generated `yard` dependency to `~> 0.7.0`.
* No longer add `has_yard: true` to generated `gemspec.yml` files.
* Generate a pure-Ruby `*.gemspec` file, which loads `gemspec.yml`.

### 0.7.2 / 2011-02-26

* Require ore-core ~> 0.1, >= 0.1.4.
* Added `Ore::Generator.template?`.
* Added {Ore::Generator#enabled_templates}.
* Added {Ore::Generator#disabled_templates}.
* Added {Ore::Generator#templates}.
* Added {Ore::Generator#generated_dirs}.
* Added {Ore::Generator#generated_files}.
* Allow {Ore::Template::Helpers#includes} to yield output.
* Allow the `bundler` template to load `gemfile_prelude`, `gemfile` and
  `gemfile_development` includes.
* Allow `--rdoc` to disable `--yard`.
* Set `@markup` to `:rdoc` in the `rdoc` template.
* Added separate `.document` files for the `rdoc` and `yard` templates.
* Added the `doc` alias-task to the `rdoc` and `yard` templates.
* Added `html/` to the generated `.gitignore` file in the `rdoc` template.
* Allow `--test-unit` to disable `--rspec`.
* Fixed the `test_unit` template.
* Added a `Rakefile` task to the `test_unit` template.
* Define options for installed templates as well.

### 0.7.1 / 2011-02-20

* Added `Ore::Generator#generate_dir`.
* Added `Ore::Generator#generate_file`.
* Only chmod generated files, if they are supposed to be executable.

### 0.7.0 / 2011-02-19

* Require ore-core ~> 0.1, >= 0.1.2.
* Added {Ore::Template::Helpers#git?}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Helpers#bin?}.
* Added the `bin` template and `--bin` option to {Ore::Generator}.
* Enable `--ore-tasks` by default.
* Allow `--jeweler-tasks` to disable `--ore-tasks`.
* Relax ore-tasks dependency to `~> 0.4`.
* Relax rspec dependency to `~> 2.4`.
* Relax ore-core dependency to `~> 0.1`.

### 0.6.0 / 2011-02-12

* Require ore-core ~> 0.1.2.
* Opted into [gem-testers.org](http://gem-testers.org/).
* Added the `rvmrc` template and `--rvmrc` option to {Ore::Generator}:
  * Generates an `.rvmrc` file that creates a new gemset for the project
    and supports Bundler.
* Added `mailto:` to the `Email` links in the generated `README` files.
* Renamed the `ore cut` command to `ore gem`.
* Use `__FILE__` instead of hard-coding the file name into the generated
  `.gemspec` file.
* No longer necessary to require `ore/specification` in the generated
  * The new generated `.gemspec` files can auto-load `Ore::Specification`.
* Do not include `ore-core` in the generated `Gemfile`, if `ore-tasks`
  has already been included.
* Bumped the `ore-tasks` dependency to `~> 0.4.0` in the `ore_tasks`
* Fixed typos in the documentation thanks to

### 0.5.0 / 2011-01-19

* Require ore-core ~> 0.1.1.
* Require rspec ~> 2.4.0.
* Load default options from `~/.ore/options.yml`.
* Added the `gem_test` template and `--gem-test` to {Ore::Generator}.
  This opts-in projects to be tested via the `gem test` command.
* Auto-define options in {Ore::Generator} for builtin templates.
* Added `lib/ore.rb`.
* Added {Ore::Config.enable!}.
* Added {Ore::Config.disable!}.
* Added `Ore::Config.default_options`.
* Added `Ore::Generator.defaults`.
* Added `Ore::Generator.generator_option`.
* Added `vendor/cache/*.gem` to `.gitignore` if `--bundler` is specified.
* Attempt to auto-load `ore/specification` in the generated `*.gemspec`

### 0.4.1 / 2010-12-17

* Added a post-install message.
* Added links to [rubydoc.info](http://rubydoc.info) in the README
* Add `Gemfile.lock` to the generated `.gitignore` file when `--bundler`
  is used.
* Use `platforms :jruby` and `platforms :ruby` to separate JRuby and
  non-JRuby dependencies when generating the `Gemfile`.
* Fixed the link syntax in the TexTile README template.

### 0.4.0 / 2010-11-24

* Ore Template variables are now loaded from the `variables` Hash within
  a `template.yml` file:

          x: foo
          y: bar

* Allow Ore Templates to list other templates to be enabled via the
  `enable` field within a `template.yml` file:

         - yard
         - rspec

* Allow Ore Templates to list other templates to be disabled via the
  `disable` field within a `template.yml` file:

         - rdoc

* Renamed the `ore_depencency` template variable to `ore_core_dependency`.
* Renamed `@namespace_dir` to `@namespace_path` within {Ore::Generator}.
  * `@namespace_dir` now stores the last sub-directory name, derived from
    the project name.
* Include any `_development_dependencies.erb` and `_dependencies.erb`
  includes into the generated `gemspec.yml` file.
* Added a default Example to generated `README` files.
* Bumped the `ore_tasks_dependency` template variable to `~> 0.3.0`.
* Bumped the `jeweler_dependency` template variable to `~> 1.5.0`.

### 0.3.0 / 2010-11-07

* Split all non-CLI and non-Generator related code out into
* {Ore::Generator}:
  * Added {Ore::Template::Helpers#jeweler_tasks?}.
  * Added `Ore::Template::Helpers#ore_tasks?`.
  * Do not include `ore-core` as a development dependency if either
    `--bundler` or `--ore-tasks` is enabled.

### 0.2.3 / 2010-11-01

* Fixed path interpolation on Windows:
  * Windows does not allow the `:` character in paths, so path interpolation
    keywords are now wrapped in `[` and `]` characters.

        # => "my-project.gemspec"

* Do not include `ore-tasks` as a developmnet dependency in generated
  projects that also use Bundler.
* Added more specs to {Ore::Generator} and the builtin templates.

### 0.2.2 / 2010-10-30

* Added `Ore::Project#root`.

### 0.2.1 / 2010-10-29

* Ignore 'ruby' and 'java' from namespace directories returned from
* Ignore 'ruby' and 'java' from module names returned from

### 0.2.0 / 2010-10-27

* Added `Ore::Project#requirements`.
* Added `Ore::Settings#set_requirements!`.
* Added {Ore::Template::InvalidTemplate}.
* Added {Ore::Template::Directory#load!}.
* Suppress `no rubyforge_project specified` warnings by setting the
  `rubyforge_project` to the project name in `Ore::Project#to_gemspec`.
* Do not add extra dependencies to the `gemspec.yml` file when generating
  a Bundler enabled project. Extra dependencies will be added to the
  `Gemfile` and controlled by Bundler.
* Allow Ore template directories to contain `template.yml` which may list
  template variables:

        variable: Value

### 0.1.4 / 2010-10-26

* Increased documentation coverage.
* Make sure {Ore::Config.builtin_templates} and
  {Ore::Config.installed_templates} only yield valid directories.
* Ensure that `Ore::Settings` handles versions as Strings.
* Fixed two typos.

### 0.1.3 / 2010-10-25

* Fixed URLs in the `gemspec.yml` and {file:README.md}.

### 0.1.2 / 2010-10-25

* Renamed `--jeweler` to `--jeweler-tasks` in {Ore::Generator}.
* Renamed `--ore` to `--ore-tasks` in {Ore::Generator}.
* Fixed the `remove` task in {Ore::CLI}.

### 0.1.1 / 2010-10-25

* Show stopper bug fixed.

### 0.1.0 / 2010-10-25

* Initial release:
  * Added {Ore::Config}.
  * Added `Ore::Naming`.
  * Added `Ore::DocumentFile`.
  * Added `Ore::Versions`:
    * Added `Ore::Versions::Version`.
    * Added `Ore::Versions::VersionConstant`.
    * Added `Ore::Versions::VersionFile`.
  * Added `Ore::Project`:
    * Added `Ore::Checks`.
    * Added `Ore::Defaults`.
    * Added `Ore::Settings`.
  * Added `Ore::Specification`.
  * Added {Ore::Template}:
    * Added {Ore::Template::Directory}.
    * Added {Ore::Template::Interpolations}.
    * Added {Ore::Template::Helpers}.
  * Added {Ore::Generator}.

[base]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/base
[bin]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/bin
[bundler]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/bundler
[bundler_tasks]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/bundler_tasks
[gemspec]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/gemspec
[gemspec_yml]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/gemspec_yml
[gem\_package\_task]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/gem_package_task
[gem_test]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/gem_test
[git]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/git
[hg]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/hg
[jeweler_tasks]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/jeweler_tasks
[rdoc]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/rdoc
[rspec]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/rspec
[rubygems_tasks]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/rubygems_tasks
[rvmrc]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/rvmrc
[test_unit]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/test_unit
[yard]: https://github.com/ruby-ore/ore/tree/master/data/ore/templates/yard